When someone says good luck What do you reply?

It’s nice to feel supported. It’s nice to feel like someone out there wants you to succeed in your endeavors. So, it’s always nice to hear someone say, “good luck.” It’s ultimately a small gesture, just two words. But, it can feel really good to hear. The only issue is, how are you supposed to respond? Well, simply look below for 25 of the best replies to “good luck.”

Polite Replies to “Good Luck”

There is never any harm in being polite. If someone says “good luck” they are being nice. It only makes sense to be nice back and give a polite response.

1. Thank you

This response is obviously very polite. They wished you good luck and you thank them. It’s quick and easy.

2. Thank you, and good luck to you too.

This response is even more polite than the simple “thank you.” You thank them for the good luck wish and then wish them the same. Shows the other person you care about them.

3. Thanks, buddy.

This is a more casual, but still very polite, version of thank you. It thanks the other person for their good luck wish and then presents to them your level of familiarity with a fun friend nickname.

4. I’ll try my best.

This is a polite response that assures the other person that you will be trying your best to succeed in whatever it was that they wished you good luck with.

5. Thanks, I really need it.

This is a good polite response to “good luck” because it gives thanks to the other person but also shows them that you are really thankful by explaining that you are really going to need the luck to do what you are about to do.

Funny Replies to “Good Luck”

Being polite is all nice and fine. But maybe you are in a silly mood. Maybe you want to make someone laugh. Well, then these funny responses are for you.

6. Luck has nothing to do with it.

This is a nice funny response as it implies whatever you clearly needed luck on would be entirely based on your own skills when that is obviously not the case.

7. Luck? I don’t need luck! I’m *your name*!

This is a fun and funny response because it implies to the other person that you are so cool and talented that you don’t need any luck to do what you are about to do. It’s even funnier if you say it in a mock macho or epic voice to add a little flavor to it.

8. Wait and Watch

This is another funny response to “good luck” that makes you seem like a really skilled person and luck is not needed. All the other person has to do is wait and watch and they’ll see how skilled you are.

9. No thanks.

This is funny because it is not normally a response to “good luck.” Outright rejecting the “good luck” is sure to get a laugh out of the other person because it is so unexpected.

10. Huh? What’s luck?

This is a funny response because you are pretending to not know what luck is, because, once again, you are such a cool and heavily skilled person that you have never needed the luck to do anything in your life ever.

11. Great, now you jinxed me.

This is funny because now you can make the other person feel bad for jinxing you with the wish of “good luck.” Just make sure that the tone of your voice is clearly joking so that the other person will not seriously think you will blame them if things go wrong.

12. You’re the one who will need luck.

This one is funny because it has a vaguely threatening energy to it. And, since it won’t really make sense in most scenarios when someone wishes you “good luck”, it will be sure to garner a laugh and not be seen as a real threat because of how unexpected the response is.

13. Luck? *fart noise*

This is a funny response because it shows the other person what you think of their “good luck” wish in a funny way. You don’t need luck. Luck will have nothing to do with whether you succeed or not. You’re successes and failures will all be entirely on your own merits. The mere idea of needing luck deserves nothing more as a response than a juvenile fart noise.

14. You think I need luck? *flex*

This response only works as a funny response if you don’t have big muscles. If you do have big muscles it’ll probably come across and genuine and a kind of weird response. But, if you do not have big muscles, it will be pretty funny because you will be implying that your lack of muscles will somehow help you with whatever it was that they wished you “good luck” with.

15. The “L” in my luck has been replaced with an “F”.

This is a funny response because if you replace the “L” in luck with an “F” you get a curse word. It’s funny because saying this will imply to the other person that even with the “good luck” that they wished you, you are not likely to succeed with what you are about to do because all the luck in your life recently has been pretty bad.

16. To quote Abraham Lincoln… “Thanks.”

This one is funny because you are setting it up as quoting some great person from history, making the other person think that you are about to say some grand and wise saying in response to “good luck” but instead you shock them by simply saying “thanks.” The actual person you are quoting can be changed to be whoever you want, it does not have to be Abraham Lincoln, just make sure that is some highly respected historical figure to really shock the other person.

