Which is the most powerful piece on a chess board?

The most powerful and effective piece on the chess board is nonetheless, the queen. The Queen hold the most value (a total of 9 points) on the chessboard because she can control up to a maximum of 26 squares.

The position of the queen is next to the king; the white queen starts off standing on a white square and the black queen on a black square. The queen is allowed to move in any direction and take as many moves as she likes. This makes her extremely powerful and fearful so it is extremely crucial that you safeguard your queen as much as possible and not allow any harm to come to her.

She can win you the game in no time, provided you use her to her full potential. The queen is a hybrid and has the diagonal power of the bishop and the straight-line attack of the rook. She does not move like the knight, which is her only drawback.

Why Is The Queen So Powerful?

The queen is so powerful because she can move in any direction in a straight line. This includes up, down, sideways and diagonally. And, as previously mentioned, she can control up to 26 squares from the center of the board . The queen is most powerful in the endgame and middlegame, but not so much in the opening.

The reason for this is because in the opening, the queen is often tossed around and valuable tempo is loss. In chess, tempo is related to the time taken to develop your pieces. Sometimes if you are not careful, you could lose your queen as early in the opening stage. Therefore, it’s best not to bring out your queen too early and instead focusing on developing your minor pieces and finish castle.

How Valuable Is Your Queen?

The queen is so valuable that if you lose it, the game is lost theoretically and you can just resign. On the contrary, you can still lose your queen and have just about a winning position. For example trading your queen for three minor pieces is an ideal strategy especially in the endgame.

If you have three minor pieces against your opponent single queen, you stand good chances of winning since your pieces can work harmoniously to achieve a specific goal. It would be harder for your opponent thou, since the queen really has no one to work with. Here are some scenarios when its okay to trade your queen:

  • Trade your queen for 2 rooks
  • Trade your queen for three minor pieces (minor pieces are simply bishops and knights)
  • Sacrifice your queen for a concrete mating attack

For more information about the power of the queen, See how does the queen move in chess?

how so? the king might be the most important piece (in that losing your king loses the game) but in terms of sheer power the queen is presumably magnitudes ahead, seeing as how it can move exactly like the king but it can go more than a single space in any direction.

But now one might further argue that the pawn is the strongest piece as the potential for promotion means that it has a unlocked power that is up to or equal to a queen in addition to is basic power as a lowly pawn. 

The strongest piece changes vary greatly. you can have games with all star bishops or rooks that do so much more work than anything else. Don't limit your thoughts.

Piece hierarchy

You probably know by now that on the chess board there are 6 types of pieces, each one moving and capturing according to different rules. The value of a piece is given by its ability to capture other pieces and by its importance for the game.

A piece's ability to capture other pieces is given by its mobility, or range of action, in other words by the number of squares on which the piece could move on. From this point of view the queen is the most powerful piece on the board because it has the biggest range of action.

But although the queen is the strongest piece it is not the most important. The most post important piece on the chess board is the king because the entire game revolves around checking the opponent's king.

Many beginners make the false assumption that the value of a piece remains constant throughout the game. That is not true. The fact is that the value of the piece depends a lot on the surrounding pieces and their position. The more pieces there are on the board the more limited they are in their movement. Because the number of pieces decreases throughout the game the mobility of most remaining pieces increase and thus, so does their value.

Although a piece's value may change during the game it will always have a potential value, a so called absolute value. This is the main reference that indicates to you whether a piece is normally more valuable than another. The absolute value of a chess piece is estimated by analyzing its range of action if it were alone on the chess board. Here is the piece hierarchy constructed by taking in consideration the absolute value of each piece:

  • The queen : it has the biggest range of action of all pieces, being able to move along the diagonals, ranks and files;
  • The rook;
  • The bishop and the knight are both at the same level. The fact that the knight has fewer squares on which to move is compensated by the fact that it can jump over other pieces;
  • The king: it has a small value because it doesn't have a great mobility but it is the most important piece in the game;
  • The pawn ;

Beside the absolute value, a piece also has a relative value given by its position on the chess board and by the current phase of the game.

There are certain ratios between the relative values of the pieces that change while the game passes from one phase to another.

In the opening and the central game:

  • the knight and the bishop have the same value, each of them being a little more valuable than three pawns. Many players have the prejudice according to which the bishop is a little more valuable than the knight. That couldn't be more false! As I said earlier the knight compensates its small range of action with the fact that it can jump over other pieces.
  • The rook is somewhat equivalent with a knight or a bishop plus two pawns.
  • The queen's value is equal with that of two rooks but is smaller than that of three bishops or knights.

In the end game the ratios change :

  • the pawn's value increases;
  • Three pawns are equivalent with a bishop or a knight;
  • The rook has the same value as a bishop or knight and a pawn;
  • Two rooks are more valuable then a queen;
  • A queen is equivalent with three knights or bishops;
  • A queen is equivalent with a rook a bishop or a knight and a pawn;
  • The closer a pawn is to the promotion square the more valuable it is ;

It is very important that you know the values I've presented earlier. By knowing the value of each individual piece you will be able to evaluate whether you should exchange a piece or whether you should capture a piece. You'll also know wether you have more material resources than your opponent.

The conclusion is that the value of a piece is dictated by its strategic position and by its ability of working together with other pieces. So the fact that a player has less pieces could be compensated by their superior position on the board.

You will see how to apply what you've learned here in your game in the next article.

Is the pawn the strongest piece in chess?

1. Pawn is the weakest piece on the chessboard, it is worth one point (1 point = 1 pawn). 2. Pawn is the only chess piece that can promote to any other piece once it reaches the 8th rank (or 1st for black).

What is the most important piece in chess?

King. The King is the most important piece of the game! This piece cannot be taken off the board; the aim of the game is to capture your opponent's king, whilst keeping yours safe. The king moves one square at a time in any direction.

Which is the least powerful piece on the chess board?

The pawn is the lowest-value piece on the chessboard, and there are eight pawns per player. The way pawns are arranged on the board is called the “pawn structure.” On the first move, a pawn may move forward one or two spaces.

Why is queen the strongest piece in chess?

In the game of chess, the queen has more freedom (mobility) on the chess board. In that sense, the queen is the most powerful piece. On the other hand, the king, that has more value because if you lose the king you lose the game, has relatively much less power.


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