What happens if you leave a dead tooth?

Did you know that teeth are alive? It’s true! Although the outer surface of a tooth is made up of hard enamel, the interior is full of pulp, connective tissue that provides a supply of fresh blood to the whole tooth. There are also nerves in this pulp that can become damaged and stop working as a result of dental decay.

When the nerves in a tooth stop working, they cease their function of providing blood to the tooth. Subsequent infection can cause the nerve to die. The tooth may remain in place, but it is no longer vital. One of the first signs of a dead tooth is that it becomes discolored. It may or may not be painful.

A tooth can also die as the result of trauma or injury to the mouth.

Will a Dead Tooth Fall Out on its Own?

It is important to remember that it can take months or years for a tooth to die. Once a tooth is non-vital, it will eventually fall out, but this process is not one that can be predicted in advance. It is much better to see your dentist and get treatment for a dead tooth.

The reason treating a dead tooth is so crucial? The bacteria from the dead tooth can spread to other teeth and cause further problems. Those teeth are at a higher risk of infection. Likewise, the gums and even the jawbone can be harmed. Getting dead tooth treatment from your trusted family dentist helps prevent these dangers.

Treatments for a Dead Tooth

There are two main courses of treatment for a dead tooth:

1. Root Canal
In a root canal, the interior pulp of the tooth is removed and bacteria inside is cleaned away. Once the interior has been completely cleaned, it is filled with an inert substance. In most cases, this is the most effective way to maintain a tooth after severe infection.

2. Dental Extraction
In an extraction, a damaged tooth is removed completely. This may be necessary if the tooth is no longer structurally sound or it presents a continuing risk of infection. Once the tooth has been extracted, the patient can consider installation of an artificial replacement tooth.

While a dead tooth may fall out on its own, you should never leave it up to chance. For expert dental care, contact Coscarella Dentistry today.

If you recently had a tooth infection or a cavity, and you did not get it treated in time, it may have spread to the root of your tooth. When this occurs, a root canal procedure is necessary to stop the infection from spreading further. After you have had a root canal procedure, that tooth is now a dead tooth. When the blood no longer flows to your tooth, it is a dead tooth.

At Pearl Dental, we offer root canals and other dental emergency services for patients dealing with an infection or pain. As an emergency dentist in Pomona, we are here for you. When your tooth has been deadened or has died through other means, there are a few different options for what you can do with it. In some cases, you can leave it in your mouth, and in other cases, another restorative dentistry option might be better for you.

What Makes a Tooth Dead?

A tooth dies when its nerves have been damaged, and there is no longer a steady supply of blood flowing to it.

How exactly does this happen?

This can happen in many different ways. You can experience a dead tooth due to physical trauma to the face, in which parts of your mouth are damaged. You may end up damaging the pulp – the innermost layer of the tooth – therefore damaging its nerves and cells. The most common reason for a dead tooth, however, is.

Once the tooth is dead, it might fall out on its own. However, it is recommended that you have the dead tooth removed as quickly as possible, so you reduce the risk of spreading an infection to the rest of your mouth.

Symptoms of a Dead Tooth

When you and your dentist are trying to identify a dead tooth, it can be easy to spot the source of the issue if you are experiencing the following two symptoms:

Color Change

Your tooth will become discolored quite quickly after it has died. In most cases, it turns a darker color, and it can even look black, gray, or yellow.

Why the change in color? This occurs when the red blood cells are dying.


You will likely experience a degree of pain when dealing with a tooth infection that advances to the pulp of your tooth. However, it is almost impossible to tell how much pain you will experience. Some patients are in a lot of pain, and others feel no pain at all.

Best Treatment Options for a Dead Tooth

If your tooth has died due to trauma, decay, or a root canal procedure, you are likely wondering what happens next. Does the dead tooth just stay in your mouth and continue functioning like a tooth? Or, is it better to replace the dead tooth with an implant or crown to prevent further decay from happening?

The answer depends on the nature of your deadened tooth and what symptoms you are experiencing. The first thing that will happen is that a technician will take an X-ray of your teeth, so it is easy to identify the source of the decay.

Afterward, your dentist will either recommend extraction or a root canal.

If you have your tooth extracted, you can fill the gap in your teeth with a bridge or an implant. A successful root canal can allow you to leave your dead tooth in your mouth without any risk of opening the infection again.

Take Care of Your Teeth Today

As a top dentist in Pomona, we want to help patients get rid of pain and irritation to promote a healthy and happy mouth. When your tooth has died, you must invest in an extraction or root canal procedure as quickly as possible. Otherwise, you run the risk of letting the infection spread to the rest of your mouth.

Get in touch with our friendly dentists today and schedule an appointment to keep your teeth in tip-top shape. Your mouth will thank you!

What happens if a dead tooth is not removed?

It's important to treat a dying or dead tooth as soon as possible. That's because left untreated, the bacteria from the dead tooth can spread and lead to the loss of additional teeth. It could also affect your jawbone and gums. Your dentist may treat a dead or dying tooth with a procedure known as a root canal.

Does a dead tooth need to be removed?

Because a dead tooth can become brittle, the dentist may fit a crown over the tooth after the root canal treatment to strengthen and support it. Extraction: If a dead tooth is too damaged, it will likely need to be removed —another reason to seek treatment early on.

Can you get sick from a dead tooth?

When your tooth is dead, it can't fight off bacteria. This can put you at greater risk of infection, especially because your tooth's pulp reaches the root of the tooth. Symptoms of bacterial infection include bad taste, swelling, and bad breath.

Can a dead tooth heal itself?

Can A Dead Tooth Heal Itself? Yes, it is a fact that tooth nerves can heal themselves over time with minerals present in the mouth and the process of teeth healing itself is called remineralization.


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