Which of the following is a basic component of all the others?

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The 14 Basic Components of Health

There are 14 basic, yet major components to a long, healthy and energy filled life. If by the end of this article you happen to be saying, “Well I have 10 out of 14, so I’m doing just fine”, then you have missed an important point as each is as important as the others and each is essential for your healthy living.

  1. Fresh Air – It sounds simple, but fresh air (oxygen) is the catalyst to create ATP (Adenosine Trihosphate). ATP is the energy used by your cells and without it your body would immediately shut down. Most people by habit are shallow breathers, so it is important that each day you take a few breaks and work on deep breathing. 10 power breaths 3 times a day in the following ratio: Inhale for 1 count, hold for 4 counts, exhale for 2 counts is fantastic for supporting the cells with ample amounts of oxygen, removing toxins from the blood and is also very relaxing.
  2. Sunlight –  Once again it sounds simple, but many people are not getting enough. Sunlight stimulates the production and release of hormones serotonin, melatonin, endorphins, etc. These hormones are essential for maintaining happiness and consistent moods.
  3. Water – Every organ, in fact every cell in your body depends on water to function. Water also serves as a lubricant and forms the base for saliva and the fluids that surround the joints. Water regulates the body temperature, as the cooling and heating are distributed through perspiration. Most people don’t drink one-quarter of their daily-recommended water intake. Make an effort to drink half your body weight in ounces daily (if you weigh 200 lbs, drink 100 ounces, or approx 6x500ml) bottles.
  4. Green Foods – Green foods contain the essential ingredients needed for the creation and maintenance of healthy cells. They contain life-giving elements such as chlorophyll, vitamins, and minerals, fiber, enzymes, and phytonutrients. Green vegetables and wheatgrass contain high amounts of Vitamins A, B, C, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium & magnesium. So what does this mean? If your diet lacks green foods your body is missing out. It’s time to stock up and make eating these foods a habit. “But I don’t like greens” is not an acceptable excuse, it is doing you harm.
  5. Essential Fatty Acids – Fat may be a ‘bad’ word, but there are good fats. The body needs essential fats and oils to build cell membranes, aid in the production of hormones, raise metabolism, create energy, power the immune system etc. They also provide lubrication so the cells are free to move. If you are not eating much fish, it is imperative that you take supplements such as olive oil (not cooked), flaxseed oil, avocado, sunflower seeds or Udo’s oils.
  6. Alkalising Foods – We have all heard the word ‘stomach acids’. Many people’s stomachs run at high levels of acidity which can cause an untold number of medical complications. It’s important you are getting enough foods to keep your stomach at an alkaline balanced level. Fresh, alive, raw foods give more energy than they take away and help the body maintain an alkaline balance. Green foods and drinks, uncooked vegetables, non-acid fruits, raw almonds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds lemon, lime are all great for this. Don’t be the person who ignores this or it can lead to health problems later on.
  7. Essential Amino Acids – Essential amino acids comprise the proteins for the body, which are the basic building blocks of cells. A lack of protein in the diet and the body not only lose strength but it is unable to function properly. Foods contain- ing an abundance of amino acids are meat (preferably fish), broccoli and wheatgrass. Wheatgrass contains all of the essential ami- no acids. These are the 8 amino acids that the body cannot manufacture by itself.
  8. Phytonutrients – Are you eating enough coloured vegetables and fruits? It is important that you eat a mix of fruit and veg to obtain adequate levels of phytonutrients. These provide the body with its need for chemicals similar to vitamins and also help rid the body of yeast and fungus. One group of these is bioflavonoids, water-soluble companions of Vitamin C.
  9. Vitamins – facilitate chemical reactions and processes in the body. They are the fundamental nutrients that sustain life. Those most at risk of falling short in the vitamins department are those who not eat a varied diet. For those who rely on a number of meals being takeaway, it is almost certain they are not taking enough vitamins. Live foods and quality supplementation (not synthetic) are recommended.
  10. Enzymes – Enzymes are the dynamic factors that break down fats, carbohydrates, and proteins into their basic building blocks so the body can digest and use them. Once again, live, raw foods are required to obtain facilitate this need.
  11. Minerals – comprise the basic components of tissues. They help maintain the proper electrical balance in the body, buffer acids, and aid in repair and regeneration. Live foods, especially greens, and quality supplementation are essential.
  12. Fiber – Fibre reduces toxic-waste build up in the body by decreasing the transit time of waste material through the bowel. Plant foods (vegetables and grasses) are your best bets. Eat- ing a quality cereal is one way to kick-start your day with a good dose of fiber. You should avoid high-sugar fruit – although it contains fiber, its high sugar content feeds yeast and fungus.
  13. Anti-Oxidants – Anti-Oxidants help balance the oxidation process that strips electrons from cells. They help ward off a number of diseases including cancers. Colourful vegetables and fruits such as carrots, peppers (capsicum), tomato, watermelon, grapes, Green Qi are high in antioxidants, as are blueberries and strawberries.
  14. Friendly Micro-Organisms – Friendly Micro-Organisms maintain healthy flora in our systems. They help create an environment that inhibits the growth of bad bacteria, thereby monitoring and controlling the growth of potentially harmful micro-organisms in your body. They can also help cancel out the effects of toxins and environmental pollutants. It is highly recommended that people take probiotic supplements such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus Bifidus, Lactobacillus Bulgaricus.


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What is the most basic level of organization?

Level 1: Cells The first and most basic level of organization is the cellular level. A cell is the basic unit of life and the smallest unit capable of reproduction. While cells vary greatly in their structure and function based on the type of organism, all cells have a few things in common.

Why cell is the basic unit of life?

Cells are considered the basic units of life in part because they come in discrete and easily recognizable packages. That's because all cells are surrounded by a structure called the cell membrane — which, much like the walls of a house, serves as a clear boundary between the cell's internal and external environments.

What are the components of organ system?

Cells make up tissues, tissues make up organs, and organs make up organ systems.

What level of taxonomy encompasses all of the others?

There are 7 taxonomic categories. They are kingdom, phylum or division, class, order, family, genus, species. Order, being the highest category among the given categories,i.e., family genus, species and order, includes all the other taxonomic categories.


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