Why cant i see everyone who liked an instagram post

  • You can't see who views your Instagram profile, but you can see who views stories and videos. 
  • For Instagram stories, you can see exactly who viewed your story while it's still live.
  • For video posts, you can only see the total number of views and users who've liked the posts.

While you can't see who viewed your Instagram profile, there are two ways you can track the viewers of video content you post on Instagram.

To see who viewed a video on your Instagram story, you'll have to tap the story while it's still live. The total number will appear in the bottom left hand corner. Tap to scroll and view the names of all the users who've watched the story.

For a video posted to your profile feed, tap the label underneath the post. Unfortunately, you can only view the total number of views but not the individual user names. You can, however, view the users who have liked it and, thus, have viewed it.

Here's how to see who viewed your Instagram videos.

Can you see who views your Instagram? 

Instagram offers no way to see who has visited your profile. 

While the list of Instagram profile visits is hidden, you can get a pretty good idea of who has been checking you out when they interact with one of your stories or video posts. 

How to see who viewed one of your Instagram stories

1. Open Instagram on your mobile device.

2. Tap on Your Story – the icon with your profile picture – in the top left hand corner. You can also access your story from your profile page. Both will show a colored ring around your circular profile picture.

Tap “Your Story.” Stefan Ionescu/Insider

3. Tap Activity in the bottom left corner. 

Tap “Activity.” Stefan Ionescu/Insider

4. You'll see a pop-up with the number of viewers and a list of the people who viewed the video. You can scroll through the list to see their names.

You can now see everyone who viewed your Instagram story. Stefan Ionescu/Insider

1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device.

2. Tap the profile icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.

3. Find the video you want to see the views for and tap it.

Check for the video player icon to easily identify your videos. Stefan Ionescu/Insider

4. Underneath the video, you'll see a total number of views as well as a few of the names of those who liked it. Tap on these labels to view more details.

5. In the details, you'll see the total number of views listed again at the very top; the individual viewers' names are not accessible. Scroll the list to see the names of everyone who liked the video, or use the search bar at the top to save time and search for a specific person.

ou can see the number of views and a few names of the people who liked your video. Stefan Ionescu/Insider

Marissa Perino is a former editorial intern covering executive lifestyle. She previously worked at Cold Lips in London and Creative Nonfiction in Pittsburgh. She studied journalism and communications at the University of Pittsburgh, along with creative writing. Find her on Twitter: @mlperino.

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Instagram is running a test that hides likes and video views for some people. Credit: Thomas Trutschel/Photothek via Getty Images

Instagram’s rolled out their latest feature update in a number of key markets, making like counts on posts visible only to the account holder.

After an initial test in Canada from April, the company expanded the feature to Australia, Ireland, Brazil, Italy, Japan, and New Zealand across the course of Thursday.

We’re currently running a test that hides the total number of likes and video views for some people in the following countries:

✅ Australia
✅ Brazil
✅ Canada
✅ Ireland
✅ Italy
✅ Japan
✅ New Zealand pic.twitter.com/2OdzpIUBka

— Instagram (@instagram) July 17, 2019

The official line is that it's designed to "reduce pressure” on users and increase focus on the content itself, rather than the numbers it generates.'

"We want your friends to focus on the photos and videos you share, not how many likes they get. You can still see your own likes by tapping on the list of people who've liked it, but your friends will not be able to see how many likes your post has received," the company tweeted.

As expected, people took to Twitter to share how they feel about it — possibly just because they’re already suffering heart-count withdrawal, and Twitter faves are very much still a thing.

Not everyone was a fan, with the topic trending worldwide within a few hours.

This would be better if it was optional. Those who want to hide their likes can have the option to hide them, those who don’t want to wont need to. You already give us this option for comments, why not likes?

— Elizabeth Villalobos (@_elizabethdrea) July 18, 2019

Won’t somebody please think of the influencers?

What about the people using it for income? The people who work hard creating content, to then have their hard work not praised/not shown how successful it was to others?? Instead the app ruins the quality and doesn’t show the posts to 90% of followers? #instagramlikes #instagram

— luce (@LucieSeviour) July 17, 2019

brands rly boutta start only paying content creators they already have good relationships with. if you're not already established uhhhhhh good luck man

— lil snitch ♡ (@babysnitchery) July 17, 2019

i feel like @Instagram should have the OPTION to turn off displaying your likes for business reasons, now kids are gonna be buying their followers, receiving sponsorships and businesses wont realise what’s real

— Melly (@AngelMelly) July 18, 2019

But plenty of people were loving it already, whether it was for the cleaner look or the freedom from the shame of unloved content.


