What are the important elements of a successful recovery?

The addiction treatment experience is different for everyone, but for those who chose to be open and honest with themselves and the staff at the program it was likely a significant moment in their lives, full of excitement, fear, anger, sadness, remorse and most importantly, hope. Many people leave treatment hopeful about the future, perhaps for the first time in years, yet most also feel some concern about what they might expect to experience in the coming days, weeks, months and years ahead. This article is written in order to lay out some suggestions that we believe will be helpful for those fresh out of treatment. Remember, these are suggestions and this list is not designed to substitute or replace your Continuing Care Plan that was designed specifically for you prior to leaving treatment, and should serve as a supplement or reminder regarding action steps you can take to help insure success in early recovery. The following are not in any specific order, but are considered essential for recovery.

GET CONNECTED! One of the great evils of addiction is how it DISCONNECTS the person from everything they love and hold dear; family, friends, career, interests, spirituality, values, morality, etc. Getting connected or re-connected will give us the chance to feel supported, cared for and loved as well as give us accountability for our choices and actions in early sobriety. Accountability is one of the most important elements for a positive outcome in recovery. This means finding places and resources that will put you in direct contact with others who are trying to do the same thing you are; recover and change. 12-step meetings are an ideal place to begin; find a meeting where you feel accepted and welcomed and make them your Home Group. Make a commitment to attend that meeting every week, same time, same place, and let people get to know you and you them. Get a sponsor, ask him or her how you can get involved in the Fellowship and follow their suggestions. Remember, “God”, in our program, is “as we understand him”, however, if you are a member of a church or other religious institution where you feel accepted and supported continue attending and participating (this should not replace 12-step meetings).

CHANGE PLAYMATES AND PLAYGROUNDS! When people are struggling with addiction they ultimately surround themselves with relationships, environments and conditions that facilitate and support the use of alcohol and drugs. No one wants to compare themselves to “normal” people when using, it makes our use even more obvious, so we look for and blend in with others who use like we do so we don’t feel as bad about our own use. But once we leave treatment it is unhealthy and extremely dangerous to return to that same environment or to surround ourselves with the same people and circumstances that fostered our use of substances. Committing to change “people, places things and conditions” in our lives and being willing to ask for help from others to assist us in doing so is very important. Having an Aftercare Plan that includes a safe place to live (no drugs or alcohol in the immediate environment), surrounded by people that support lifestyle change, access to 12 Step meetings, transportation, jobs, etc., these are all things that need to be discussed, explored and planned for prior to leaving treatment.

FOLLOW THIS CHECK-LIST FOR RECOVERY! The following five things are widely considered to be utterly essential for recovery. Make a check-list and put it on your refrigerator, by your bedside at night, give a copy to your sponsor and other people you trust and ask for accountability in periodically checking with you on whether or not you are incorporating them into your life:

  1. Do not drink or use (all necessary psychoactive medications should be prescribed and taken under the guidance and supervision of a qualified addiction informed provider).
  2. Get and use a sponsor (this sponsor should be someone who has worked thru the Steps, attends regular meetings and is active in the Fellowship).
  3. Work the Steps (with your sponsor).
  4. Attend meetings regularly. It is suggested 90 meetings in 90 days and after that at least 3-5 meetings per week for the first year.
  5. Get involved with the Fellowship (get there early, help set up chairs, stay a few minutes afterwards and talk to people, etc.)

In all my years of working in the field of addiction recovery I have become certain of this truth: If you make these five elements the centerpiece of your life you will not only remain clean and sober, you will RECOVER, and your life and your relationships will be enriched beyond anything you’ve ever imagined.

Many blessings on you as, together, we “trudge the road to happy destiny”.

Lewis Clymore, CACII, NCACII, CCS
Primary Therapist
Crossroads Centre Antigua

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10 Fundamental Elements of Recovery

Following is a summary of The National Consensus Statement on Mental Health and Recovery created by an expert panel convened by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

The panel worked to define the key elements of recovery in mental health. They are:

  1. Self-direction: Essentially, a person with a mental health condition leads the process of recovery by defining life goals and then designing a unique path toward those goals.
  2. Individualized and person-centered: The pathway to mental health recovery is based on a person’s unique strengths, needs, preferences, experience, and cultural background.
  3. Empowerment: People with a mental health condition have the authority to choose from a range of options and to participate in all decisions that will affect their lives. They also have the ability to join with others to speak as advocates for their needs, wants, and desires. Through empowerment, they control their own destiny.
  4. Holistic: Mental health recovery comprises mind, body, spirit, and community. It encompasses all aspects of a person’s life such as employment, education, mental health, addiction treatment, spirituality, creativity, social network, and family support.
  5. Nonlinear: Mental health recovery is an organic process that is based on growth, occasional setbacks, and learning from experience. The initial stage of recovery is awareness that positive change is possible, and from there, being able to take an active role in the recovery journey.
  6. Strength-based: The mental health recovery journey builds on a person’s strengths and talents, and moves forward through interactions with others in supportive, trust-based relationships.
  7. Peer support: Mutual support plays a key role in recovery. People with mental health conditions can encourage each other, share experiences and provide each other with a sense of belonging and community.
  8. Respect: Acceptance and appreciation of people living with mental health conditions — including protecting their personal rights and eliminating discrimination and stigma. Self-acceptance and self-confidence also are vital.
  9. Responsibility: Individuals have a personal responsibility for self-care, and their recovery journey. Working toward goals can require great courage. Identifying coping strategies and healing processes can promote wellness.
  10. Hope: Recovery is a message of hope and understanding that people do overcome the barriers and obstacles that confront them. Peers, friends, and family can help to foster that hope. Hope is what can get the recovery process started.

What are the key elements of recovery?

Recovery embraces all aspects of life, including housing, employment, education, mental health and healthcare treatment and services, complementary and naturalistic services, addictions treatment, spirituality, creativity, social networks, community participation, and family supports as determined by the person.

What is the most important part of recovery?

In all things, no matter what comes up, there is nothing more important than staying sober after addiction. Staying actively engaged during recovery includes attending therapy, maintaining a medication schedule (if necessary), and continuing to pursue the most beneficial treatments.

What are the 10 principles of recovery?

10 Fundamental Components of Recovery.
Self-Direction. Individuals determine their own path of recovery with autonomy, independence, and control of their resources..
Individualized and Person-Centered. ... .
Empowerment. ... .
Holistic. ... .
Non-Linear. ... .
Strengths-Based. ... .
Peer Support. ... .

What are the 5 steps of recovery?

The five stages of addiction recovery are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. Read on to find out more about the various stages.


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