Which country has the most plastic surgery 2022

There is a myth that North America is the land of the plastic surgery, but the United States and Canada are not at the top of the list showing plastic surgery by country. South Korea is the country with the highest percentage of plastic surgeries in the world, and this is followed by Greece and Italy.

The United States falls below the fifth rank of plastic surgery by country according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. Here is a list of plastic surgery by country along with the most common surgeries that this country has:

  • South Korea: Rhinoplasty (nose), liposuction, blepharoplasty
  • Greece: Breast implants
  • Italy: Botox, liposuction
  • Brazil: Breast implants, liposuction
  • Columbia: Liposuction
  • United States: Liposuction, breast implants
  • Taiwan: Botox, wrinkle work

Key Factors Influencing Plastic Surgery by Country Rates

The key factors influencing the rates of plastic surgery in a country are the economy of the country and also the disposable income of the citizens of the country. Greece is a very wealthy country, as is South Korea, and have the income to afford on the luxuries of elective surgery for beauty.

In South Korea, it is estimated that the rate of plastic surgery is approximately one in five, with women being the largest demographic getting plastic surgery. Approximately 20 percent of women in South Korea have had plastic surgery or are thinking of it. Here, a nose job, liposuction, and blepharoplasty are the most common kinds of plastic surgery are at the top of the list for plastic surgeries.

A blepharoplasty is a procedure is a procedure that is also known as double eyelid surgery. In South Korea, it is not so much about eliminating or tightening the wrinkles around the eyes as it is about looking more like the Western world. This procedure typically involves removing excess fat around the eyes and eliminating eye drooping.

There are some countries where the government can offer a subsidy or even tax relief to people that choose plastic surgery. Brazil is one of them with tax relief being a key motivator for plastic surgery. In Brazil, there is no stigma for getting it done and it is even a symbol of status for those that get liposuction or have breast implants.

Status and stigma are also key factors influencing plastic surgery by country rates. As procedures get more popular, the rates will go up around the world.

Plastic Surgery by Country 2022

Plastic Surgery by Country 2022

Statistics Suggest Growing International Interest

The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons has released their list of the seven countries that go under the knife, in terms of population percentage. The information gleaned from these statistics shed light on some interesting, and even some baffling, trends in plastic surgery around the world.

The seven countries, and their most popular surgeries, are as follows:

1. South Korea – Liposuction, nose jobs, and blepharoplasty

2. Greece – Breast Augmentation

3. Italy – Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox Dysport) and Liposuction

4. Brazil – Breast Implants and Liposuction

5. Columbia – Liposuction

6. USA – Liposuction, Breast Augmentation

7. Taiwan – Botox and other wrinkle treatments

These numbers are very intriguing to the plastic surgery industry. The biggest surprise is how far up Greece is on the list with a trusted breast enhancement surgeon in Baton Rouge, while Brazil is lower on the list than expected. Greece, a country in the midst of an economic downfall, spent a surprising amount of money on elective surgeries.

“A country’s economy and the access to disposable income usually plays a big part in the demand of plastic surgery unless the government pays for it,” says Dr. Malcolm Roth, president of the American Society for Plastic Surgeons.

Meanwhile, Brazil, a country whose government offers a number of tax deductions found it’s way lower on the list, to the surprise of the industry.

“Culturally speaking, Brazilians have no problem with plastic surgery,” says Roth. “If anything, it’s seen as a status symbol to have had it.”

But the winner for most surgeries per capita is South Korea. Trend Monitor estimates as many as one in five women have undergone some sort of procedure in Seoul. One of the top procedures is blepharoplasty, or double eyelid surgery. Over 44,000 such surgeries were performed in 2010.

“In Asia, it’s very common for patients to want more Western-looking eyes,” says Roth. “So that’s really no surprise there.”

These results and more are beginning to shed light on the effect globalization is having on the industry. More and more people in nations across the world are coming to accept plastic surgery.

“Because people are beginning to talk openly about it, we’ve seen over the last couple decades the demand for plastic surgery grow,” says Roth. “People are realizing that it’s more common than most people think and there doesn’t have to be a stigma around it.”

What country has the highest rate of plastic surgery?

South Korea is the country with the highest percentage of plastic surgeries in the world, and this is followed by Greece and Italy. The United States falls below the fifth rank of plastic surgery by country according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons.

Which country is known as world of plastic surgery?

South Korea is one of the famous country for plastic surgery. The price of plastic surgery in South Korea is typically much lower than in other places, such as the United States or Western Europe. The main reason for this is that patients can choose the surgeon and price according to their needs.

Which country is known capital of plastic surgery?

South Korea: The plastic surgery capital of the world.


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