What gives you water in Stranded Deep?

Despite being surrounded by water, fresh drinking water in Stranded Deep is harder to come by than players may think. Still, keeping thirst levels up is necessary if players want to survive and thrive on their new deserted island. Players will often find themselves out in the sun when they reach a deserted island. Naturally, this will cause the thirst meter to drain faster than usual. In order to survive, Stranded Deep players will want to replenish the thirst meter whenever it is about to reach critical levels. 

Players can check the thirst level by pressing the triangle button on a PlayStation controller. When low, the only place players can find fresh water at the beginning of Stranded Deep would be from coconuts. However, as players progress their survival adventure, they will be able to craft a flask that can be used whenever players want. In addition, Stranded Deep players will also be able to store water each time it rains on the island.

The thirst meter in Stranded Deep drains the quickest, which can be intimidating when first starting out in Stranded Deep. However, potable water isn’t actually too difficult to come by with the right knowledge, and this guide will explain the best ways to get fresh water in Stranded Deep.

Getting Fresh Water in Stranded Deep

Like in any survival game worth its salt, you will, along with hunger, need to deal with dehydration; in Stranded Deep, this is also the case, and to deal with dehydration in the game, you will need to find water. 

To get water in Stranded Deep, you can do a multitude of things and the first is to find and collect coconuts, and the second is to make a water still. You can find coconuts at the top of the trees; you can either climb up and grab them or chop the tree down with a crude axe or stone tool. Either one will work, but you will need to level up to level one before you can craft the axe.

Here's how to make both tools:

  • Stone Tool
      • One Rock: you can find these sitting along the beach on some islands. 
  • Crude Axe
      • Two Stone Tools
      • One Wood Sticks: You can find them sitting along the beach along with various other items; you can also get sticks from chopping up wood logs
      • One Lashing: To make lashings, you need to get fibrous leaves from chopping up yuca plants; one lashing takes four fibrous plants to make. 

Once you get some coconuts, you can drop them on the ground and hit them with a tool to turn them drinkable, or you can make the coconut into a coconut flask. Making a coconut flask will allow you to use it as a portable water source in conjunction with a water still; if you want to make a coconut flask, you will need one coconut and one lashing. You can also get water by gathering and farming quwawa berries by planting them.

How to make a water still & water storage in Stranded Deep

To make a water still in stranded deep, you will need the following materials listed below; you will also need to be at level two in the game.

  • Three rocks
  • One Cloth: you can scavage cloth along the beaches of Islands in the game, from shipwrecks, and with a loom and four fibrous leaves.
  • One Palm Frond: you can get these by chopping down palm trees. 
  • One Coconut Flask

Once you get the materials listed above, craft the still and place it on the ground near your camp, and over time it will fill up with water. You can then walk up and drink from the still with your hands or fill either your coconut flask up or a leather flask you can make with two leather and one wood stick. 

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How do you get water in Stranded Deep?

At the start of the game, coconuts will be the quickest way to get drinking water. Coconuts in Stranded Deep can either be grabbed straight from a tree, or by climbing a tree to get them. After hacking at the coconut with a tool, a few hits will turn it into a 'drinking coconut', which restores one bar of thirst.

How do you hydrate quickly in Stranded Deep?

Coconuts are the easiest way to stay hydrated early on in Stranded Deep. To find Coconuts, you need to climb palm trees. At the top, you will find a bunch of coconuts that can be picked. If you don't want to climb up, you could also chop down palm trees using a Stone Tool or a Refined Knife.

How do you fix dehydration in Stranded Deep?

Dehydration results when the player allows their Thirst metric to reach 0, and results in 3% damage per second. This status effect can be stopped simply by drinking something.

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