Why does my dog not like to cuddle at night?

Dogs show their love for us in many ways. One of the best is when our dogs snuggle right up next to us on the bed or sofa, and even rest their head on our lap. As pet owners, we definitely love that our dogs often choose to snuggle with us for warmth and comfort. But why do some dogs snuggle with some people and not with others?


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It's been said that dogs choose their owners. And perhaps it's true. Psychology Today reported on a study in which dog owners rated their dogs on five personality traits. The study, published in the journal Applied Animal Behavior Science, reported that the dog owners rated their dogs as having similar personalities to themselves in all five of the personality traits measured.


How do dogs choose?

The Animal Channel gave some info on how dogs choose their favorite person. They said that's its a complicated mix of factors including early socialization and positive associations with the person. When a dog is socialized from birth to 6 months, this period influences their behavior towards humans for the rest of their lives. The people that spend the most time socializing the puppy during this crucial period are the ones that the dog is likely to want to snuggle with.


If a dog has come from a shelter or from another home, they may have already gone through their socializing period with other people. They may need more time to develop a snuggle-worthy bond with the new people in their lives.

Dog cuddling dominance

In a video interview, dog trainer Cesar Milan stated that dog cuddling and dominance are related. He says that when a dog is in a state of dominance, they're not really good cuddlers. He said that a leader likes to be by himself, while a dog who is a follower is more likely to want affection. He suggests that ignoring the dog more often can make him seek out his owner more often, which could make him want to snuggle more.


Dogs sleep cycle

If it seems like your dog sleeps all day, that's not too far from the truth. The American Kennel Club explains that dogs spend about 50% of the day actively sleeping — that means the average dogs spends 12 to 14 hours of the 24-hour day sleeping. Thirty percent of their time is spent awake but lying around, and only 20% of their day is spent being active. If your dog is cuddling you at sleep time and not anyone else in the house, it could simply be because your dog's sleep cycle matches up with your own.


Dogs are naturally pack animals and they love to sleep with their pack. In the wild, the more tightly they sleep, the better, because snuggling together offers warmth and protection. If your dog considers you the leader of the pack, he will likely want to sleep close to you.

Dogs that don't cuddle

The question is less about dog breeds that don't like to cuddle than why a particular dog of any breed may not like to cuddle. Mercola says that rather than being a sign that he is rejecting you, it could mean that he does not like the way you are cuddling him. In one study of 28 dogs who were petted in nine different ways, most of the dogs showed signs of being uncomfortable when petted on the top of the head or paw.


If you're trying to pet your dog on top of the head, instead try scratches at the base of the tail, shoulder, or chest. Mercola suggests considering if pain or some other issue such as an injury is causing a dog who formerly liked to cuddle to not like to cuddle anymore. Some dogs prefer to be near you but not sit right next to you, and a dog with this personality may not like cuddling as much.

For most devoted pet parents, having a comfortable cuddle session with their dog is one of the highlights of their days, and a definite perk of the relationship. Sometimes, however, dogs may prefer to keep to their own, either occasionally or all of the time. If you're wondering why your dog isn't snuggling with you, it's helpful to consider their personality and preference for personal space. Like, people, all dogs are unique individuals — some like to be close and cuddly at all times, while others may prefer a more aloof style of showing their appreciation.


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Why won’t my dog cuddle me?

There are a number of reasons why a dog wouldn't want to cuddle, some more serious than others. For starters, some dogs, like some people, just don't want to cuddle because they simply don't like it. In fact, some breeds are known for being more aloof than others, who express a more reserved temperament than one that is eager to please and engage in play. Such breeds include chow chows, Akitas, Tibetan mastiffs, and Rottweilers, although any dog may prefer to keep to themselves rather than snuggle up with someone else.


Additionally, your dog just may not like to cuddle the same way you do. Psychology Today suggests resisting the urge to hug your dog because it may stress him out. Why? Dogs rely on their ability to run away from stressful or potentially harmful situations, so if they're physically restrained from doing so, it may initiate a panic response from them. Dogs naturally cuddle up as puppies for warmth and socialization — some dogs still find cuddling to be stress relieving later in life, while others don't find the need for it after having reached adulthood.


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Dogs and affection

If your dog doesn't cuddle with you, try to not take it personally, and remember that dogs and humans simply have different ways of showing their affection to others. Dogs and humans share love and adoration differently, and canines show affection in a number of ways, some of which you may not have noticed as affirmations. Some of these behaviors include following their people around, leaning against a person's legs, expressing excitement, like tail wagging, when they see someone they like, making eye contact when their owner speaks, and bringing people toys or their favorite playthings, says VCA Hospitals.


In general, dogs love being in social relationships, even if that just means having a companion who is reliable, kind, safe, and fun to be around. Even if your dog isn't the type to cuddle under the covers as you lie in bed on a lazy morning, or plop down next to you on the couch while you enjoy a movie at night, your canine friend definitely has his way of showing love.


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When to be concerned

Sometimes, a dog may not opt to snuggle their favorite human friend because they don't feel good, which could be a definite possibility if your dog used to cuddle you and suddenly stops. Physical pain from an injury, like a pulled muscle, may cause your dog to suddenly withdraw from touch, or possibly, interaction of any kind. Dental diseases can also be a source of pain that isn't always easy to spot, and may lead a dog to shy away, says Preventative Vet. If you notice that your dog is suddenly disinterested in cuddling, especially if she enjoyed a good snuggle session in the recent past, contact your veterinarian for a physical exam, which will help you locate the source of discomfort, if that's the case.


When dogs reach older ages, certain ailments may cause them to retreat from activities that may have, at one time, been an enjoyable part of their lives, like cuddling with their person or joining them in bed for the night. Conditions like arthritis can make physical touch too uncomfortable for some dogs to bear, and stiff joints or skin diseases that may irritate dogs may simply find some averse to certain surfaces, or resting on any space for a prolonged period of time.



If your dog won't cuddle you, it's important to remember that, like people, not all dogs enjoy being so close and affectionate to those around them. For some dogs, this can mean when they are uncomfortable, perhaps due to heat, pain, or just general discomfort. (If your dog used to like cuddling and suddenly doesn't want to cuddle, contact your vet, as it may be a sign that they are experiencing physical pain or feel ill.) Other dogs may simply prefer to keep their distance, but will likely show their adoration for you in other ways.

Why won't my dog cuddle with me at night?

If so, your dog may have trust issues or even feel afraid of humans. Additionally, just like some humans, your dog may enjoy his personal space. Not everyone enjoys a lot of physical closeness. Animals and humans alike have different attitudes toward petting, physical proximity and cuddling.

Why does my dog not cuddle in bed?

The main reason why some dogs dislike cuddles and hugs is that they are physical communicators and when you cuddle or embrace them it restricts their ability to effectively communicate. They feel uncomfortable and vulnerable if their communication outlets are hindered by cuddling.

Is it normal for dogs to not like cuddling?

But, it might come as a shock to discover that some dogs don't like petting. It doesn't matter if it's a soft stroke or a deep-tissue massage—these touch-aversive dogs prefer to skip cuddly physical contact. Living with a hands-off dog can be a difficult because we all want to show our dogs how much we love them.

Why does my dog suddenly not want to cuddle?

Your dog may not cuddle anymore if it is sick or struggling with old age. Also, if it feels intimidated or finds a new friend, the cuddling might reduce too. Sometimes it might be that the timing is off or somebody maltreated it. Generally, canines are perceptive and very loving about their owners.


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