What is the term used to describe the direction the hair is combed in relation to its base parting?

ABThe reference point that signals a change in head shape from flat to round or vice versa is thefour cornersThe straight lines used to build weight or create a one-length or low-elevation haircut arehorizontal linesThe straight lines used to remove weight or create graduated layers arevertical linesFor control during haircutting, the hair is divided into uniform working areas calledsectionsThe angle at which the fingers are held when performing a haircut is thecutting lineWhich guideline is used when creating layers or a graduated cuttraveling guidelineThe technique of combing hair away from its natural falling position, rather than straight out from the head toward a guideline, is calledoverdirectionFor a client with a long face, the stylist would recommend a style that addsfullness on the sidesTo compensate for shrinkage associated with curly hair, the stylist should allow for shrinkage of1/2 inch to 2 inchesThe direction that hair grows from the scalp into a natural falling position is thegrowth patternWhich type of comb is used for close tapers in the scissors-over-comb techniquebarber combThe technique used to free up the dominant cutting hand to cut a subsection is calledtransferring the combThe term used to describe the pressure applied to hair when combing or holding a subsection istensionWhen cutting hair, a general rule of thumb is to stand or sitdirectly in front of the area you are cuttingThe technique of cutting below the fingers or inside the knuckles using a horizontal cutting line createsa blunt haircut or heavier graduated haircutThe visual line in a haircut, where the ends of the hair hang together, is theweight lineParting a haircut in the opposite way it was cut to check for precision of line and shape is calledcross-checkingFor a blunt haircut, when using the wide teeth of a comb when cutting, comb the section first with the fine teeth and thenturn the comb around and comb with the wide teethThe term used to describe how hair is moved over the head isdistributionA method of cutting or thinning hair where the fingers and shears glide along the edge of the hair to remove length isslide cuttingThe process of removing excess bulk or cutting for effect without shortening hair length is known astexturizingThinning hair to graduated lengths using a sliding movement with shear blades partially open is calledslitheringWhen performing the slicing technique on the surface of the haircut, it is best to work ondry hairWhen using the clipper-over-comb technique, the length is determined by theangle of the combHaircuts ______ have often reflected a change in the thinking of the time.angle of the combThe ability to duplicate an exisiting haircut or create a new haircut from a photo will build a stronger professional relationship between the stylist andclientsElevation createsgraduation and layersThe outer line of a cut is known as theperimeterShears should be sharpenedonly as neededYou should use _____ tension when your goal is to create precise lines.maximumUsing a razor on ______ hair will weaken the cuticle and cause frizzing.curlyA client consultation should be performed ______ every haircut.beforeThe client's hair should be ______ before the consultation.cleansed and unstyledA quick way to analyze a face shape is to determine if it iswide or longA fine hair, strand is much _____ than a coarse hair strand.skinnierHair density is the number of individual strands on _____ of scalp.1 square inchClippersmay be used with guards of various lengthsCast shears are usually _____ than forged shears.less expensive to purchaseThe _____ on a pair of shears is designed to give you more control over the shear.finger tangYour shears should be cleaned and lubricated once aweeklyBefore purchasing a pair of shears, ensure that the company has authorized someone's in your area to _____ the company's shears.sharpenKnowing how to hold your tools properly will help you avoid muscle strain in yourarmsWhen palming the shears, you hold the comb with your _____ fingersthumb, index, and middleWhen cutting hair, it is important to always use _______ tension.consistentHeavier graduated haircuts work well on hair that ______ when dry.expandsWhich of these statements about razor cutting is true?When working with a razor, the ends are cut at an angle.Texturizing CANNOT be done withclippersWhen using clippers, you should always work ______ the natural growth patterns, especially in the nape.againstWhen trimming a male client's facial hair, it is recommended that you check ______ and ask if he would like for you to remove any excess hair.both his ears and eyebrowsThe term ____ refers to the shape of the head.head formSpots that mark where the surface of the head changes arereference pointsThe widest area of the head is theparietal ridgeThe bone that protrudes at the base of the skull is theoccipital boneThe highest point at the top of the head is theapexThe area at the back part of the neck is thenapeThe triangular section that begins at the apex and ends at the four corners is thebang areaA ______ is a thin continuous mark used as a guide.lineLines parallel to the floor are _____ lines.horizontalThe space between two lines or surfaces that intersect at the given point is a(n):angleLines perpendicular to the floor are _____ lines.verticalLines that have a slanting or sloping direction are _____ lines.diagonalThe line dividing the hair at the scalp is apartWhen creating uniform layers, the hair is elevated to _____ degrees from the scalp and cut at the same length.90When hair contracts or lifts through the action of moisture loss, the process is calledshrinkage

What is the term used to describe the pressure applied to hair when combing or holding a subsection of hair?

The wide teeth are used for combing and parting hair, while the finer teeth comb the section before cutting. • Tension is the amount of pressure applied when. combing and holding a subsection.

What is the term for the direction in which hair grows from the scalp?

Growth pattern- direction in which hair grows from the scalp; also referred to as. natural fall or natural falling position. • Wave pattern- amount of movement in a hair strand • Hair density- number of individual hair strands on one square inch of scalp; usually described as thin, medium, or thick.

What is a parting in haircutting?

Partings & Sections Describes how the hair is separated prior to cutting.

What type of distribution results when hair is combed in a 90 angle from its base parting?

With directional distribution, the hair is combed at a 90 degree, or right, angle from its base parting only.


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