When to cut back red hot pokers UK

Red Hot Poker Plant Trimming – Do You Cut Back Red Hot Poker Plants


Red hot poker plants are exotic beauties in the garden, but extremely easy to grow. The bright, wand-like flowers are loved by hummingbirds, and always please gardeners with their low-maintenance ways. When the correct time arrives, you’ll want to start cutting back red hot poker plants. Read on for information about exactly when and how to trim a red hot poker plant.

Do You Cut Back Red Hot Poker Plants After Flowering?

Red hot poker plants form clumps of slender, grass-like foliage. The stems rise above the foliage and bear the long, colorful blossoms. Most cultivars start flowering by late June and some re-bloom until frost.

Do you cut back red hot poker plants when the flowers fade? The answer is a decisive no. Pruning a red hot poker plant’s foliage at this time is not a good idea. You’ll want to leave the foliage in place.

During this time, the leaves will be gathering sunlight to create enough food to provide for the red hot poker plant through winter. Be sure to provide about an inch (2.5 cm.) of irrigation every week during the growing season.

Pruning Red Hot Poker Plant Flowers

This doesn’t mean that you should never get involved with red hot poker plant trimming. There are some occasions where snipping is appropriate. For example, as the blooms fade, you’ll want to snip them off, since diligent deadheading keeps those flowering coming, but do not trim back the plants themselves.

Here’s how to trim a red hot poker plant when you are deadheading. Simply use garden scissors or pruners and snip off the stem of the plant just below a faded blossom. That’s it.

As fall arrives, you may see your red hot poker plant’s leaves wilting. The plant will go dormant for winter and much of the foliage yellows at this time. The plant rests for several months to begin growing again in spring.

While it is possible to cut back foliage at this state, you’ll do better to use it to protect the plant in winter. If you tie the foliage over the center of the plant, the crown is protected and insulated.

The time for red hot poker plant trimming is in springtime, once all threat of cold weather has passed. Trim back dead foliage with a pruner and sit back as your plant comes back to life for another round of beautiful blooms.

This article was last updated on 06/19/21

Read more about Red Hot Poker

Red hot pokers are truly sun worshippers. It owes its nickname to the original form Kniphofia uvaria. We will show how the red hot poker plant will thrive in your garden.

The red-hot poker captivates with its unique radiant flowers [Photo: Spiks/ Shutterstock.com]

Red hot poker (Kniphofia) shines in bright colours in the garden. Red in colour, it rises like a torch on the bushy foliage leaves, as the name suggests. Their nectar is drinkable and is used for creams and ointments. Red hot poker is popular with bees and butterflies as well because of this nectar. Important to note is their limited winter hardiness. It survives the winter best in mild locations and in front of protected south-facing walls. What you also need to know for planting and care, we explain here.


  • Red hot poker: origin and characteristics
  • The most beautiful species and varieties
  • Planting red hot poker: location, companion plants and more
  • Proper care for the red hot poker
    • Pruning red hot poker
    • Fertilising, watering and more
  • Is the red hot poker hardy?
  • Kniphofia propagation
  • Is the red hot poker poisonous?

The nectar of the red-hot poker is popular with humans and animals [Photo: rhfletcher/ Shutterstock.com]

Red hot poker: origin and characteristics

Red hot pokers, also known as torch lilies, represent a genus of plants native to Africa within the asphodel family (Asphodeloideae). Many may be familiar with another member of this family, namely the Aloe vera. Its natural location offers it a Mediterranean climate under full sun. From the coast up into the mid and high mountains, it thrives on rugged slopes and stream banks. In the cold months it stands in seepage wet soil, which is always supplied with fresh oxygen. In summer, when the water supply dries up, the moderately nutritious silicate rock becomes quite dry. Due to the water resources, the red hot poker in its native country has its main growth phase in the wet winter and spring, while in the dry summer phase it is dormant. In our latitudes, the flowering period shifts to summer.

