Where does Chapter 4 of night start?

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Chapter 4

  • Buna seems dead, empty.
  • Eliezer’s group starts asking around to find out which is the best work group to be assigned to. The word on the street is that you just want to stay away from the construction "Kommando" or (work group).
  • A fat German is in charge of them. One of his assistants tells Eliezer that, in exchange for his shoes, he will make sure Eliezer gets into a good labor unit. Eliezer refuses to part with his shoes.
  • The next day there is a medical and a dental examination, only the doctors simply ask you if you’re in good health and the dentist is just looking for gold crowns. If you have a gold crown, he writes your name (read: number tattooed on your arm) on his list.
  • Eliezer has a gold crown.
  • Eliezer and his dad are assigned to work in a warehouse for electrical equipment. Idek is their "Kapo," or work leader. They learn that Idek is a little crazy and it’s best to stay out of his way.
  • The work isn’t bad, it’s just counting pieces of electrical equipment. There are even civilians working there—Polish people and some French women.
  • Eliezer becomes friends with Czechoslovakian brothers, Yossi and Tibi, whose parents had been killed in Birkenau.
  • Their new block leader is a nice German Jew. Eliezer and his father now get a blanket, soap, and a washbowl.
  • Eliezer uses trickery to keep his gold tooth. He keeps telling the dentist that he’s sick and puts off the tooth removal. At last, the dentist is punished because he’s been pocketing some of the gold crowns. Eliezer’s tooth is, for the moment, safe.
  • At the warehouse, Eliezer works near a young French girl who seems to him to be Jewish although she passes herself off as Aryan.
  • One day, Idek (the crazy Kapo) gets angry and beats Eliezer. The French girl is kind to him and gives him a little bit of bread. She tells him not to give up hope.
  • Many years later, Eliezer sees the French girl (now a woman) on a train in Paris. She remembers him too, and he discovers that she is indeed from a religious Jewish family but she managed to hide her identity to keep herself alive.
  • Back in Buna in 1944, Idek goes crazy again and beats Eliezer’s dad this time. Eliezer reflects on how inhumane the concentration camps made him; as his father is being beaten, rather than being mad at Idek, Eliezer is mad at his father for not avoiding the Kapo.
  • Franek, the foreman, decides he wants Eliezer’s gold crown. Eliezer won’t give it to him. But, Franek discovers Eliezer’s weakness—his father.
  • Franek begins to torment Eliezer’s father during their marches.
  • At last, Eliezer gives in and his tooth is extracted with a rusty spoon in the bathroom.
  • Idek marches them to work one Sunday (when working isn’t required) and leaves them in Franek’s care, saying he doesn’t care what they do; he just doesn’t want them in the camp.
  • Eliezer goes exploring and discovers why Idek didn’t want anyone in the camp: he’s sleeping with this young Polish girl. Eliezer laughs, thinking about the absurdity of moving 100 prisoners to the warehouse just so he can get laid.
  • Idek discovers Eliezer and gets angry. He gives Eliezer 25 lashes with the whip in front of the whole block and tells him he’ll get five times that if he tells anyone what he saw.
  • Some Sunday (time seems to blend) there’s an air raid. The SS officers take cover, while the prisoners remain in their bunks.
  • One man dares to venture out to get some soup, as the soup has been left out. For most people, terror is stronger than hunger, but not for this man. The man is killed, though, when the Allies start bombing Buna.
  • All of the prisoners are glad to hear the bombs; they have renewed hope.
  • A week later at roll call, everybody notices the gallows that have been set up in the middle of camp.
  • The SS officers drag a young Polish man out of solitary confinement; he’s going to be hanged for stealing something during the air raid. The Polish man cries "A curse on Germany! Long live liberty!" as the rope goes around his neck. Then he is killed.
  • Eliezer witnesses other hangings. But the worst is the hanging of a young boy who is involved in resistance activities. Because he is light in weight, the hanging doesn’t result in instantaneous death. The inmates are forced to watch as the boy on the end of the rope struggles for half an hour before he dies.
  • That night, everything, including the soup they eat, tastes of death.

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“Where is God now?”
And I heard a voice within me answer him:
“Where is He? Here He is—He is hanging here on this gallows. . . .”
(See Important Quotations Explained)

After the required quarantine and medical inspection—including a dental search for gold crowns—Eliezer is chosen by a Kapo to serve in a unit of prisoners whose job entails counting electrical fittings in a civilian warehouse. His father, it turns out, serves in the same unit. Eliezer and his father are to be housed in the musicians’ block, which is headed by a kindly German Jew. In this block of prisoners, Eliezer meets Juliek, a Jewish violinist, and the brothers Yosi and Tibi. With the brothers, who are Zionists (they favor the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, the holy land), Eliezer plans to move to Palestine after the war is over. Akiba Drumer, his faith still strong, predicts that deliverance from the camps is imminent.

Not long after Eliezer and his father arrive in Buna, Eliezer is summoned to the dentist to have his gold crown pulled. He manages to plead illness and postpone having the crown removed. Soon after, the dentist is condemned to hanging for illegally trading in gold teeth. Eliezer does not pity the dentist, because he has become too busy keeping his body intact and finding food to eat to spare any pity. Idek, the Kapo in charge of Eliezer’s work crew, is prone to fits of violent madness. One day, unprovoked, he savagely beats Eliezer, after which a French girl who works next to Eliezer in the warehouse offers some small kindness and comfort.

