Which security breach character am i

Loved watching, Five Nights at Freddy's? Do you want to know which FNAF character you are? If yes, take this quiz and know the answer. If you have played this popular video game, you must have a favorite character that you...

Questions: 17  |  Attempts: 146865   |  Last updated: Aug 23, 2022

  • Sample Question

    Do you think FNAF 4 is scary?

    Yes, it is.

    No, I don't think so.

    Maybe, I am not sure.

Have you played FNAF? Take this quiz and find out which FNAF animatronic you are. Five Nights at Freddie's is one of the finest horror games ever made. We were all scared when we played the game for the first time, right?...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 133423   |  Last updated: Aug 23, 2022

  • Sample Question

    Who is your favorite Toy animatronic?

    Toy Freddy

    Toy Bonnie

    Toy Chica

Have you ever wondered which Five Nights at Freddy's character are you? If yes, then here's your chance to find out the answer today. Take the quiz below and find out which character from this video game series...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 56313   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2022

  • Sample Question

    Its night five now, are you ready to take action?

    Not for me. Maybe.

    I know what I need to. Coming for you!

    Party time!

More Five Nights At Freddys Quizzes

This is the very first quiz I hope you enjoy it. I also plan to make many more. pls, leave it in the comments if you like it. Now without further ado enjoy!

I really hope you liked the quiz, and like I said at the beginning I plan on making many more. Sorry, it wasn't that long. pls type in the comments what you got and if you have any ideas of what I should do next, farewell

Created by: BlueDragon4528

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Quiz topic: Which security breach character am I

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Quiz topic: Which Security Breach Character am I?

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No. 1 /6

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Marionette and Golden Freddy are BFFs or not?.

No, they are not friends

Yes . I think so

I don't know about them

Maybe Golden Freddy and Dj Music man are BFFs

No. 2 /6

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Who made the robots this way?

Purple guy


Phone guy



No. 3 /6

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Which of these two people has the least frightening jumpscare?

Marionette, balloon boy

Bonnie, Freddy

Chica, Old bonnie

Toy bonnie, Mangle

Foxy, springtrap

No. 4 /6

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If your playing a FNAF would you get mad at it?

Yes obviously.


Only sometimes



No. 5 /6

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What's your preferred method of assassinating your villain?






No. 6 /6

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Which of the following fears do you think you can relate to the most?

Fear of Blood

Fear of Clowns

Fear of Darkness

Fear of Fight


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