Which approach to performance feedback is generally most effective


Which of the following is true of management by objectives (MBO)?

A. Goals are generally nonspecific.
B. Goals are typically subjective.
C. Goals are easy to achieve.
D. Feedback is given only during the appraisal period.
E. Managers and their employees work together to set the goals.


Identify the evaluation approach to performance measurement that meets the following criteria: very high fit with strategy, usually high validity, high reliability, high acceptability, and high specificity regarding results but low specificity regarding behaviors necessary to achieve them.

A. Comparative
B. Attribute
C. Behavioral
D. Results
E. Developmental


Which of the following criteria for determining the effectiveness of a performance management system is concerned with maximizing the overlap between actual job performance and job performance measure?

A. Reliability
B. Acceptability
C. Specificity
D. Validity
E. Dependability


A(n) _____ is a gathering at which managers discuss employee performance ratings and provide evidence supporting their ratings with the goal of eliminating the influence of rating errors.

A. assessment center
B. 360-degree performance appraisal
C. reliability meeting
D. performance leadership council
E. calibration meeting


For which of the following categories of employees are performance improvement measures like withholding pay increases, demotion, and outplacement helpful?

A. Misdirected effort
B. Solid performers
C. Underutilizers
D. Deadwood
E. Nonessential


The performance measurement method that assigns a certain percentage of employees to each category in a set of categories is called the:

A. forced-distribution method.
B. alternation ranking method.
C. paired-comparison method.
D. optional ranking method.
E. simple ranking method.


Which approach to performance feedback is generally most effective?

A. Problem-solving
B. Tell-and-sell
C. Tell-and-listen
D. Tell-and-train
E. Listen-and-sell


What can an organization do to protect itself against discrimination and unjust dismissal lawsuits?

A. The organization should provide for a review of all top performance ratings by upper-level managers.
B. Performance measures should evaluate personal traits.
C. Requirements for job success should be clearly communicated to all the employees.
D. The organization should use a single rater to rate all the employees.
E. The organization should dismiss poor performers.


If a student evaluating his/her professor at the end of term rates the professor low on all performance criteria due to dissatisfaction with the professor's grading scale, the student has likely committed which rater error?

A. Error based on similarity
B. Halo error
C. Central tendency
D. Horns error
E. Contrast error


If an employee is dismissed on the grounds of poor performance immediately after he/she complained to higher authorities about the bad work ethics of his/her manager, the employee could file a(n):

A. affirmative action lawsuit.
B. unjust dismissal lawsuit.
C. reasonable accommodation lawsuit.
D. discrimination lawsuit.
E. tort-based lawsuit.


Coaching, frequent performance feedback, goal setting, and restructured job assignments are effective ways to improve performance for which category of employees?

A. Solid performers
B. Underutilizers
C. Misdirected effort
D. Deadwood
E. Nonessential


Which of the following is true about the forced-distribution method of measuring employee performance?

A. It is also known as the alternation ranking method.
B. It requires managers to rank employees in their group from the highest performer to the poorest performer.
C. It works best if the members of a group do not vary much in terms of their performance.
D. It involves comparing each employee with each other employee to establish rankings.
E. It assigns a certain percentage of employees to each category in a set of categories.


Most managers rely on the _____ approach to performance feedback.

A. problem-solving
B. tell-and-sell
C. tell-and-listen
D. tell-and-train
E. listen-and-sell


What is the advantage of results-oriented performance measurement?

A. They are very effective in providing guidance on how to improve.
B. They are relatively easy to link to the organization's goals.
C. They are generally more subjective than other kinds of performance measurement.
D. They are highly acceptable to employees, but not to managers.
E. They tend to be highly valid.


Managers can improve employee satisfaction with the feedback process by:

A. keeping the feedback session short and concentrating on only the positive aspects of performance.
B. using the tell-and-sell approach during the feedback session.
C. avoiding decisions about following up on goals as these tend to intimidate the employee.
D. letting employees voice their opinions and discuss performance goals during the feedback process.
E. focusing on the employee's personality.