Now about its external appearance: the red hot poker is horst-forming. Many of the narrow, long and keeled foliage leaves are therefore close together and form a so-called eyrie. The shoot axes usually protrude from these to a height of around one metre, on which several intensely coloured flower corollas are enthroned. On these 15 to 30 cm long racemose flowerheads, the upper flowers are often red in colour and turn yellow towards the bottom, sometimes they are white or green. The flowering period of the red hot poker is between June and October, depending on the variety, and lasts a very long time, because the flower unfolds from the bottom up.

The herbaceous plants form horizontal rhizomes, with the help of which they can survive. Thus, red hot pokers are perennial. Some species are evergreen. In many, however, the above-ground parts of the plant die in winter, so the leaves turn brown.

The red-hot poker is native to the Ethiopian highlands and other parts of Africa [Photo: ChWeiss/ Shutterstock.com]

The most beautiful species and varieties

About 150 Kniphofia species are known. Breeding has also given rise to numerous hybrids and varieties. We will not present some species and varieties to you:

  • Kniphofia uvaria: Flower red to yellow, 50 to 120 cm tall, original red hot poker from which the present cultivar crosses originated. There are also variety mixtures of this type, such as Grandiflora mixture.
  • Kniphofia uvaria ‘Papaya Popsicle’: Blooms vigorously in salmon pink, fading to apricot, up to 50 cm tall.
  • Kniphofia uvaria ‘Ice Queen’: White flowering with 100 to 120 cm height.
Kniphofia uvaria ‘Ice Queen’ is a white variety of red-hot poker [Photo: guentermanaus/ Shutterstock.com]
  • Kniphofia uvaria ‘Green Jade’: Flower white-green running, greenish-white fading, 100 to 120 cm tall.
  • Kniphofia hybrid ‘Royal Standard’: Yellow-orange-red gradient of flower, height from 80 to 100 cm.
  • Kniphofia hybrid ‘Vanilla’: Flower strong yellow, 90 to 100 cm high.
  • Kniphofia uvaria ‘Saffron Bird’: Orange-pink flowering, salmon pink to cream, 90 cm height.
Kniphofia uvaria ‘Safranvogel’ turns white-yellow when it flowers [Photo: QueSeraSera/ Shutterstock.com]
  • Kniphofia hybrid ‘Fire candle’: Flower red and orange, 60 to 70 cm high.
  • Kniphofia galpinii ‘St. Gall’: Flowers in orange with 60 to 80 cm height. It is more frost hardy than other species.
The Kniphofia hybrid ‘Vanilla’ glows an intense yellow [Photo: Peter Turner Photography/ Shutterstock.com]

Planting red hot poker: location, companion plants and more

In our latitudes the climatic conditions – as described at the beginning – are not really according to the needs of the Kniphofia. That is why she has to adjust her rhythm a bit and go with the flow, so to speak. It therefore also rests in winter instead of summer, which is an impressive adaptation.

The perfect location for red hot pokers in the garden is in full sun, protected from the wind on a very well-drained and loose soil. A deep, well-draining gravel substrate is ideal. For those who find this too much effort, the existing soil should at least be well loosened and mixed with plenty of sand before planting. In addition, it is important that the soil is moderately rich in humus and nutrients with a pH between 6.5 to 8. It should be rather dry to fresh, but never completely dry out. In the summer should be watered more. Finally, it is important to have enough water during the main growth phase. Short dry periods are tolerated if necessary, but lead to growth delays. To avoid dehydration, it is appropriate to mulch the area around the plants.

Red hot pokers are best planted in the spring, only after the Ice Saints, to avoid damage from late frosts. In autumn, she often fails to grow. After planting red hot pokers still need to be sure to protect them from frost, as they are not reliably hardy. In winter, waterlogged soils and cold, unprotected sites are absolutely unsuitable.

