What Do You Do with an idea PDF

A New York Times Best Seller and award-winning book, What Do You Do With an Idea? is for anyone who's ever had a big idea.

This is the story of one brilliant idea and the child who helps to bring it into the world. As the child's confidence grows, so does the idea itself. And then, one day, something amazing happens. This is a story for anyone, at any age, who's ever had an idea that seemed a little too big, too odd, too difficult. It's a story to inspire you to welcome that idea, to give it some space to grow, and to see what happens next. Because your idea isn't going anywhere. In fact, it's just getting started.

Praise for What Do You Do With an Idea?

National best seller, appearing in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly.

Gold medal winner of the Independent Publishers Award, the Washington State Book Award, and the Moonbeam Children's Book Award.

"What makes this message so unique is the simple but beautiful way it's delivered, in narrative and illustration, through the eyes and voice of an innocent and hopeful child. What Do You Do With An Idea? is a spectacular book for all ages and is a wonderful treasure for any home or school library."—The Children's Book Review

What Do You Do With an Idea? has won several awards, including the Independent Publisher¿s Book Gold Award, the Washington State Book Award, and the Moonbeam Children¿s Book Award.

It has also hit multiple best-seller lists, such as Publisher's Weekly, the Wall Street Journal, and USA Today.

Need some ideas about fun family activities? Here's a list of the most fun family activities people enjoy doing together:

  • going to the park
  • playing tag
  • taking a nature hike
  • flying kites
  • building a snowman or sandcastle
  • painting
  • riding bikes together
  • playing catch, frisbee, or other sports
  • having a picnic
  • going swimming
  • And the most popular indoor family activities are:

  • playing board games
  • cooking or baking together
  • making homemade pizzas
  • having a dance party
  • painting rocks
  • taking photos
  • making scrapbooks
  • watching family movies together
  • These are just some ideas... families can have fun doing all sorts of things together! The most important thing is to spend time together and enjoy each other's company.

    Questions About Family Activities

    Doing Things Together as a Family

    How often are you together with other members of your family?

    Almost every day, I usually eat breakfast with my mother and sometimes my father is there if he hasn’t already left for work.

    Then in the evening we usually eat dinner together and that would include my sister and brother as well as my parents so we are together at least once every day normally.

    When do you get together with other members of your family?

    More often than not it’s at meal times, usually in the evening when we eat dinner.

    At weekends we may spend more time together as we usually have lunch and dinner together if we aren’t out somewhere.

    What sorts of things do the people in your family do together?

    We eat together as a family and I like to go shopping with my sister.

    My parents do lots of things together, they go out dancing, they take vacations together without us sometimes but usually once a year we all get together as a family and go on vacation for a week.

    In your country, what sorts of things do people do together as a family?

    Generally, people spend time together at weekends. Lunchtime is an important event for many families as it may be the only time that grown up children visit or extended family members come together to share some time in the family house.

    Family get-togethers usually revolve around food, lunch or dinner, and of course then there are special occasions such as birthdays and when someone graduates from university.

    Just last week we had a family get together to celebrate the birth of the family’s first grandchild…. My older sister’s first baby, it was a wonderful day.

    What do you think are the benefits of doing things together such as walking in the street together as a family?

    Firstly, I think it’s nice to do things together as a family, even just walking along together, it helps keep the family together just like any relationship when you share experiences and memories.

    Sometimes the simple activities like walking or going shopping together can be fun and relaxing and it also gives families a chance to talk or discuss things between them.

    Do people do things together as a family when you have festivals in your country?

    Yes, normally if it’s a religious festival or special day then parents won’t be working so they spend their time with their children… if they’re young ones.

    They might go to church or an event related to the festival or they may plan to take them out someplace special or do some kind of activity together to take advantage of the extra free time together.

    Even when children have grown up… they’ll usually visit and spend time with their parents if they can to celebrate the day… if it’s a special day or an important holiday.

    Do people do things together as a family when you have holidays in your country?

    Yes, generally, families will plan to spend some time together.

    Maybe it’s not always possible to travel to visit if children are grown up and living in another part of the country but especially if the holiday falls on a Monday, the long weekend makes it easier to plan a trip to visit other family members.

    They might plan a special day out or simply plan to spend the day with their family at home.

    Discussion Questions

    What activities do you enjoy with your family members?

    A family game night is a great way to enjoy the company of your family. It's not just fun, it's also a great way to make those bonds and memories last forever.

    I highly recommend playing games like chess, go fish, monopoly, or gin rummy. You could also try any number of puzzle games that will challenge all of the players.

    My advice for hosting a game night is to keep plenty of snacks and hors d'oeuvres handy. After all, a game night should be about storytelling; eating lots; laughing together at each other's jokes, and then finishing off with a super delicious dessert!