Which of the following is true of behavioral approaches to performance measurement?

A. They link the company's goals to the specific behavior required to achieve those goals.
B. They work well for complex jobs.
C. They provide little feedback on areas of improvement.
D. They have a low degree of validity and reliability.
E. They have a low degree of acceptability.


How does total quality management (TQM) obtain objective feedback?

A. From the methods that use charts to detail causes of problems, measures of performance, or relationships between work-related variables.
B. From the methods that rate behaviors in terms of a scale showing specific statements of behavior that describe different levels of performance.
C. From the methods that use several statements describing each trait to produce a final score for that trait.
D. From the method that lists traits and provides feedback for each trait.
E. From managers, peers, and customers about the employee's personal qualities.


How does an organization specify the aspects of performance that are relevant to the organization?

A. Based on the job analysis
B. By conducting performance appraisals
C. Through performance feedback sessions
D. By adjusting behavior to meet the organization's goal
E. By identifying the underlying problem


Which of the following is true of peers as a source of performance information?

A. Peers are poor sources of information about performance in a job.
B. Peer ratings, according to research, are not influenced much by friendships.
C. Peers evaluations generally lack validity.
D. Peers are less willing participants in reviews to be used for employee development.
E. Peers are comfortable with rating employees for decisions that may affect themselves.


The distributional error that occurs when the reviewer rates everyone near the top of a rating scale is known as _____.

A. contrast error
B. strictness
C. halo error
D. horns error
E. leniency


Total quality management differs from traditional performance measurement in that it:

A. has an external, rather than an internal, focus.
B. is a top-down review process.
C. assesses both individual performance and the system within which the individual works.
D. focuses exclusively on support decisions about work assignments, training, and compensation.
E. provides only subjective feedback based on the work process.


A distributional error in which a rater favors lower rankings is known as _____.

A. contrast error
B. central tendency
C. strictness
D. leniency
E. halo error


The _____ method of performance measurement compares each employee with each other employee to establish rankings.
A. paired-comparison
B. graphic rating scale
C. forced-distribution
D. mixed standard


Which of the following performance measurement methods requires managers to rank employees in their group from the highest performer to the poorest performer?

A. Graphic rating scale
B. Mixed-standard scale
C. Paired-comparison
D. Forced-distribution
E. Simple ranking


The performance management method that requires managers to rate the frequency with which an employee has exhibited a behavior during a rating period is the:

A. behaviorally anchored rating scale.
B. behavioral observation scale.
C. graphic rating scale.
D. mixed-standard scale.
E. forced-distribution scale.


An organization helps link employees' behavior with the organization's goals. This helps the organization serve its _____ purpose.

A. strategic
B. logistical
C. administrative
D. developmental
E. evaluative


Appraisal politics are likely to occur when:

A. top executives forbid distorted ratings.
B. the goals of rating are compatible with one another.
C. performance appraisal results are directly linked to developmental programs.
D. senior employees tell newcomers stories about distorted ratings.
E. performance appraisal is not directly linked to highly desirable rewards.


What is the difference between a behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) and a behavioral observation scale (BOS)?

A. A BARS asks the manager to rate the frequency with which the employee has exhibited the behavior during the rating period.
B. A BOS discards many items in creating the rating scale.
C. A BOS uses many examples to define all behaviors necessary for effective performance.
D. Managers and employees prefer BARS compared to BOS for ease of use and maintaining objectivity.
E. A major drawback of BARS is the amount of information required as compared to BOS.


Which of the following is a disadvantage of ranking using paired-comparison method for performance measurement?

A. It does not provide a scope for interpretation.
B. It is time consuming.
C. It leads to controversy.
D. It does not support decisions about how to distribute pay raises.
E. It tends to evaluate behavior more strictly than other methods.


Which of the following is true about the paired-comparison method of measuring employee performance?

A. It is time consuming if a group has more than a handful of employees.
B. It is also known as the alternation ranking method.
C. It rates everyone favorably or near the center of the scale.
D. It assigns a certain percentage of employees to each category in a set of categories.
E. It requires managers to rank employees in their group from the highest performer to the poorest performer.


