What sentence uses a prepositional phrase?


    Prepositional Phrase Examples


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A prepositional phrase adds information to a sentence. An example of a prepositional phrase is, “With a reusable tote in hand, Matthew walked to the farmer’s market.” Every prepositional phrase is a series of words consisting of a preposition and its object. In the example above, with is the preposition and reusable tote is the object. Explore several prepositional phrase examples to see them shift into different roles in a sentence.

Examples of Common Prepositional Phrases

There are many prepositional phrases that you’ve probably seen (and used) in your writing. These phrases set a scene or give us more details about a sentence. For example:

  • according to the weather forecast
  • across many deserts
  • after many tries
  • amid the confusion
  • around the world
  • before we start the meeting
  • between a rock and a hard place
  • by the light of the moon
  • like a beautiful swan
  • near the ocean
  • of my boss
  • off the top
  • out the door
  • through the looking glass
  • throughout the thick forest
  • to the amusement park

Examples of Prepositional Phrases as Adjectives

Adjectives modify nouns, pronouns, and other adjectives. They can be simple words that provide more detail. For example, “The old book sounded so intriguing.” However, prepositional phrases can also act as adjectives, providing additional details about nouns. See how they can tell us more about the nearby noun (indicated in italics):

  • The book with the tattered cover is my favorite.
  • All the passengers aboard the runaway train were frightened.
  • The present inside the big box is mine.
  • Our boss put out a memo regarding the new rule.
  • The clues within the first few chapters will lead to the murderer.
  • His is only one voice among many, but it will be heard.
  • The extra blanket is in the box under the bed.
  • Saul, unlike many others, will remain there.
  • The car beside the red one is the one I want to buy.
  • The area outside the boundary is dangerous to cross.
  • All rooms below deck are for sleeping.
  • Tell me the story about the dragon slayer.

Prepositional Phrases as Adverbs

While adjectives modify nouns, adverbs modify verbs and other adverbs. They, too, can be simple words. For example, “She frantically raced for the door.” Prepositional phrases can also act as adverbs, providing additional details about verbs (indicated in italics). For example:

  • Racing toward the finish line, Sarah realized she just might win.
  • My shopping list needs to be put into my purse.
  • The balloon drifted up the stairs.
  • Put the fresh flowers on a high shelf.
  • Our team won against all odds.
  • The tiger crept over the grass.
  • We will order pizza during halftime.
  • I will climb up the highest mountain tomorrow.
  • I love to take my truck off the road.
  • The baby cried well into the night.

Powerful Prepositional Phrases

Prepositional phrases

Prepositional phrases typically consist of a preposition followed by a noun group/phrase.

Prepositional phrases occur with a range of functions, including:

  • adverbial (how, when, where) in clause structure (for example, ‘on the train’ in ‘We met on the train.’)
  • modifier in noun group/phrase structure (for example, ‘with two children’ in ‘a couple with two children’)
  • modifier in adjective group/phrase structure (for example, ‘with red hair’ in ‘the boy with red hair’)

Prepositional phrases add detail, description and vividness to writing. The preposition works together with its object to form the prepositional phrase (prepositional phrase = preposition + object of the preposition), for example:

Paul walked to the primary school at the end of the block on Monday evening during a very heavy thunderstorm.

Punctuation of prepositional phrases

Initial position

Prepositional phrases in the initial position are set off from the base clause by a comma. For example:

  • On Monday evening, Paul walked to the primary school at the end of the block during a very heavy thunderstorm.


  • Paul walked to the primary school at the end of the block, on Monday evening, during a very heavy thunderstorm.

Medial Position

Prepositional phrases in the medial position should interrupt the subject from its verb:

  • Paul, on Monday evening, walked to the primary school at the end of the block, during a very heavy thunderstorm.

Activities to support the strategy

Activity 1: Prepositional phrase identification

Search for prepositional phrases in authentic texts. Use classroom reading texts or choose online texts.

For example: A sentence chosen from student’s own writing

The group of students placed the diving apparatus on their excited faces and plunged into the deep water.

Activity 2: prepositional phrase innovation on texts

Search for prepositional phrases in authentic texts.

Model using a short text such as The tree of life (see below), to develop more descriptive and more interesting writing.

The coconut, according to scientists, is actually the seed at the top of a coconut palm tree. It was given its name by Spanish sailors, between the fifteenth and sixteenth century, who likened the three dents on the shell’s base to a smiling monkey and named it ‘coco’ meaning monkey face.

Students complete the rest of the text with small groups.

A large part of the world’s population depends on the coconut. The stringy tough brown husk (coir) can be woven into ropes and yarns for household goods. Jewellery and musical instruments can be created from the hardened shell. After it’s dried, the tasty coconut meat is called copra. This copra produces oil which is used for cooking and beauty products, soap and animal feed. People also use coconut oil for its health benefits. The clear coconut water from fresh green coconuts is a delicious sweet drink.

It’s not surprising that the coconut palm is called ‘the tree of life’.

Choose other current classroom texts to search for, add to or innovate and change prepositional phrases.

Activity 3: using quality texts to discern sentence complexity

Provide oral and written models in quality texts that show the wide range of information to be unpacked from simple sentences in nonfiction and fiction texts. Students need to reflect on and discuss meaning gathering.

For example, the following sentence could be used as a model:

  • The RSPCA is strongly opposed to the introduction of safari style hunting in the Northern Territory.

Students examine the subject, verb group and then the object “the introduction of safari style hunting in the Northern Territory.” in terms of “… the introduction of safari style hunting” and its implications and then opening the next packet of information “… the Northern Territory.”

Example of a simple sentence with dense content

The object contains complex information that needs to be unpacked for deep comprehension.

Activity 4: prepositional phrase development in own texts

In small groups students (4–5) select a piece of writing. Students add prepositional phrases. These are group corrected and rewritten to develop the best piece of work.


Australian curriculum

ACELA1523: Understand how ideas can be expanded and sharpened through careful choice of verbs, elaborated tenses and a range of adverb groups/phrases.

NSW syllabus

EN3-6B: A student uses knowledge of sentence structure, grammar, punctuation and vocabulary to respond to and compose clear and cohesive texts in different media and technologies.

What is an example of a prepositional phrase in a sentence?

The preposition works together with its object to form the prepositional phrase (prepositional phrase = preposition + object of the preposition), for example: Paul walked to the primary school at the end of the block on Monday evening during a very heavy thunderstorm.

What are the 10 examples of preposition sentences?

Examples of Simple Prepositions.
He sat on the chair..
There is some milk in the fridge..
She was hiding under the table..
The cat jumped off the counter..
Barry drove over the bridge..
Matilde lost her ring at the beach..
The book belongs to Anthony..
They were sitting by the tree..

What are 20 examples of prepositional phrases?

20 Examples of Prepositional Words.

What are 5 examples of prepositions?

"beneath," "beside," "between," "from," "in front of," "inside," "near," "off," "out of," "through," "toward," "under," and "within." The post office is across the street from the grocery store. We will stop at many attractions along the way. The kids are hiding behind the tree.


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