Which statement about subatomic particles is not true Quizlet

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Which statement is not true about the subatomic particles?

Answer and Explanation: The statement that is not true about subatomic particle is that all electrons and atom contain the same amount of energy.

Which statements about subatomic particles is true?

Answer and Explanation: The given statement a. that is "if an atom has an equal number of protons and electrons, it will be charge-neutral" is true because the charge of proton and neutrons are different in sign but it is similar in magnitude.

Which is true about subatomic particles quizlet?

Which of the following is true about subatomic particles? Electrons are negatively charged and are the heaviest subatomic particle. Protons are positively charged and the lightest subatomic particle. Neutrons have no charge and are the lightest subatomic particle.

Which of the following is not a subatomic particle?

Positron is not a subatomic particle. Electrons, protons and neutrons are the subatomic particles.


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