In the bed, the red hot poker is planted with a planting distance of 60 cm, so that two specimens can fit in one square metre. The most attractive image is achieved with one to three, maximum five plants in the bed. The leaf rosette – that is, where the leaves sprout from the shoot axis crowded together – should be close to the ground and parallel to the soil surface, but never below ground level.

Care should also be taken to choose a location near which it is not necessary to constantly dig up. This is because the thick, yellow roots of the red hot poker grow in a bundle shape extending far out to the sides and would otherwise be injured.

A sheltered position in front of a warming south façade facilitates overwintering [Photo: Kristyna Henkeova/ Shutterstock.com]

Overview – Preferred location of the red hot poker:

  • Planting after the ice saints
  • Full sun, preferably 6 hours a day or more
  • Loose, permeable soil
  • Moderately rich in humus and nutrients
  • Moderately dry to fresh
  • Protect from drying out, mulch for it
  • Sheltered from the wind on warm south side
  • Avoid excavations in the immediate vicinity

From afar, large groups of Kniphofia flowers captivate with their unique look. In company with tall grasses or foliage ornamental perennials come out wonderfully. There are no limits to the imagination, as long as the site requirements are shared. However, next to highly competitive growing plants such as aster (Aster), red hot pokers do not like it.

Examples of suitable companion plants:

Grasses: Pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana), tender feather grass (Stipa tenuissima).

Blooming plants: Bearded iris (Iris barbata), daylilies (Hemerocallis), montbretias (Crocosmia), palm lily (Yucca), ornamental leek (Allium), beardtongue (Penstemon), crimson beebalm (Monarda didyma), catmint (Nepeta cataria), mullein (Verbascum), lavender (Lavendula), perovskia (Perovskia), dahlia (Dahlia), globe thistle (Echinops sp.), tickseed (Coreopsis), yarrow (Achillea), sunflower (Helenium), lilies (Lilium), gypsophila (Gypsophila).

Red-hot poker combine well with grasses and rock garden perennials [Photo: Beekeepx/ Shutterstock.com]

Red hot pokers in a pot:

In terms of low winter hardiness, planting red hot poker in a pot is advantageous over planting in a bed. After all, the pot can be quickly brought into the protective four walls, and also quickly warm up in the spring. Since the roots of the red hot poker in the pot have only a very limited space, the substrate should be rich in nutrients from the beginning, but also particularly structurally stable. We therefore recommend our Plantura Organic Enriched Compost. It releases increased nitrogen over time and also contains high levels of phosphate and potassium oxide, which promote stable growth and attractive flowering. Since the red hot poker in the pot in pure soil quickly threatens waterlogging, it is necessary to integrate a sufficient drainage layer. That is why it is important to add coarse-grained components such as expanded clay, sand or gravel. A mix ratio of 60% Plantura Organic Enriched Compost and 40% structural materials is excellent. You should add a layer of mulch over this to keep the red hot poker evenly moist, even in the pot.

In a pot with a capacity of at least 1 L fit one to two seedlings, over 2 L already two to three. In an even larger container will fit accordingly more plants. The upper part of the seedling here, too, should not be buried in the substrate, but protrude a good 5 cm. The seedlings must be separated into 5L pots already next year, otherwise they will be too crowded. A full-grown red hot poker requires a large, wide container with a volume of 20 L.

Organic Enriched Compost, 40L

  • Perfect for all crops and ornamental plants with a high nutrient requirement & for raised beds
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Proper care for the red hot poker

Red hot poker is quite easy to care for, as it rarely needs pruning. In winter, you should untie the head of leaves of evergreen species. As with all plants, it should be avoided over-fertilisation. The following applies to watering: avoid waterlogging and drying out. Red hot pokers are troubled by the wind, which causes their flowers to stick together and dry out.

Pruning red hot poker

Only in the spring should be pruned red hot poker. Then flowerheads and old leaves can be removed to a height of about a hand width above the ground. As a general rule, always use clean and sharp tools when cutting to avoid infection.

