What happens to Eugene in Gattaca?

Jerome Eugene Morrow is a main character in Gattaca (1997). His character is a "stolen ladder" for Vincent Anton Freeman. Jerome is strong-willed and sarcastic, and a good friend of Vincent.


Conception, Birth, and Early Life[]

Jerome Eugene Morrow was conceived through genetic selection and was therefore born a Valid. His country of origin was likely somewhere in Europe. His parents are unknown.

As a Valid, as one with "perfect" genetics, Jerome was expected to succeed in whatever he pursued. He came to expect this of himself as well. He became an accomplished athlete, with his primary area of focus being swimming.

Swimming Competition[]

Whilst competing in a swimming competition, one of many in his lifetime, Jerome unexpectedly placed second. Having expected himself to win first, this shook him. His genetics had "failed" him.


Soon after placing second in the swimming competition, Jerome was involved in a car accident. He was struck by a car while he himself was not in one. He became paralyzed from the waist down and was confined to life in a wheelchair. His athletic career was over.

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Later, Jerome revealed to Vincent that the car accident was no accident. Having only placed second in the swimming competition, Jerome believed himself to be an unjust anomaly. In his despair, he had stepped in front of a moving car in an attempt at suicide. However, his plan failed and he became the Jerome whom Vincent knew: paralyzed, bitter, and unsuccessful.

Becoming a Stolen Ladder[]

Jerome Eugene Morrow

Prior to meeting Vincent, Jerome had apparently placed himself in an ad, offering himself up as a stolen ladder, an incapacitated Valid looking to sell his identity in order to survive. A DNA broker by the name of German made contact with Vincent and Jerome, allowing them to meet. Vincent and Jerome both agreed upon an arrangement. Vincent would become "Jerome" and get a good job in order to pursue his own dreams and to provide for Jerome. German would help transform Vincent into his new identity as well as receive 25% of his earnings. Jerome would provide DNA samples to include blood, skin, and urine samples in order for Vincent to "pass" in his new life as Jerome. Jerome would also try his best to stay "clean", attempting to abstain from smoking and alcohol in order to provide unpolluted samples for Vincent's charade.

Jerome collecting a blood sample to be used by Vincent.

Murder at Gattaca[]

When a mission director at Gattaca was murdered, Vincent was placed under strong suspicion for the crime. Jerome became anxious that the both of them might be discovered. If Vincent were to become incarcerated, Jerome's life would be over as well.

Detective Anton Freeman and Irene Cassini showed up at his door when Vincent was not at home in order to confirm the identity of Jerome Morrow. Jerome made the difficult journey up the stairs of his house in order to reach the main floor. He was able to answer the front door intercom and situate himself on a chair in order to appear as if he could use his legs. Detective Freeman and Irene were none the wiser when they entered the home. Detective Freeman had never met Jerome Morrow, so he proceeded to take a DNA test to confirm his identity. Irene, however, was Vincent's girlfriend, and she was unaware of her boyfriend's true identity. However, even though she knew Jerome was not "her" Jerome, she went along with the charade, pretending she knew the man in the chair before her was the Jerome she knew. Vincent and Jerome were safe for the time being.

Titan Mission and End[]

Vincent was eventually set to leave on his mission to Titan. Hours before he was set to depart, Jerome revealed to him a supply of DNA to include the typical skin, blood, and urine samples. This supply could last at least two lifetimes. Instead of revealing to Vincent why he had collected so much DNA, Jerome handed him an envelope, and told him to wait until he left to open it.

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Once Vincent had left, Jerome retrieved his Second Place swimming competition medal and placed it around his neck to be worn one last time. He then pulled himself into his incinerator. Utilizing this, he committed suicide.

Once Vincent was in space on the rocket bound for Titan, he opened the envelope. Within he found nothing except for a small bundle of Jerome's hair.

Relationships With Other Characters[]

Vincent Anton Freeman[]

The two are very much like brothers. Vincent and Jerome bicker and argue at first, but this soon becomes very natural to them, and a pleasant facet of each of their lives. Jerome is very proud that, with his identity, Vincent gets to live out his dream of going to space.

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What secret does Eugene reveal Gattaca?

With the realization that he is giving away his identity finally washing over him, Eugene confesses his deep-rooted shame to Vincent. He tells him that “Jerome Morrow was never meant to be one step down on the podium,†and goes on to reveal his bitterness towards the situation and the hand he has been dealt.

Who is Eugene in Gattaca?

Gattaca (1997) - Jude Law as Jerome, Eugene - IMDb.

What did Eugene give to Vincent in Gattaca?

After the mission director was murdered, what did the police find of Vincent's near the crime scene that led them to suspect him of the crime? At the end of the movie, Jerome/Eugene gave Vincent an envelope and told him not to open it until he was "upstairs" (in space).

What happens to Anton at the end of Gattaca?

Anton, after hearing Vincent's response begins to swim back, but just like the last time they played this game, he has nothing left and begins to drown.

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