    What do you do together with your family

    Playing football with my family. It's like we're one big team competing against each other.

    I love hearing the sound of my mom yelling, "GO SON!" before running towards me and tackling me to the ground. She always has this huge smile on her face afterward and tells me how proud she is of me.

    Playing football with your family makes everything in the world seem good again!

    Some people are better at sports than others, or your parents don't have as much time to spend with you as they used to because there is just so much work going on during the day.

    But when it's game time, we're just family again, as we enjoy playing football together!

    How would you answer these questions on the topic of family activities?

    What activities do you like doing with your family?

    I love spending time with my family doing a variety of activities. We like to go on hikes, play sports together, go kayaking, and even just sit around and talk. I cherish the time I have with my family and enjoy doing things together that we all enjoy.

    How do you normally spend weekends with your family?

    We usually spend our weekends together as a family by either going out to do something fun or by staying at home and relaxing. Sometimes we will go out and explore new places, go hiking, or visit relatives. Other times we will stay home and watch movies, cook, play games, or just enjoy each other's company. It just depends on what everyone is in the mood for that particular weekend. No matter what we end up doing, we always have a great time spending our weekends together as a family.

    Who in your family do you normally spend most time with? Why?

    I usually spend the most time with my mother because we have a lot in common and enjoy doing many of the same things. Plus, she's always been my biggest supporter.

    What do you like to do together as a family?

    We love spending time together as a family, and enjoy doing things like going on hikes, playing sports, and just hanging out at home. We also love to travel and have taken some amazing trips together. No matter what we're doing, we always have a great time when we're together.

    What do you like doing with your family on weekends?

    We usually spend our weekends together as a family, either going out on outings or just relaxing at home. On Saturdays, we usually have a big breakfast together and then head out for the day – either to the park, the beach, or even just running errands. And on Sundays, we usually make a big dinner and then watch a movie or play games together. Spending time with my family is always enjoyable and I cherish every moment we have together.

    What sorts of things do you like to do together on vacation?

    We love to explore new places and try new things when we travel. We're both curious, so we're always game for anything. That said, some of our favorite vacation activities include hiking, visiting museums and art galleries, trying local cuisine, and just wandering around soaking up the atmosphere of a new place. Basically, we just like to immerse ourselves in the experience of wherever we are.

    What do you enjoy doing with your family most?

    There are so many things that we enjoy doing together as a family, but some of our favorites include spending time outdoors, exploring new places, and simply spending time together at home. No matter what we're doing, we always have a lot of fun and make great memories.

    What do you like doing most with your family on special occasions?

    Spending time together is the most important thing to us, no matter what we are doing. Whether it’s going out to eat, taking a trip, or just hanging out at home, we always have a great time when we are together.

    On special occasions, we usually like to do something a little bit more special, like go out to dinner or take a trip. We always make sure that we spend quality time together on these days and make memories that will last a lifetime.

    What do you like to do with your family when you visit them?

    I enjoy spending time with my family, especially when we can go outdoors and do things together. We often go on hikes or walks, play sports, or just spend time talking and enjoying each other's company. It's important to me to stay connected with my family, and I cherish the time we have together when I visit them.

    What things do you like doing together with your family?

    There are a lot of things that we enjoy doing together as a family. Some of our favorites include going on hikes, picnicking in the park, playing games together, and just spending time talking and laughing. We also love to travel and explore new places together. No matter what we do, we always have a great time when we are together.

    Describe the things you do together with your family

    Daily, we usually spend our evenings together as a family. We'll have dinner together and then we'll either watch television or play some games. Spending time together like this is important to us. It helps us stay close as a family and catch up on each other's day.

    On weekends, we usually like to go out and do something together. This might be going for a walk in the park, visiting a museum, or going shopping. We also like to have friends over for dinner or a game night. again, spending time together is important to us and we always have a lot of fun.

    Is there anything you usually do together with your family but not with your friends?

    There are things that I do with my family that I wouldn't do with my friends. For example, spending time together at home or going out to eat are both things that I would typically only do with my family. With friends, I'm more likely to go out and do something active or go to a place where we can socialize and have fun. So I guess you could say that spending quality time together is something I usually do with my family but not with my friends.

    What do you do when you have an idea?

    A New York Times Best Seller and award-winning book, What Do You Do With an Idea? is for anyone who's ever had a big idea. This is the story of one brilliant idea and the child who helps to bring it into the world. As the child's confidence grows, so does the idea itself. And then, one day, something amazing happens.

    What do you do with an idea meaning?

    What Do You Do With An Idea? encourages readers to have a positive outlook in order to try and give new ideas a chance. Most significantly, it reminds us that we empower our ideas to grow and to become everything possible as long as we remain resilient.

    What do you do with an idea illustrator?

    Mae Besom

    What do you do with an idea publisher?

    Product information.


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