— troye (@troyesivan) July 18, 2019

instagram starting to not show the amount of likes is ABSOLUTELY a step in the right direction and im stoked

— Tyde Levi (@TydeLevi) July 18, 2019

Likes have officially dropped off my Instagram and I really love it. I already feel like I'm not looking for how many people have engaged and I just pay attention to what's written and been posted. #InstagramLikes

— Alex Anastassiou (@alexanasta_) July 18, 2019

Instagram is about to hide the likes amount, now i can finally post shit and not worry about buying likes . Ugh my friends will never find out that my 7k followers are bots

— lil cuban 🇨🇺👠 (fan account) (@gagathatbitch) July 17, 2019

The positive effect it could have on mental health, especially for younger users, was noted:

Love this! Can only think of the amount of bullying/popularity contests I've seen in schools I've worked in winding down without being able to measure likes. This very well may work towards improving mental health in young people. #instagramlikes

— Keeks (@kirrilaa) July 18, 2019

I'm am in love with Instagram's new policy on viewing likes. Only you can see your posts total no.of likes. This will now discourage the notion of number of likes = self worth and end the trend of comparing yourself to others. This is a mental health plus+ Well done #instagram 👏

— ÉaniaMcG (@EaniaMac) July 17, 2019

While others were plotting alternate methods for propping up their fragile egos.

Since Instagram has removed Likes, I'm just going to have to rely on people adding me to their Close Friends list for validation.

— Ginger (@gingerBFG) July 18, 2019

instagram can take the likes as long as they leave that you can still see who has watched your stories so you can build a rich internal imaginary life based upon the views xx

— Bec Shaw (@Brocklesnitch) July 18, 2019

Others pointed out that the motivations may (and this may shock you) be less than pure.

I think the #instagramlikes thing is a huge mistake. If you can't see likes you are far less likely to 'like' an image. That reduces interaction, which is death for an interactive platform.

— Adam Liaw (@adamliaw) July 18, 2019

Disgusting that you would think Zuckerberg is about revenue when he’s simply trying to be a good citizen

— Paris (@DavidParis) July 18, 2019

I remain a bit skeptical that hiding #instagramlikes will make a massive impact. My feeling is that behaviour will shift to commenting - which is means users spend more time on the platform & this is viewed as a higher level of engagement. #cynical

— Jocelyn Brewer 🌈 (@JocelynBrewer) July 18, 2019


Everyone: chronological order?

Instagram: hide likes?

Everyone: chronological order!

Instagram: hide likes?


Instagram: hide likes? //t.co/NMoWhawnkj

— Garrett Mundy (@GarrettIvo) July 18, 2019

The thing that makes people feel shit about themselves on @instagram is the false narratives people paint & subsequent comparison of their lives & bodies against others, not the amount of likes they get.
Engagement is a KPI & collaboration tool. We just want chronological feeds. pic.twitter.com/Dysp2YKS0k

— liv bevan (@livbev) July 18, 2019

Fortunately, there’s still a way to make sure everyone knows your thirst traps are working: just get the numbers out there manually.

If you're upset about no one will see likes on your post,

you can screenshot your private likes from your post and make a new post of it so people can still see how many likes you got and how popular you are just for your peace of mind ;)#instagramlikes

— low res cat. (@yohkeke) July 18, 2019

Or just, y’know, lie.

Of course, even if this change is rolled out permanently across the whole platform, likes themselves aren’t actually going anywhere — the only thing being removed is the number displayed publicly. You can still see whether your shot of the epic #sydneysunset on your commute home got 15 likes or 500 — you just won’t know whether that’s more or fewer than the 17 identical ones your friends posted.

In other words, for individual users, the dopamine hit of the number stays, but the ego blow of seeing other people’s is less of an issue for those who are susceptible to such things.

But it’s interesting to note how many people feel that if their likes aren’t publicly visible, they may as well not be there at all.

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Why can't I see everyone who liked a post?

If the number of likes is not the same as the number of user profiles that you see after clicking on the number, either someone who liked it blocked you, you blocked him/her or they deactivated their profile. If someone has deactivated his/her profile, there likes count also will not show.

Why can'ti see everyone who liked an Instagram post 2022?

The decision to publicly hide the number of likes is part of the social media platform's founders' effort to make Instagram a place where users can focus on the content they share and not on the number of likes they receive. The total like count will only be available to the individual who posted it.

How do you see all the people who liked a post on Instagram?

In general, you can find a post's likes below it on Instagram. To see how many likes a post of a video has, first tap the view count below the video. From there, you can see the number of likes a video has and who's liked it.


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