Where is the inorder predecessor of a node A in a binary search tree?

There is BST given with root node with key part as integer only. The structure of each node is as follows:


struct Node


    int key;

    struct Node *left, *right ;



static class Node


    int key;

    Node left, right ;



class Node:

    def __init__(self, key):

        self.key = key

        self.left = None

        self.right = None


public class Node


    public int key;

    public Node left, right ;




      class Node {

        constructor() {

          this.key = 0;

          this.left = null;

          this.right = null;




You need to find the inorder successor and predecessor of a given key. In case the given key is not found in BST, then return the two values within which this key will lie.

Following is the algorithm to reach the desired result. It is a recursive method: 

Input: root node, key output: predecessor node, successor node 1. If root is NULL then return 2. if key is found then a. If its left subtree is not null Then predecessor will be the right most child of left subtree or left child itself. b. If its right subtree is not null The successor will be the left most child of right subtree or right child itself. return 3. If key is smaller than root node set the successor as root search recursively into left subtree else set the predecessor as root search recursively into right subtree

Following is the implementation of the above algorithm: 


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct Node


    int key;

    struct Node *left, *right;


void findPreSuc(Node* root, Node*& pre, Node*& suc, int key)


    if (root == NULL)  return ;

    if (root->key == key)


        if (root->left != NULL)


            Node* tmp = root->left;

            while (tmp->right)

                tmp = tmp->right;

            pre = tmp ;


        if (root->right != NULL)


            Node* tmp = root->right ;

            while (tmp->left)

                tmp = tmp->left ;

            suc = tmp ;


        return ;


    if (root->key > key)


        suc = root ;

        findPreSuc(root->left, pre, suc, key) ;




        pre = root ;

        findPreSuc(root->right, pre, suc, key) ;



Node *newNode(int item)


    Node *temp =  new Node;

    temp->key = item;

    temp->left = temp->right = NULL;

    return temp;


Node* insert(Node* node, int key)


    if (node == NULL) return newNode(key);

    if (key < node->key)

        node->left  = insert(node->left, key);


        node->right = insert(node->right, key);

    return node;


int main()


    int key = 65;   

    Node *root = NULL;

    root = insert(root, 50);

    insert(root, 30);

    insert(root, 20);

    insert(root, 40);

    insert(root, 70);

    insert(root, 60);

    insert(root, 80);

    Node* pre = NULL, *suc = NULL;

    findPreSuc(root, pre, suc, key);

    if (pre != NULL)

      cout << "Predecessor is " << pre->key << endl;


      cout << "No Predecessor";

    if (suc != NULL)

      cout << "Successor is " << suc->key;


      cout << "No Successor";

    return 0;



class GFG{

static class Node


    int key;

    Node left, right;

    public Node()


    public Node(int key)


        this.key = key;

        this.left = this.right = null;



static Node pre = new Node(), suc = new Node();

static void findPreSuc(Node root, int key)


    if (root == null)


    if (root.key == key)


        if (root.left != null)


            Node tmp = root.left;

            while (tmp.right != null)

                tmp = tmp.right;

            pre = tmp;


        if (root.right != null)


            Node tmp = root.right;

            while (tmp.left != null)

                tmp = tmp.left;

            suc = tmp;




    if (root.key > key)


        suc = root;

        findPreSuc(root.left, key);




        pre = root;

        findPreSuc(root.right, key);



static Node insert(Node node, int key)


    if (node == null)

        return new Node(key);

    if (key < node.key)

        node.left = insert(node.left, key);


        node.right = insert(node.right, key);

    return node;


public static void main(String[] args)


    int key = 65;

    Node root = new Node();

    root = insert(root, 50);

    insert(root, 30);

    insert(root, 20);

    insert(root, 40);

    insert(root, 70);

    insert(root, 60);

    insert(root, 80);

    findPreSuc(root, key);

    if (pre != null)

        System.out.println("Predecessor is " + pre.key);


        System.out.println("No Predecessor");

    if (suc != null)

        System.out.println("Successor is " + suc.key);


        System.out.println("No Successor");




class Node:

    def __init__(self, key):

        self.key  = key

        self.left = None

        self.right = None

def findPreSuc(root, key):

    if root is None:


    if root.key == key:

        if root.left is not None:

            tmp = root.left


                tmp = tmp.right

            findPreSuc.pre = tmp

        if root.right is not None:

            tmp = root.right


                tmp = tmp.left

            findPreSuc.suc = tmp


    if root.key > key :

        findPreSuc.suc = root

        findPreSuc(root.left, key)


        findPreSuc.pre = root

        findPreSuc(root.right, key)

def insert(node , key):

    if node is None:

        return Node(key)

    if key < node.key:

        node.left = insert(node.left, key)


        node.right = insert(node.right, key)

    return node

key = 65

root = None

root = insert(root, 50)

insert(root, 30);

insert(root, 20);

insert(root, 40);

insert(root, 70);

insert(root, 60);

insert(root, 80);

findPreSuc.pre = None

findPreSuc.suc = None

findPreSuc(root, key)

if findPreSuc.pre is not None:

    print "Predecessor is", findPreSuc.pre.key


    print "No Predecessor"

if findPreSuc.suc is not None:

    print "Successor is", findPreSuc.suc.key


    print "No Successor"


using System;

public class GFG



    class Node



        int key;