Only with the right care can the full beauty of the Kniphofia unfold [Photo: Krzysztof Slusarczyk/ Shutterstock.com]

Fertilising, watering and more

The following is part of the perfect care for the red hot poker:

Fertilise Kniphofia in the bed:
The Kniphofia has medium fertiliser requirements. Therefore, we recommend the application of compost or slow-release fertiliser in the spring before flowering. Our Plantura Flower Food is ideal for this purpose. With its high potassium content, our fertiliser supports adequate water absorption and transmission, which is essential in a sunny location. Furthermore, the plant can strengthen its tissue and thus better survive the cold winter. Potassium is also important for flower development. Nitrogen and phosphorus and trace elements are also included in suitable quantities and support the growth of the red hot poker.

Fertilise red hot poker in the pot:
If grown in a pot, the flower must be fertilised more often. For this, the mulch layer must be pushed aside and our Plantura Flower Food must be applied underneath and watered. Every three months the ration should be refreshed. Please do not try to work the fertilizer into deeper layers of soil with your fingers or a fork. The risk of damaging the roots is simply too high. Then sprinkle the mulch over it again. Fertilisation takes place from April to October.

Flower Food, 1.5kg

  • Perfect for flowering plants in the garden & on the balcony
  • For healthier plants with beautiful & long-lasting blossoms
  • Long-lasting fertiliser that is free from animal products - child & pet friendly

The red hot poker does not bloom?

  • The red hot poker is too young: in the first year after planting, it is common that the red hot poker does not yet develop flowers. Plants grown from seed may take as long as 3 years before the first flowering.
  • If an established red hot poker does not bloom, it may indicate a nutrient deficiency. If phosphorus and potash are not available to plants in sufficient quantities, flowering cannot develop. Appropriate fertiliser application can solve the problem.
  • Likewise, an unsuitable, i.e. too cold, shady or wet, location can be the reason for a failure to bloom.

Watering Kniphofia:
Red hot poker does not tolerate waterlogging, especially after flowering. Drying out should also be avoided. However, the substrate can quietly slightly dry between watering. It is best to water the surface slightly dried soil in the morning or evening.

The Kniphofia flowers in spring in its natural habitat, but in summer here [Photo: Nawi Mabo/ Shutterstock.com]

Transplant red hot poker:
Transplanting is possible in the spring, but is not well tolerated by the red hot poker. Occasionally, however, it is necessary if the location proves unsuitable. Care should be taken not to injure the rhizomes. Transplanting can be used directly for division. You can learn more about this below.

How do I care for a red hot poker?

  • Fertilise bed culture once in April
  • Pot culture fertilize every 3 months from April to October
  • Water sufficiently, avoid waterlogging and dehydration
  • Avoid transplanting rather
  • Pruning old leaves in the spring
Red-hot poker is best watered in the morning or evening [Photo: altana-studio/ Shutterstock.com]

Is the red hot poker hardy?

Red hot pokers are conditionally hardy. They are assigned to winter hardiness zone Z7 and, accordingly, can withstand temperatures of maximum – 17.8 °C. However, it requires some winter protection measures.

The flower withers towards autumn, but remains standing. It should also not be removed until the next spring, as it provides a little protection over the winter. The foliage should be left as well and can be loosely tied. Loosely covering with spruce branches, leaves or fir brushwood also provides good frost protection. Care must be taken not to allow moisture to accumulate under the cover, otherwise rot will be encouraged. Winter hardiness is reduced if nitrogen fertilisation is too strong or too late. Therefore, care must be taken to discontinue fertilisation no later than the fall.
Potted plants can be overwintered at cool temperatures of 5 to 10 °C in a light to semi-shaded spot. They tolerate light night frosts.

