What is the tone of the song Where is the love

Tone is how the author wants you to feel about the subject. In my opinion, the song “Where Is The Love?” by the Black Eye Peas has two different tones. During the verses, the artists are rapping about the problems facing the U.S. and the world, and the negative effects they have on people. They sound angry while doing this, giving the song a deeper and coarser tone. Meanwhile, during the chorus the song a more harmonious tone. The artists are preaching for love and harmony in the world. I believe that the Black Eye Peas want the audience to have a moment of reflection and try to make this place a better world to live in.

Verse 1: “What's wrong with the world, mama People livin' like they ain't got no mamas I think the whole world addicted to the drama Only attracted to things that'll bring you trauma Overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism But we still got terrorists here livin' In the USA, the big CIA The Bloods and the Crips and the KKK But if you only have love for your own race Then you only leave space to discriminate And to discriminate only generates hate And when you hate then you're bound to get irate, yeah Madness is what you demonstrate And that's exactly how anger works and operates Man, you gotta have love just to set it straight Take control of your mind and meditate Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all, y'all”

“Where is the love” is a song recorded by Black Eyed Peas, which addresses issues such as terrorism, discrimination, war and greed. It contains several verses where the above issues are expanded in more details. I am especially interested in the first verse, and how the use of rhymes and repetition affects the seriousness and sincerity of the tone.

The first thing that catches my attention is the end rhyme of its lyrics. The first one is from “mama”, “drama” to “trauma”. With the end rhyme, more weights are placed on these three words, and that leads me to a deeper consideration of the meanings of the words. Especially, I looked up the meaning of “trauma” in the Oxford English Dictionary, which defines it as “A wound, or external bodily injury in general; also the condition caused by this; traumatism.” I think that would be applicable to the word based on the context, because “terrorism” in the next line is directly associated with the physical harm implied by the definition. Furthermore, OED gives “trauma” another meaning, as “A psychic injury, esp. one caused by emotional shock the memory of which is repressed and remains unhealed; an internal injury, esp. to the brain, which may result in a behavioural disorder of organic origin. Also, the state or condition so caused.” In my opinion, this definition also well fits the context, since it correlates to the “madness” mentioned afterwards. By stressing the three words via rhyme, the serious and sincere tone of the song gradually develops. The second rhyme I would like to emphasize is from “discriminate”, “hate”, “irate”, “demonstrate”, “operate”, “straight”, “meditate” to “gravitate”. I would like to explain it by two parts, with the first part being from “discriminate” to “operate”. This part emphasizes the results of discrimination. With the rhyme in place, I want to pinpoint another thing that catches my attention, which is the repetition of “discriminate” and “hate” in the lyrics: “Then you only leave space to discriminate And to discriminate only generates hate And when you hate then you’re bound to get irate,” The repetition facilitates the flow of logics, specifically, the flow of causal relationships from discrimination to madness and anger. The second part is from “straight” to “gravitate”, in which the emphasis is placed on the actions needed to reverse anger and to love. It repeals to the audience that love is the only way to prevent the situation from worsening. Here, the use of rhymes and repetition together helps strengthen the tone.

In conclusion, by reading closely, I discover that the seemingly simple rhymes actually have complex effects on the tone of the song, as the first rhyme leads to a contemplation of the issues and sets the seriousness and sincerity of the tone; while the second rhyme, along with repetition of the words, underscores both the badness of discrimination and the need for love, which further strengthens the tone.

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The Black Eyed Peas – Where Is The Love? – YouTube

The song “Where is the love?” by The Black Eyed Peas primarily exemplifies the theme regarding human rights through the relationship between the individual and society. In their song, The Black Eyed Peas describe many of the tragedies constantly occurring throughout the world. These tragedies include violence both domestically and internationally. They describe “nations dropping bombs,” “children hurt,”and  “people killing, people dying.” They cite the lack of love throughout the world as the cause of these pitfalls. For example one section of a verse argues, “if you only have love for your own race then you only leave space to discriminate and to discriminate only generates hate.” This verse implies that to achieve a perfect society or to at least overcome the pitfalls of society, love for one another must come to the forefront of human relations. This would in turn end the cycle of violence and pain inflicted by humans on one another throughout the world.

They also place blame on the overwhelming desire by individuals to make money without care for others. Further, they state that the world was not always this way and in order to return to a more “utopian” society we must abandon greed and turn away from the negative images and wrong information produced by the media. Ultimately, their song exemplifies their desire to return to a world with fairness, equality, and humanity. In other words, “instead of spreading love, we’re spreading animosity.”

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What is the theme of the song Where is the Love?

In June 2003, the Black Eyed Peas released hit song "Where Is the Love?" in response to the 9/11 terror attacks. Its lyrics addressed issues including terrorism, racism, gang crime, pollution, war, intolerance, and violence against LGBT people.

What is the rhyme scheme of Where is the Love?

This is an a a a a rhyme scheme. It is very simple but it gets the message across. Usually, in hip hop music, you will see this type of rhyme scheme. This only has one rhyme scheme operating through most of the whole song except the chorus.

What are the problems of the song Where is the Love?

In this anti-war pacifist anthem, The Black Eyed Peas lament on various worldwide problems. Many issues are discussed which include terrorism, racism, discrimination, selfishness, cruelty, intolerance, greed, US-led invasion of Iraq and US government hypocrisy and deceit. Where is the love?

Where is the love rhetorical devices?

By looking at the song “Where Is The Love” through a rhetorical scope you can see many rhetorical practices in place. Ethos, Pathos, and Logos all are used throughout the song and the video by the Black Eyed Peas to get their message across.


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