With regard to a performance measure, _____ refers to consistency of results over time.

A. validity
B. interrater reliability
C. acceptability
D. test-retest reliability
E. specificity


What is the disadvantage of peers as a source of performance information?

A. Peers do not have expert knowledge of job requirements.
B. Peers are uncomfortable with rating employees for decisions that may affect themselves.
C. Assessments of performance by peers generally lack validity.
D. Peers are generally less favorable toward participating in reviews to be used for employee development.
E. Peers are poor sources of performance information in any job.


If a manager considers one employee at a time and circles a number/word to signify the degree to which that employee demonstrates a particular trait, he/she is using a:

A. mixed-standard scale.
B. critical-incident approach.
C. graphic rating scale.
D. behavioral observation scale.
E. behaviorally anchored rating scale.


Which of the following steps should be taken to protect employees when they provide evaluations of managers' performance?

A. The process should be anonymous.
B. The process should use only two employees to rate each manager.
C. The process should encourage employees to highlight the negative aspects of the manager's performance.
D. The evaluations should be used primarily for administrative decisions.
E. The process should require that subordinates identify themselves.


Which of the following is the most widely used method for rating attributes?

A. Behaviorally anchored rating scales
B. Mixed-standard scales
C. Behavioral observation scales
D. Graphic rating scales
E. Critical-incident methods


The paired-comparison method of measuring employee performance:

A. involves comparing each employee with each other employee to establish rankings.
B. is also known as the alternation ranking method.
C. rates everyone favorably or near the center of the scale.
D. assigns a certain percentage of employees to each category in a set of categories.
E. requires managers to rank employees in their group from the highest performer to the poorest performer.


Which rater error leads employees to believe that no aspects of their performance need improvement?

A. Contrast error
B. Halo error
C. Horn error
D. Strictness error
E. Central tendency error


Which of the following is true about the simple ranking technique?

A. It assigns a certain percentage of employees to each category in a set of categories.
B. Alternation ranking is a variation of simple ranking.
C. It involves comparing each employee with each other employee to establish rankings.
D. It rates everyone favorably or near the center of the scale.
E. Simple ranking requires managers to rank employees in their group against the highest performer of each group.


Identify a criticism against electronic monitoring systems.

A. They can store records of employee performance, work-rule violations, and disciplinary actions.
B. The systems prevent employees from exaggerating the number of hours they worked.
C. They cannot monitor performance measures electronically.
D. They threaten to make the workplace an electronic sweatshop, robbing employees of their dignity.
E. They do not increase productivity.


Performance management has a(n) _____ purpose, meaning that it serves as a basis for improving employees' knowledge and skills.

A. systematic
B. tactical
C. strategic
D. administrative
E. developmental


How does an organization promote fairness and reduce political behavior in the appraisal system?

A. Use different performance standards to evaluate different employees.
B. Train managers to use the appraisal process.
C. Discourage employees from discussing their weaknesses.
D. Require that managers give feedback once a year during annual appraisal.
E. Encourage managers to recognize accomplishments that only employees have identified.


Which of the following errors occur when a rater compares an individual, not against an objective standard, but against other employees?

A. Contrast errors
B. Distributional errors
C. Halo errors
D. Leniency errors
E. Horns errors


_____ use several statements describing each trait to produce a final score for that trait.

A. Behaviorally anchored rating scales
B. Mixed-standard scales
C. Behavioral observation scales
D. Graphic rating scales
E. Forced distribution scales


The administrative purpose of a performance management system refers to:

A. linking employees' behaviors with the organization's goals.
B. developing employees' knowledge and skills.
C. linking performance measurements to the organization's goals and communicating the goals and feedback about performance to employees.
D. measuring each employee's performance to identify areas where expectations are not being met.
E. the ways in which organizations use the system to provide information for day-to-day decisions about salary, benefits, and recognition programs.


