Which is one difference between a graphic novel and a memoir only memoirs are about nonfiction or true events only graphic novels use speech bubbles to show dialogue?

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I don’t really read graphic novels. I have heard of them, know lots of people who love them, but for some reason or another, they have never really made there way to my bookshelf. I love to read books. I enjoy the act of reading, which is something I cannot get from audio books and to some extent graphic novels. This probably explains why graphic novels have never really been a huge part of my reading lists. However, fate would have it (very dramatic of me, I know) that I would be reading my second graphic novel. Whilst I am not going to say that I am an expert of the genre, I do think there is a lot that can be learned from first impressions. Here are some of my first impressions:


The action is all there for you, on the page. It makes reading and taking in information a lot quicker. It can be exciting to see the story move along so fast.


At times, I feel like my imagination has been disabled. Books give me descriptions that I can use to create characters and places in my mind. Graphic novels don’t really give me this opportunity.


In a graphic novel, you not only get to read the words on the page, but also the characters faces and body language. I wonder what this would do for helping foster empathy with characters? Especially when you can see them drawn on the page.


Graphic novels can feel clunky. I guess it just takes time to get used to the way the comic is set out. Colours and outlines of speech bubbles denote who is speaking – narrator, character, etc.. They can also denote if something is happening in the future or the past. Getting used to these codes is not always a simple straightforward task, so it does require some commitment.


It is nice to look at something vibrant and colourful (I know not all graphic novels are in colour…).


I am a creature of habit, and sometimes I miss my black and white words.


I can’t say this for all graphic novels, but in my experience they can often be better than the movie (like most books!).


When reading graphic novels for the first time, it can feel like you don’t get all the ‘inside’ jokes. There truly is a world of graphic novels that refers to other works and authors and artists.

Are you a fan of graphic novels? What is your most or least favourite thing about graphic novels? As always, remember to share the reading love.

Get your copy of Watchman to start your graphic novel journey here.

Are you wondering if you should write a memoir or a novel based on your life experiences? In this post, we look at six differences between a novel and a memoir.

Although a memoir is written like a novel, it is important to remember that it is not one. A memoir is true. A novel is made up. There are other general techniques, like tense and viewpoint that are handled differently in each format.

6 Differences Between A Novel & A Memoir

1. Truth vs Fiction

A memoir is a true story, even though the memoirist uses fictional techniques to engage readers and to make the story more vivid. As we have said before, a memoir is not an autobiography, which tells the story of an entire lifetime. A memoir has a narrow focus and it usually focuses on a time in your life tied together with a theme. If you are struggling to work out a theme or if you can’t remember what happened, it is better to write a novel. A novel is made up, and that is what your memoir would be if you have gaps in your memory.

2. Tenses

A novel can be written in past or present tense. Memoirs are almost always written in present tense. If you are uncomfortable about writing in the present tense, writing a novel in the past tense might be easier.

3. Viewpoints

A novel can be written in first, second, or third person, and it is generally written from the main character’s viewpoint. You can also have multiple viewpoints. A memoir is always written in first person present tense from the author’s viewpoint. If you do not want to write from the intimate first person point of view, you may be more comfortable writing a novel in third person.

4. The Characters

In a memoir, you include the real people in your life. Generally, this means that you have spoken to them about your memoir and they have given you some feedback. This does not mean that you include their viewpoint. It means that you have taken it into account. When you write about other people, tell the story from what you have seen and heard. It is your experiences you are recounting. Do not make anything up.

In a novel, you create completely original characters. Even if you are basing the novel on a real-life story. If you do this, change the character’s sex and age. Set the story in another city or country. Write in a genre that seems unrelated to the original story. In a novel, you generally have a protagonist, supported by a confidant and a love interest, who is thwarted by an antagonist.

5. The Antagonist

In a memoir, the antagonist is sometimes another person, but more often it is yourself. You have to fight your own demons almost all the way through a memoir. In a novel, you have a clearly defined antagonist, and even though your protagonist deals with their own issues, it is the antagonist who defines much of the story’s goal.

6. Plotting

A memoir is usually based on a series of events that happened in a life. There is no set story structure. A memoir is usually about how it happened, and not what happened. A novel has a plot with a negative beginning, complicated middle, and a generally positive ending.

Read Mary Karr’s Memoir Checklist to help you decide if you are writing a memoir. Karr is an American memoirist, who is well known for her best-selling books, Lit: A Memoir, Cherry, and The Liars’ Club.

Last Word

These are not the only differences between novels and memoirs, but we hope they help you decide which one you are going to write. If you want to write a novel, Writers Write – how to write a book is a great course. If you want to learn how to write a memoir, look into our Secrets of a Memoirist course.

 by Amanda Patterson
© Amanda Patterson

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What is the difference between graphic novel and?

Comics are usually a part of large, specialized narratives, published regularly. In contrast, graphic novels contain a complete narrative. The main difference between graphic novel and comic is that graphic novels are longer than comics.

What is the difference between a novel and a memoir?

A memoir is written in first person, but a novel is not beholden to that. You can retell the fictionalized events from your entire life in the second or third person as well, creating a more layered, great story by allowing for different perspectives from different characters.

Is a graphic novel nonfiction?

"Graphic Novel" is a format, not a genre. Graphic novels can be fiction, non-fiction, history, fantasy, or anything in-between. Graphic novels are similar to comic books because they use sequential art to tell a story. Unlike comic books, graphic novels are generally stand-alone stories with more complex plots.

What is the difference between a graphic novel and a comic book quizlet?

a book made up of comics content. Although the word "novel" normally refers to long fictional works, the term "graphic novel" is applied broadly and includes fiction, non-fiction, and anthologized work. It is distinguished from the term "comic book", which is used for comics periodicals.


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