What compound inequality describes this Graph Calculator

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Two statements are connected by using the word ” or” or by the word “and” is a sentence for compound inequality.

The word ” and” are used to connect the statements, then the compound sentence of both statements are true and the word ” and ” is also known as Conjunction.

The word “or” is used to connect the statements, if at least one statement is true then the compound sentence is true and the word “or” is known as Disjunction.

Welcome to Omni's graphing inequalities on a number line calculator, where we'll take on some linear inequalities and see how to plot them on the number line. And once we see how to deal with one, we'll add some more to the pile and get to graphing systems of inequalities. The resulting number line graph will be a simple tool to find values that satisfy all given conditions: something that our graphing compound inequalities calculator provides as well.

Linear inequalities

Inequalities in math are numerical relations that describe where a value lies with respect to some other one. By default, there are four of them: they say whether the first number is:

  • Smaller than (<);
  • Smaller than or equal to (≤);
  • Greater than (>); or
  • Greater than or equal to (≥);

the second number. For instance:

123 < 216,

states that 123 is smaller than 216.

Such relations seem straightforward when done on numbers. Well, fair enough: it gets a bit more tricky with negative numbers or decimals, but in the end, it still boils down to a few simple rules. It gets more interesting if we decide to include a bit of algebra and introduce variables.

We know that equations are formulas that some unknown variables have to satisfy. Inequalities are similar. However, instead of being specific (e.g., saying that multiplying the number by some value will give a concrete result), they give a rough idea of where the result lies. For instance:

x - 10 > 13,

states that subtracting 10 from the value of x will always give something greater than 13. It may give 15 (for x = 25), it may give 134 (for 1230), or any other crazy number we come up with. As such, inequalities usually give a range of possible results rather than a single one.

Linear inequalities are those with variables only in the first power. They cannot have them in higher exponents, in the denominator of a quotient, under a cube root, inside a logarithmic function, etc. Below, you can find several examples of linear inequalities.

  • 1231

  • 1232

  • 1233

Note how more variables can still give linear inequalities as long as they satisfy the restrictions above. However, we'll focus here only on those with a single one, which we'll denote by x (as in the graphing inequalities on a number line calculator). Therefore, we can limit ourselves to one-dimensional drawings and studying number line graphs.

But that, folks, is a topic for a separate section.

How to graph inequalities

Before we see how to graph, say, the inequality of greater than or equal to on a number line, let's spare a few words about the number line graph itself.

We can order all real numbers and mark them on an infinite axis called the number line. In essence, the line tells us where one value lies with respect to others: is it larger (to the right) or smaller (to the left) of something else? If we recall the relations mentioned in the first section, it indeed seems like the perfect tool for representing inequalities visually.

The first lesson on how to graph inequalities is: you have to solve them first. To be precise, we need to go from expressions like:


to something of the form:


i.e., a single x followed by an inequality relation and a number.

Our topic here is the graphing compound inequalities calculator, so we'll skip instructions on how to solve such things. Let us only briefly mention that we do it the same way we deal with ordinary equations, with the exception that we need to change the inequality sign whenever we multiply or divide by a negative number.

Let's assume that we obtained something like 1236 and see how to graph such inequalities. The basic instructions are as follows:

  1. Find the value from the inequality on the number line graph.
  2. Draw a line from that point upwards and to the:
    • Left for 1239 and 2160; or
    • Right for 2161 and 2162.
  3. When going with the line up, draw it:
    • Slanted for strict inequalities (i.e., 1239 and 2161); or
    • Straight for non-strict inequalities (i.e., 2160 and 2162).

Note: there exists another popular way for distinguishing strict and non-strict inequalities (point 3 above). Namely, we draw a small circle centered at the point from the inequality and either:

  • Keep the circle empty for strict inequalities (i.e., 1239 and 2161); or
  • Fill it for non-strict inequalities (i.e., 2160 and 2162).

Here, we use the variant in point 3 above since it's what Omni's graphing inequalities on a number line calculator uses.

Remember that the number line graph is a representation of an axis that is infinite in both directions. As such, the linear inequality plots also are infinite (but in one direction). Therefore, they mark sets of all numbers from minus infinity to some value (for 1239 and 2160) or from some value to plus infinity (for 2161 and 2162).

Now that we know how to graph inequalities on a number, what do you suspect our next move should be?

That's right: graph even more of them.

Graphing systems of inequalities

As mentioned in the first section, linear inequalities give us a rough idea of what values our variable admits. Sometimes, we might want to limit the possibilities even further, so we introduce yet another inequality and demand that the variable satisfies both of them. And if we're still unsatisfied, we can have yet another. And another.

Systems of inequalities (like systems of equations) are lists of inequalities that we want all to be true simultaneously. They are also called compound inequalities.

Obviously, introducing a new inequality may ruin the first one or change nothing. For instance, the system:

x - 10 > 135, x - 10 > 136,

has no solutions. On the other hand, in the system:

x - 10 > 135, x - 10 > 138,

the second inequality is pointless since every number smaller than x - 10 > 139 is automatically smaller than 100.

In essence, graphing systems of inequalities is easy. We simply draw them one by one on the same number line graph. Mind you, we recommend using different colors so that you don't mix them up. Child's play, wouldn't you say?

Reading off the result is more tricky. To find what numbers satisfy all the relations simultaneously, we need the values that fall under each drawn line. Usually, we shade the area under the drawn lines (again, with different colors for each) and check where all the colors meet. Also, remember that the greater than or equal to on a number line admits the value it starts with, so make sure to distinguish between strict and non-strict inequalities when you consider the limit points of your solution set.

Well, reading about drawings and colors might not be enough to explain the topic properly. Why don't we try out the graphing inequalities on a number line calculator and put our crayons to good use?

Example: using the graphing inequalities on a number line calculator

Let's see how to graph inequalities in practice by drawing the number line graph for the following system of inequalities:

101, 102.

However, before we grab the crayons, let's see how easy the task is with Omni's graphing inequalities on a number line calculator.

Firstly, we tell the tool how many inequalities we have. In our case, there are two, so we select 103 under "Number of inequalities". That will show two sections below corresponding to the expressions. For the first, we choose the relation at hand, i.e., "smaller than (<)", and input the value 103 underneath. Similarly, for the second, we choose "greater than or equal to (≥)" and input 105.

The moment we write the second number, the graphing compound inequalities calculator will show us a graph underneath. Note how the tool also spits out the solution to your system of inequalities in interval notation below the graph.

Now, let's describe how to graph the inequalities ourselves. We begin by drawing a number line and marking the two points given by the inequalities: in our case, they are 103 and 105. The first inequality, i.e., 101 has a strict relation, so according to the instructions from the second section, we draw a slanted line from 103 and go left (because it's a "smaller than" relation). For 102, we start from the point 105, draw (with a different color) a straight line (because it's a non-strict inequality), and go right (because it's a "greater than or equal to" relation).

All in all, we obtain the following number line graph:

We see that the two colors overlap in between 105 and 103. Recall that for 105, the greater than or equal to on a number line includes the endpoint 105, while for 103, we exclude that value. Therefore, the solution set is the interval x7 (i.e., including 105 but excluding 103).

What is the compound inequality calculator?

Compound Inequality Calculator is a free online tool that displays the inequality equation with number line representation when the compound inequality is given.

How do you describe the inequality of a graph?

The graph of an inequality in two variables is the set of points that represents all solutions to the inequality. A linear inequality divides the coordinate plane into two halves by a boundary line where one half represents the solutions of the inequality. The boundary line is dashed for > and < and solid for ≤ and ≥.


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