What does a closed dot mean on a number line?

Graphing inequalities gives us a picture of all of the solutions. For example, if x>3 , then numbers such as 4, 5, and 6 are solutions, but there are a lot more than these. What about decimals and higher numbers? A graph can give a picture of all these solutions. Here is the graph of x>3 :

As you can see, there is an arrow above all the numbers three and higher going towards the right. There is an arrow on the end indicating that the answers continue through infinity. Notice that there is an open circle above the 3. This is open to show that the number 3 itself is not a solution (because 3 is not greater than 3), but that the answers start right after 3.

Let's consider another example: How would we graph x≤-1 ? Well, let's think what numbers are less than or equal to -1. Is -1 itself a solution? Yes, because the symbol is less than or equal to. Therefore, we are going to put a solid dot above -1 instead of an open circle. This will indicate that -1 itself is a solution. Next, we'll have to decide which way the arrow points. The numbers that are less than -1 are -2,-3,-4, etc., so the arrow will point down to the left.

Here is a summary of how to graph inequalities:

1) Draw a number line.
2) Put either an open circle or a closed dot above the number given.

For ≤ and ≥ , use a closed dot to indicate the number itself is part of the solution.
For < and >, use an open circle to indicate the number itself is not part of the solution.

3) Choose which way the arrow should go.Either think about which numbers would be part of the solution. Or, as long as the variable is listed first, you can just look at the symbol

For ≤ and <, the arrow points down to the left.
For ≥ and >, the arrow points up to the right.

Using this information, let's graph x<6 on a number line. You work it on a separate sheet of paper then check your answer.

1) Draw a number line
2) Should we use a dot or a circle?
Answer: Use a circle because the symbol is < , meaning 6 itself is not a solution. Put this circle above the 6.
3) Should the arrow go down to the left or up to the right?

Answer: Since the symbol is <, the arrow should go down to the left. Thismakes sense because numbers such as 5, 4, and 3 are less than 6, and those areto the left. Draw your arrow.

Does your graph look like this one?

Practice.Graph the following on a separate sheet of paper.

1) x≥4

2) x<2

3) x>-3

4) x≤-5

5) x>0







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Which line plot corresponds to the inequality below?

Correct answer:


A closed circle indicates "greater than or equal to" or "less than or equal to," while and open circle indicates "greater than" or "less than". We can tell from the inequality that our line plot will only have closed circles, as the only symbol is "greater than or equal to."

Subtract  from both sides.

Divide both sides by .

Our plot will show a closed circle on , and extend infinitvely in the positive direction.

What inequality is represented by the number line?

Correct answer:



An open circle indictes "less than" or "greater than," while a closed circle indicates "greater than or equal to" or "less than or equal to".

This number line includes values that are less than  or greater than or equal to . Note how has an open circle, while has a closed circle.

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What does a hollow dot mean on a number line?

A dot is used if the number is included. A hollow dot is used if the number is not included.

What do closed dots mean on a graph?

An interval is closed if it includes both endpoints and open if it includes neither endpoint. Interval notation uses a parenthesis for an open endpoint and a square bracket for a closed endpoint. On a graph, a solid dot is used for a closed endpoint and a hollow dot is used for an open endpoint.

What does a closed point mean?

1. Definition. In a topological space (X,τ) a point (element) x∈X is called a closed point if the singleton set {x}⊂X is a closed subset of X.

What is closed and open dot?

Graphing Inequalities in One Variable If the inequality is "strict" ( < or > ), we use an open dot to indicate that the endpoint of the ray is not part of the solution. For the other types of inequalities ( ≤ and ≥ ), we use a closed dot to indicate that the endpoint is part of the solution.


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