What was the most direct cause of the more passionate performances brainly

The most direct cause of the more passionate performances were the new verse forms and conceptual framework.

Which event happened first the Elizabethan theater?

play Gorboduc

Why were playhouses built in the suburbs?

Puritan leaders had playhouses and theaters banned from the city of London because they felt that the theatre prevented people from going to church. Playhouses were banned from the city limits of London (London proper) so they were built in the surrounding suburbs/outskirts of London.

Which event happened first the Red Lion?

The event that happened first was Gorboduc was performed in front of the queen. We are talking about the Elizabethan Theater that started in 1576, an important venue for artists and plays in England. The first play was Gorboduc and was performed in front of the queen.

Which sentence most effectively helps readers envision a scene quizlet?

As per the question, the option that suggests a statement assisting the readers to envision a scene would be option C as it proposes the vivid-imagery which is reflected through the choice of words like ‘low murmur of voices’, ‘women shoulder their way’, etc.

What was the most direct effect of the establishment of the Queen’s Men quizlet?

What was the most direct effect of the establishment of the Queen’s Men? The Puritans were outraged. Sir Thomas Elyot is worth listening to on this subject.

Why is the sentence grammatically incorrect?

In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct, the subject and verb must both be singular or plural. In other words, the subject and verb must agree with one another in their tense.

Which is the best evidence to add to the passage to support the writer’s point?

Answer Expert Verified. The best evidence to add to the above passage to support the writer’s point is: An estimated 250,000 people died during the epidemic.

How do you write evidence?

Here are some ways to work evidence into your writing: Offer evidence that agrees with your stance up to a point, then add to it with ideas of your own. Present evidence that contradicts your stance, and then argue against (refute) that evidence and therefore strengthen your position.

How do you introduce evidence in an argumentative essay?

To introduce evidence in an essay, start by establishing a claim or idea in the first sentence of the paragraph, then present the evidence to support your claim. Always analyze the evidence once you have presented it so the reader understands its value.

What are some transition words for evidence?

Transitional expressions

Cause and Effect accordingly, consequently, hence, so, therefore, thus
Additional Support or Evidence additionally, again, also, and, as well, besides, equally important, further, furthermore, in addition, moreover, then

How do you support arguments with evidence?

Present evidence that contradicts your stance, and then argue against (refute) that evidence and therefore strengthen your position. Use sources against each other, as if they were experts on a panel discussing your proposition. Use quotations to support your assertion, not merely to state or restate your claim.

What is the evidence in an argument?

In argument, evidence refers to facts, documentation or testimony used to strengthen a claim, support an argument or reach a conclusion.

What is the most persuasive type of evidence?

Story. This is something from your personal experience. It may not readily prove your contentions, but it brings them to life. Handled well – which is to say, with authenticity – it can be the most powerful form of evidence.

What is the strongest and most convincing type of evidence?

And as far as I know, at the moment, scientific consensus is that statistical and causal evidence are much more persuasive than storytelling. But, as far as evidence is concerned, statistical and causal evidence is much stronger. We can conclude that stories overall are the least persuasive kind of evidence.

What types of evidence or persuasion are used?

  • State an observation and connect that observation to your opinion. Interviews.
  • Use quotes or information from an interview to prove your point. Surveys/Data.
  • Use data from a survey to prove your point. Experiments.

What does good evidence look like?

Evidence is one of the foundations of critical thinking and good decision-making. According to Linda Dyer, there are six aspects to good evidence: accuracy, precision, sufficiency, representativeness, authority and clarity of expression.

What kind of evidence can you use to support your ideas?

Personal narrative or relative anecdote. Illustration. Analysis of an example or an idea. Counter-arguments (obvious oppositional ideas) refuted logically.


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