Towards winter, the flowers wither, but offer protection against the cold [Photo: Charlotte Evelyn/ Shutterstock.com]

Kniphofia propagation

To propagate the Kniphofia can resort to seeds or divide the rhizome. After successful fertilisation, the Kniphofia produces seeds in small green globular capsule fruits. After a while, the fruits turn brown and open. Then it is time to take the germinable seeds. They can be used for propagation on the windowsill from February. Red hot poker seeds require a period of cold exposure to germinate. In technical jargon, this is called stratification. Self-collected seeds for this purpose can be stored in a bag in the refrigerator until spring. For six to eight weeks the seeds should be stored at an average temperature of 5 °C.

The seeds are light germinators, so do not cover them with soil when sowing. At a temperature of at least 15 °C, the seeds start after about two to three weeks. The growing medium must always be kept moist during this time, as the seeds must not dry out under any circumstances. A covered growing pot can meet these conditions. It is best to keep the young flowers in a greenhouse for the first year to protect them from slugs. Then from the second year they can go outdoors.

Overview – Grow red hot poker from seed:

  • Refrigeration requirement: store at 5 °C for 6 to 8 weeks
  • Pre-culture indoors from February or direct sowing from April
  • Light germinators: Do not cover with soil
  • Keep soil moist
  • Temperature: 15 °C
  • Germination: 2 – 3 weeks
  • 1st year in the greenhouse recommended
The seeds of Kniphofia are ripe as soon as the fruit has dried up [Photo: ItsAngela/ Shutterstock.com]

Another way of reproduction is the division of the eyries. This can be completed in April. To do this, you must first expose the rhizome, completely cut off the flower shoots and shorten the leaves of the red hot poker to about 15 cm. The roots can be shortened as well to encourage new shoots.
Then it is time to divide the rhizomes freed from soil. For a pot culture are needed small sections, about 5 cm wide, and for bedding – as large as possible. With a sharp and clean knife should cut them. It is recommended that each section has several visible “eyes”, that is, shoots. To disinfect the interfaces, they can be dipped in charcoal powder and covered with a damp cloth to prevent them from drying out.

Then the rhizomes can be re-buried in planting holes in suitable locations with some organic fertiliser. Make sure that the roots point downward and the shoots point upward.

Overview – Red hot poker propagation by division:

  • Time: April
  • Expose plant
  • Shorten leaves and flower shoots
  • Remove rhizome from soil
  • For pot culture divide the rhizome into pieces about 5 cm wide
  • Separate rhizome for bedding planting into parts as large as possible
  • Plant rhizome pieces the right way with a little flower fertiliser
White representatives can also be found among the red-hot poker [Photo: Khairil Azhar Junos/ Shutterstock.com]

Is the red hot poker poisonous?

No, the red hot poker is not poisonous. Neither for humans nor animals it poses a danger, all can safely enjoy the beauty of the magnificent red hot poker flower.

Red-hot poker is extremely popular with insects [Photo: Ballygally View Images/ Shutterstock.com]

Not only we ourselves find pleasure in the radiant flowers of the red hot poker. Insects also love to feast on their nectar. If you want to offer bees and co. an even bigger buffet in your garden, you should take a look at our article about bee-friendly perennials.

Do red hot pokers need to be cut back?

Red Hot Poker only needs to be cut back to the ground at the beginning of its growing season in early spring, keeping the cold-hardy crown even more protected through the winter.

Should red hot pokers be cut back UK?

Cutting back a Red Hot Poker's tall stalks after blooming is not recommended. Allowing the foliage to remain all season long helps the plant to store food for the winter. However, you can cut off the spent blooms after they fade. Deadheading during the growing season encourages continuous blooming.

What do you do with red hot pokers after they have flowered?

Grow red hot pokers in moist but well-drained soil in full sun to partial shade. Cut them to the ground after flowering and keep the roots dry in winter. Divide in spring to propagate new plants and reinvigorate existing clumps.

How do you prune hot pokers?

Pruning Red Hot Poker Plant Flowers Here's how to trim a red hot poker plant when you are deadheading. Simply use garden scissors or pruners and snip off the stem of the plant just below a faded blossom. That's it.


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