What must take place when transferring command?

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What actions should be taken during a transfer of command?

Transfer of Command Procedures Three key procedures should be followed, whenever possible: The transfer should be face to face. The transfer should include a complete briefing. The effective date and time of the transfer is announced to all affected personnel.

Who does it needs to process for transferring command?

Who designates the Incident Commander and the process for transferring command? The jurisdiction or organization with primary responsibility for the incident.

What would typically be included in the transfer of command briefing?

The transfer of command briefing should include: ▪ Situation status. Incident objectives and priorities based on the IAP. Current organization. Resource assignments.

What are the 5 important steps for effectively assuming command of an incident?

Incident Commander Responsibilities Establish immediate priorities. Determine incident objectives and strategy. Establish an Incident Command Post. Establish and monitor incident organization.


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