        Node left, right;

      public Node()


      public Node(int key)


        this.key = key;

        this.left = this.right = null;



  static Node pre = new Node(), suc = new Node();

  static void findPreSuc(Node root, int key)


    if (root == null)


    if (root.key == key)


      if (root.left != null)


        Node tmp = root.left;

        while (tmp.right != null)

          tmp = tmp.right;

        pre = tmp;


      if (root.right != null)


        Node tmp = root.right;

        while (tmp.left != null)

          tmp = tmp.left;

        suc = tmp;




    if (root.key > key)


      suc = root;

      findPreSuc(root.left, key);




      pre = root;

      findPreSuc(root.right, key);



  static Node insert(Node node, int key)


    if (node == null)

      return new Node(key);

    if (key < node.key)

      node.left = insert(node.left, key);


      node.right = insert(node.right, key);

    return node;


  public static void Main(String[] args)


    int key = 65;

    Node root = new Node();

    root = insert(root, 50);

    insert(root, 30);

    insert(root, 20);

    insert(root, 40);

    insert(root, 70);

    insert(root, 60);

    insert(root, 80);

    findPreSuc(root, key);

    if (pre != null)

      Console.WriteLine("Predecessor is " + pre.key);


      Console.WriteLine("No Predecessor");

    if (suc != null)

      Console.WriteLine("Successor is " + suc.key);


      Console.WriteLine("No Successor");





 class Node




        this.key = key;

        this.left = this.right = null;



var pre = new Node(), suc = new Node();

function findPreSuc(root , key)


    if (root == null)


    if (root.key == key)


        if (root.left != null)


            var tmp = root.left;

            while (tmp.right != null)

                tmp = tmp.right;

            pre = tmp;


        if (root.right != null)


            var tmp = root.right;

            while (tmp.left != null)

                tmp = tmp.left;

            suc = tmp;




    if (root.key > key)


        suc = root;

        findPreSuc(root.left, key);




        pre = root;

        findPreSuc(root.right, key);



function insert(node , key)


    if (node == null)

        return new Node(key);

    if (key < node.key)

        node.left = insert(node.left, key);


        node.right = insert(node.right, key);

    return node;


    var key = 65;

    var root = new Node();

    root = insert(root, 50);

    insert(root, 30);

    insert(root, 20);

    insert(root, 40);

    insert(root, 70);

    insert(root, 60);

    insert(root, 80);

    findPreSuc(root, key);

    if (pre != null)

        document.write("Predecessor is " + pre.key);


        document.write("No Predecessor");

    if (suc != null)

        document.write("<br/>Successor is " + suc.key);


        document.write("<br/>No Successor");



Predecessor is 60 Successor is 70

Complexity Analysis:

Time Complexity: O(h), where h is the height of the tree. In the worst case as explained above we travel the whole height of the tree.
Auxiliary Space: O(1),  since no extra space has been taken.

Another Approach: 

We can also find the inorder successor and inorder predecessor using inorder traversal. Check if the current node is smaller than the given key for the predecessor and for a successor, check if it is greater than the given key. If it is greater than the given key then, check if it is smaller than the already stored value in the successor then, update it. At last, get the predecessor and successor stored in q(successor) and p(predecessor). 




using namespace std;

struct Node


    int data;

    Node* left,*right;


Node* getnode(int info)


    Node* p = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));

    p->data = info;

    p->right = NULL;

    p->left = NULL;

    return p;


void find_p_s(Node* root,int a,

              Node** p, Node** q)



        return ;

    find_p_s(root->left, a, p, q);

    if(root&&root->data > a)


        if((!*q) || (*q) && (*q)->data > root->data)

                *q = root;


    else if(root && root->data < a)


        *p = root;


    find_p_s(root->right, a, p, q);


int main()


    Node* root1 = getnode(50);

    root1->left = getnode(20);

    root1->right = getnode(60);

    root1->left->left = getnode(10);

    root1->left->right = getnode(30);

    root1->right->left = getnode(55);

    root1->right->right = getnode(70);

    Node* p = NULL, *q = NULL;

    find_p_s(root1, 55, &p, &q);


        cout << p->data;


        cout << " " << q->data;

    return 0;



import java.util.*;

class GFG{

static class Node


    int data;

    Node left,right;


static Node getnode(int info)