_____ refers to telling employees exactly what is expected of them and how they can meet those expectations.

A. Generalized instruction
B. Employee orientation
C. Specific feedback
D. Overall opinion
E. Strategic fit


Which of the following is a comparative performance appraisal technique?

A. Mixed-standards scale
B. Simple ranking
C. Paired distribution
D. Forced comparison
E. Complex distribution


The method of performance measurement that uses several statements describing each trait to produce a final score for that trait is known as the _____.

A. behaviorally anchored rating scale
B. mixed-standard scale
C. behavioral observation scale
D. graphic rating scale
E. forced distribution scale


What is the disadvantage of results-oriented performance management?

A. It is generally more subjective than other kinds of performance measurements.
B. It has low acceptability among employees.
C. It has problems with validity.
D. It is not preferred by managers.
E. It is not easy to link to the organization's goals.


Which rater error makes it difficult to distinguish among employees rated by the same rater because the rater tends to use only one part of the rating scale?

A. Contrast error
B. Distributional error
C. Halo error
D. Error based on similarity
E. Horns error


_____ means effective performance management helps the organization achieve its business objectives.

A. Systematic purpose
B. Investigative purpose
C. Developmental purpose
D. Administrative purpose
E. Strategic purpose


The performance measurement system that combines information from most or all of the possible sources, is known as:

A. the critical incidents technique.
B. the behavioral observation scale.
C. management by objectives.
D. a 360-degree performance appraisal.
E. upward feedback.


Subordinate evaluations of performance are most appropriate when the performance results are to be used for:

A. administrative purposes.
B. investigative purposes.
C. strategic purposes.
D. developmental purposes.
E. executive purposes.


Identify the approach to performance measurement that meets the following criteria: high strategic congruence, usually high validity, usually high reliability, moderate acceptability, and very high specificity.

A. Comparative
B. Attribute
C. Behavioral
D. Results
E. Quality


The method of performance measurement that uses several statements describing each trait to produce a final score for that trait is known as the _____.

A. behaviorally anchored rating scale
B. mixed-standard scale
C. behavioral observation scale
D. graphic rating scale
E. forced distribution scale


Information that is gathered for measuring the effectiveness of a performance management system but is irrelevant represents "_____" of the performance measure.

A. validity
B. deficiency
C. contamination
D. reliability
E. specificity


The process through which managers ensure that employees' activities and outputs contribute to the organization's goals is known as:

A. quality analysis.
B. administrative planning.
C. project management.
D. strategic planning.
E. performance management.


If different raters make different kinds of _____ errors, scores by these raters cannot be compared.

A. similarity
B. distributional
C. contrast
D. halo
E. horns


Consistency of results when more than one person measures performance is known as:

A. test-retest specificity.
B. interrater reliability.
C. interrater validity.
D. test-retest reliability.
E. test-retest validity.


Identify the approach to performance measurement that meets the following criteria: usually low fit with strategy, usually low validity, usually low reliability, high acceptability, and very low specificity.

A. Comparative
B. Attribute
C. Behavioral
D. Results
E. Quality


To meet which of the following broad purposes do organizations establish performance management systems?

A. Systematic
B. Rational
C. Investigative
D. Strategic
E. Analytical

What type of performance feedback is most effective?

The most effective feedback—feedback that is both positive and specific—will live in the upper right-hand quadrant. Feedback that is negative but specific can also be effective, even though it's less pleasant to deliver. Feedback that is vague, whether positive or negative, is much less effective.

What are the best approaches in performance management?

6 Performance management best practices.
Conduct continuous performance management conversations. ... .
Prioritize collaborative and frequent goal setting. ... .
Recognize employees for their efforts. ... .
Give regular performance feedback. ... .
Evaluate performance fairly. ... .
Align employee and organizational goals..

What are the two main approaches to performance evaluations?

Approaches to Performance Appraisal – Traditional and Objective-Centered Approaches.

Which is the most effective type of performance appraisal quizlet?

"Management-by-objectives" is one of the best performance appraisal approaches to use if a company's production system is surrounded by uncertainty and variability.

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