Which of the following is equivalent to 60 1 2

Which of the following is equivalent to 60 1/2 ? 60/2 square root of 60 frac 1602 frac 1 square root of 60



Grade 11 · 2021-05-22

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Which of the following is equivalent to Which of the following is equivalent to 60 1/2 ? - Gauthmath
\frac {60}{2}
\sqrt {60}
\frac {1}{60^{2}}
\frac {1}{\sqrt {60}}

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Grade 11 · 2021-05-22



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What is the answer for 12 less than 60?

12, 24, 36 and 48 are the answers.

Which of the following is equivalent to square root of 8?

The square root of 8 in radical form is represented as √8 which is also equal to 2√2 and as a fraction, it is equal to 2.828 approximately.

Are 1 by 3 and 2 by 7 are equivalent?

2/7 is not equivalent fraction of 1/3 because 7 is not exactly divisible by 3. 2/7 is not equivalent fraction of 2/5 because 7 is not exactly divisible by 5.


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