What week makes you 5 months?

September 27, 2021

By: Cara Terreri | 0 Comments

It's the second question anyone asks after saying, "I'm pregnant!" Turns out, there are many ways to answer how far along you are. Let's take a look.

Measuring Your Pregnancy

How Many Weeks?

Many people first report their pregnancy progress in weeks. The date and progress of your pregnancy is measured from the start date of your last menstrual period (LMP). The week of your last period before finding out you're pregnant is technically considered the first week of pregnancy even though you aren't actually pregnant at that time. This dating method is easier to use since it's practically impossible to know the exact date of when sperm met egg. Even if you know when you ovulated or when sperm was introduced, it's impossible to know when conception occurred since sperm can live in the uterus up to five days. 

Pregnancy lasts around 40 weeks, give or take. Since the body doesn't stick to deadlines or guidelines, 40 weeks is just an estimate. Many people give birth before or after that time. First-time parents often go into labor closer to 41 weeks.

How Many Months?

The average calendar month is 4-5 weeks, but a pregnancy month is always exactly 4 weeks. If you're 32 weeks pregnant, you would say you're 8 months pregnant even if some of the calendar months were closer to 5 weeks long. 

Weeks into Months, Months into Trimesters

It wasn't enough to count a pregnancy by weeks or months -- we had to introduce trimesters! A trimester is a period of 3 months, and each pregnancy contains 3 trimesters. Each trimester marks a different developmental stage of your baby's growth in utero. Often, there are a different set of symptoms attributed to each of the trimesters, too. 

Putting It All Together

We created a handy little chart to help you identify exactly where you are in your pregnancy in weeks, months, and trimesters. 

1 week in the 1st month 1st trimester
2 weeks in the 1st month 1st trimester
3 weeks in the 1st month 1st trimester
4 weeks 1 month 1st trimester
5 weeks in the 2nd month 1st trimester
6 weeks in the 2nd month 1st trimester
7 weeks in the 2nd month 1st trimester
8 weeks 2 months 1st trimester
9 weeks in the 3rd month 1st trimester
10 weeks in the 3rd month 1st trimester
11 weeks in the 3rd month 1st trimester
12 weeks 3 months 1st trimester
13 weeks in the 4th month 1st trimester
14 weeks in the 4th month 2nd trimester
15 weeks in the 4th month 2nd trimester
16 weeks 4 months 2nd trimester
17 weeks in the 5th month 2nd trimester
18 weeks in the 5th month 2nd trimester
19 weeks in the 5th month 2nd trimester
20 weeks 5 months 2nd trimester
21 weeks in the 6th month 2nd trimester
22 weeks in the 6th month 2nd trimester
23 weeks in the 6th month 2nd trimester
24 weeks 6 months 2nd trimester
25 weeks in the 7th month 2nd trimester
26 weeks in the 7th month 2nd trimester
27 weeks in the 7th month 2nd trimester
28 weeks 7 months 3rd trimester
29 weeks in the 8th month 3rd trimester
30 weeks in the 8th month 3rd trimester
31 weeks in the 8th month 3rd trimester
32 weeks 8 months 3rd trimester
33 weeks in the 9th month 3rd trimester
34 weeks in the 9th month 3rd trimester
35 weeks in the 9th month 3rd trimester
36 weeks 9 months 3rd trimester
37 weeks in the 10th month 3rd trimester
38 weeks in the 10th month 3rd trimester
39 weeks in the 10th month 3rd trimester
40 weeks 10 months 3rd trimester
41 weeks in the 11th month 3rd trimester
42 weeks in the 11th month 3rd trimester


week by week pregnancy Pregnancy Basics Dating Your Pregnancy Measuring Pregnancy Pregnancy by Trimester

What week does 5 months begin?

The fifth month of pregnancy encompasses from week 17 to 20 and is part of the second trimester of pregnancy. The most obvious symptoms to expect are, on the one hand, the increased size of the breasts and the belly, as well as the first baby movements. The fifth month of pregnancy is the halfway point of pregnancy.

How many weeks pregnant equals 5 months?

There are a few different ways the weeks of pregnancy are grouped into months, so this fifth month could range from week 17 or 18 up to week 20, 21, or 22.

Is 18 weeks considered 5 months pregnant?

18 weeks pregnant is how many months? If you're 18 weeks pregnant, you're in month 5 of your pregnancy. Only 4 months left to go!

Is 17 weeks considered 5 months pregnant?

How many months is 17 weeks pregnant? You're in month four.


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