The narrator then skips forward several years to recount how, after the Holocaust, he runs into the same girl—now a woman—on the Métro in Paris. He explains that he recognized her, and she told him her story: she was a Jew passing as an Aryan on forged papers; she worked in the warehouse as a laborer but was not a concentration camp prisoner.

The narration then returns to Eliezer’s time at Buna. Eliezer’s father falls victim to one of Idek’s rages. Painfully honest, Eliezer reveals how much the concentration camp has changed him. He is concerned, at that moment, only with his own survival. Rather than feel angry at Idek, Eliezer becomes angry at his father for his inability to dodge Idek’s fury.

When Franek, the prison foreman, notices Eliezer’s gold crown, he demands it. Franek’s desire for the gold makes him vicious and cruel. On his father’s advice, Eliezer refuses to yield the tooth. As punishment, Franek mocks and beats Eliezer’s father until Eliezer eventually gives up. Soon after this incident, both Idek and Franek, along with the other Polish prisoners, are transferred to another camp. Before this happens, however, Eliezer accidentally witnesses Idek having sex in the barracks. In punishment, Idek publicly whips Eliezer until he loses consciousness.

During an Allied air raid on Buna, during which every prisoner is supposed to be confined to his or her block, two cauldrons of soup are left unattended. Eliezer and many other prisoners watch as a man risks his life to crawl to the soup. The man reaches the soup, and after a moment of hesitation lifts himself up to eat. As he stands over the soup, he is shot and falls lifeless to the ground. A week later, the Nazis erect a gallows in the central square and publicly hang another man who had attempted to steal something during the air raid. Eliezer tells the tale of another hanging, that of two prisoners suspected of being involved with the resistance and of a young boy who was the servant of a resistance member. Although the prisoners are all so jaded by suffering that they never cry, they all break into tears as they watch the child strangle on the end of the noose. One man wonders how God could be present in a world with such cruelty. Eliezer, mourning, thinks that, as far as he is concerned, God has been murdered on the gallows together with the child.


The harrowing scene of the child’s murder with which this section concludes symbolically enacts the murder of God. Eliezer comes to believe that a just God must not exist in a world where an innocent child can be hanged on the gallows. “Where is He?” Eliezer asks rhetorically, and then answers, “He is hanging here on this gallows.” Upon witnessing the hanging of the child, Eliezer reaches the low point of his faith.

Read an important quote about Eliezer’s crisis of faith.

The death of the innocent child represents the death of Eliezer’s own innocence. In the camp, he has become someone different from the child he was at the beginning of the Holocaust. He has lost his faith, and he is beginning to lose his sense of morals and values as well. In a world in which survival is nearly impossible, survival has become Eliezer’s dominant goal. He admits that he lives only to feed himself. When his father is beaten, Eliezer feels no pity. Instead, he becomes angry at his father for failing to learn, as Eliezer is learning, how to survive without attracting the anger of the overseers.

Read more about inhumanity as a theme.

Eliezer’s relationship with his father is all-important to both of them, because it provides both with support. Though it is crucial to Eliezer to remain with his father at all costs, even the link between parent and child grows tenuous under the stress of the Nazi oppression. When, in this section, Eliezer relates with horror a story about witnessing a thirteen-year-old child who beats his father for making his bed improperly, he seems to feel that the event serves as an implicit cautionary tale. It is Eliezer’s great fear that he too will lose his sense of kindness and filial responsibility, that he may turn against his father to facilitate his own survival.

Read more about the importance of father-son bonds as a theme.

Eliezer’s story of his encounter with the French girl who comforts him after he is beaten by Idek the Kapo is unusual because it is one of the few places in the memoir where he jumps into the future to explain what happened after the liberation of the concentration camps. This chance meeting on the Métro is the kind of coincidental twist that a novelist might invent but that rarely occurs in nonfiction because it rarely occurs in real life. Several such coincidences do happen in Night, however—for example, Eliezer meets Juliek again later in the memoir—but none of them lessens the truthful impact of the story.

In Wiesel’s mind, the fact of surviving the Holocaust is in itself a staggeringly unlikely coincidence, a stroke of sheer luck. The overwhelming majority of concentration camp prisoners did not survive. If one can survive in the face of such great odds, then any coincidence becomes believable. Wiesel wants to make the point that his own survival is a result of luck and coincidence. To attribute his survival to his own merit would be inaccurate, as well as disrespectful of the memories of those millions who did not survive.

Read more about the role of chance and coincidence in Night.

What happens in Chapter 4 in the book night?

Eliezer becomes friends with Czechoslovakian brothers, Yossi and Tibi, whose parents had been killed in Birkenau. Their new block leader is a nice German Jew. Eliezer and his father now get a blanket, soap, and a washbowl. Eliezer uses trickery to keep his gold tooth.

What page number is Chapter 5 in night?

Night Chapter 5 pages 80 - 84.

How many chapters are in night?

Although not numbered, Elie Wiesel's novel Night has nine chapters.

Where does the book Night take place in the beginning?

Night takes place between 1941 and 1945 across Europe. It begins in Sighet, Romania, moves to Auschwitz, Poland in 1944, then across to Buchenwald in Germany in 1945. The novel ends when Elie is liberated from the camp by the US Army.


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