17. Thanks, but my luck is so bad that if I bought a cemetery, people would stop dying.

This is an old funny saying about having bad luck that is sure to get a laugh from the other person. The joke here is that cemeteries are sure to stay in business because people will always be dying but your luck is supposedly so bad that if you owned one the universe would stop killing people just to make sure you lose money.

18. Thanks, I just broke a mirror, so I need it.

An old legend is that if you break a mirror you will get seven years of bad luck. This response is funny because it implies that the “good luck” they wished you could not have come at a better time and was absolutely needed because you just cursed yourself with seven years of bad luck.

19. You have got to be kidding me! What is wrong with you?

This response works best if the person said: “good luck” in a theater because it is actually considered bad luck to wish someone “good luck” in a theater. It becomes a funny response especially if you overreact and do an overly exaggerated shocked and appalled face at them like they just insulted your entire family.

20. Thanks. I need it. *open umbrella indoors*

Of course, this one can only work if you are inside and have an umbrella on hand. It is considered bad luck to open an umbrella when indoors. The humor of this response comes from thanking the person for the wish of “good luck”, tell them how much you need it, and then immediately doing something to give yourself bad luck. The humor here is from the juxtaposition of the two opposing events.

21. Thanks. I need it. *walks under a ladder*

Once again, this one can only work if there is a ladder nearby to walk under because it is considered bad luck to walk under a ladder. Again, the humor of this response comes from thanking the person for the wish of “good luck”, tell them how much you need it, and then immediately doing something to give yourself bad luck. The humor here is from the juxtaposition of the two opposing events.

22. Thanks. I need it *spills salt shaker*

Once again, this one can only work if there is a salt shaker nearby to knock over because it is considered bad luck to do that. Again, the humor of this response comes from thanking the person for the wish of “good luck”, tell them how much you need it, and then immediately doing something to give yourself bad luck. The humor here is from the juxtaposition of the two opposing events.

23. Who is luck? And why are they so good?

This is just a funny response where you pretend to misunderstand them and think they are talking about someone named Luck who is really good.

24. Huh? What do I need luck with?

This funny response works best if you immediately start to pretend to panic after you say that. Not understanding what you need luck with and starting to freak out/

25. *wink*

Just saying nothing a winking is a funny response because it implies that you have some sort of trick up your sleeve prepared to help you succeed and luck was never needed.

Think about who wishes you good luck when choosing your answer

What type of response you should give, polite or funny, all depends on who said it to you. A polite response is best when someone said “good luck” to you with genuine care or when you actually feel that you need good luck. It is also best to give a polite response when “good luck” was said by a superior as they probably don’t want to hear a joke and you want to stay on their good side. A polite response is also best when the “good luck” was clearly said as an end to a conversation with you and the other person going your separate ways as it is best to just give a polite response and let both of you carry on with your days. A funny response is best when the “good luck” was said sarcastically or if said by a friend in a casual setting.

Hopefully, now you’ll know what to say the next time someone wishes you luck.

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11 Better Ways To Say “Good Luck” (Formal & Friendly)

“Good Luck” – Easy Preposition Guide (Helpful Examples)

How do you respond to good luck?

The most obvious and basic response to anyone wishing one good luck on any occasion is "thank you" or any of its many variants. "You too" can be added when appropriate, but would not be if the other person is not in the situation, whatever it is, for which good luck is being wished.

When someone says good luck What does that mean?

1 —used to say that one hopes someone will succeed We're sorry that you're leaving. Good luck in your new job. 2 informal —used to say that one thinks what someone is trying to do is difficult or impossible "I'm planning to ask for a raise." "Oh, really?

How do you say thank you for wishing me good luck?

How to Say 'Thanks for the Well Wishes' After a Big Life Change.
“Thank you so much for your excitement as I embark on this next chapter of life.” ... .
“Your support and cheer for my big move means the world. ... .
“Thanks for your encouragement. ... .
“Thank you for being there when I needed you the most. ... .
“Thanks for cheering me on!”.


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