    Node p = new Node();

    p.data = info;

    p.right = null;

    p.left = null;

    return p;


static Node p,q;

static void find_p_s(Node root,int a)


    if(root == null)

        return ;

    find_p_s(root.left, a);

    if(root != null && root.data > a)


        if((q == null) || (q != null) && q.data > root.data)

                q = root;


    else if(root != null && root.data < a)


        p = root;


    find_p_s(root.right, a);


public static void main(String[] args)


    Node root1 = getnode(50);

    root1.left = getnode(20);

    root1.right = getnode(60);

    root1.left.left = getnode(10);

    root1.left.right = getnode(30);

    root1.right.left = getnode(55);

    root1.right.right = getnode(70);

     p = null;

     q = null;

    find_p_s(root1, 55);

    if(p != null)


    if(q != null)

        System.out.print(" " +  q.data);




class getnode:

    def __init__(self, data):

        self.data = data

        self.left = None

        self.right = None

def find_p_s(root, a, p, q):

    if(not root):


    find_p_s(root.left, a, p, q)

    if(root and root.data > a):

        if((not q[0]) or q[0] and

                q[0].data > root.data):

            q[0] = root

    elif(root and root.data < a):

        p[0]= root

    find_p_s(root.right, a, p, q)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    root1 = getnode(50)

    root1.left = getnode(20)

    root1.right = getnode(60)

    root1.left.left = getnode(10)

    root1.left.right = getnode(30)

    root1.right.left = getnode(55)

    root1.right.right = getnode(70)

    p = [None]

    q = [None]

    find_p_s(root1, 55, p, q)

    if(p[0]) :

        print(p[0].data, end = "")

    if(q[0]) :

        print("", q[0].data)


using System;

public class GFG {

  public class Node {

    public int data;

    public Node left, right;


  static Node getnode(int info) {

    Node p = new Node();

    p.data = info;

    p.right = null;

    p.left = null;

    return p;


  static Node p, q;

  static void find_p_s(Node root, int a)


    if (root == null)


    find_p_s(root.left, a);

    if (root != null && root.data > a) {

      if ((q == null) || (q != null) && q.data > root.data)

        q = root;


    else if (root != null && root.data < a) {

      p = root;


    find_p_s(root.right, a);


  public static void Main(String[] args) {

    Node root1 = getnode(50);

    root1.left = getnode(20);

    root1.right = getnode(60);

    root1.left.left = getnode(10);

    root1.left.right = getnode(30);

    root1.right.left = getnode(55);

    root1.right.right = getnode(70);

    p = null;

    q = null;

    find_p_s(root1, 55);

    if (p != null)


    if (q != null)

      Console.Write(" " + q.data);





class Node




        this.data = data;

        this.left = this.right = null;



function find_p_s(root, a, p, q)


    if(root == null)


    find_p_s(root.left, a, p, q)

    if(root && root.data > a)


        if((q[0] == null) || q[0] != null && q[0].data > root.data)

            q[0] = root


    else if(root && root.data < a)

    {    p[0] = root


    find_p_s(root.right, a, p, q)


let root1 = new Node(50)

root1.left = new Node(20)

root1.right = new Node(60)

root1.left.left = new Node(10)

root1.left.right = new Node(30)

root1.right.left = new Node(55)

root1.right.right = new Node(70)

p = [null]

q = [null]

find_p_s(root1, 55, p, q)

if(p[0] != null)

    document.write(p[0].data, end = " ")

if(q[0] != null)

    document.write(" ", q[0].data)


Output :  

50 60

Complexity Analysis:

Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the total number of nodes in the tree. In the worst case as explained above we travel the whole tree.
Auxiliary Space: O(n).


This article is contributed by algoLover. Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above. 

Where is the inorder successor of a node A in a binary search tree?

In Binary Tree, Inorder successor of a node is the next node in Inorder traversal of the Binary Tree. Inorder Successor is NULL for the last node in Inorder traversal. In Binary Search Tree, Inorder Successor of an input node can also be defined as the node with the smallest key greater than the key of the input node.

Where is the predecessor in a binary search tree?

Where is the predecessor of a node in a tree, assuming all keys are distinct? If X has two children, its predecessor is the maximum value in its left subtree and its successor the minimum value in its right subtree. If it does not have a left child, a node's predecessor is its rst left ancestor.

Where are inorder predecessor and inorder successor stored in a binary search tree?

When you do the inorder traversal of a binary tree, the neighbors of given node are called Predecessor(the node lies behind of given node) and Successor (the node lies ahead of given node). Approach: Say you have to find the inorder predecessor and successor node 15. First compare the 15 with root (25 here).

What is inorder predecessor in binary tree?

The inorder predecessor of a node p is the node q that comes just before p in the binary tree's inorder traversal. Given the root node of a binary search tree and the node p , find the inorder predecessor of node p . If it does not exist, return null .

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