What are Dragoon medallions used for?

level 1

Yup! Might just be RNG tho. Have you taken EVERY dragoon point possible?

level 1

You have to have all ten medallions in your possession when you meet up with them at the end of the quest. Don’t trade any away.

level 2

Yes. I never traded any. I simply never got the opportunity to collect 10

level 2

So how do you find 10? I can only find 9 too

level 2

What do you get for having all 10 medallions?

level 1

After Green River South Crossing to Fort Bridger, the two paths both had a dragoon sighting. Like seriously I could not choose to go to both areas before Fort Bridger.

level 1

Same problem. One time went the Julsberg route, one time not, with sole goal to hit every Dragoon. There's got to be a trick I'm missing. I'm saving the medallions, too.

level 1

Following I haven’t been able to find more than 9 as well.

level 1

Same. I just finished my first play through on the nature trail, but I could only find 9.

level 1

Same here, I’ve tried so many times, different team members and know how to get all the dragoon’s but never get the opportunity to get all 10 in one run

level 1

I finally got all 10 doing the nature trail, it I didn’t get the flag. I don’t know how to obtain it

level 1

You buy the flag when you first get your wagon at the beginning

level 1

I think on my first or second run I got all ten. Near the end of the trail a lot of the waypoints were dragoon sightings, but it didn’t matter since I traded away 1 or 2 not knowing it was in the journal.

level 1

From what I’ve heard in this article, I think the “greeting parties and answering questions” encounter is found in one of the “?” waypoints…?

level 2

The question is, which one? Lol

level 1

Maybe get a lot of maps- and I mean A LOT of maps and use every one where there is an undiscovered area, I think you’ll find all ten, also I get the greeting one a lot but never get the Spartacus one.

level 1

I thought you had to get 9 bc I always just got 9 lol

The only existing, legitimate photograph of the medallion

The crest of the Dragon Clan

The Dragon Medallion is an ancient artifact that can be used to control dragons of any species and bend them to the user's will. It has been lost and rediscovered many times over the ages, sometimes cropping up in the bedroom of a Chinese emperor or the ruins of a temple; some theorize it only appears to those worthy to wield its unfathomable power.


The Medallion was created by one of the ancient Dragon Clans of old. These clans dedicated their lives to studying, controlling and understanding dragons. The Dragon Clans existed around the time of the rise of the Chinese dynasties, living in secret around the world.

Dragon medallions were originally created by ancient, legendary Chinese warriors who were powerful and favored by the gods - the elite of the descendants of the dragon, as the Chinese people believed themselves to be.

The only dragons that the Dragon Medallion apparently cannot control are shadow dragons: nothing can control shadow dragons. It also seems to have no semblance of control over infinity dragons.

Developer(s)Publisher(s)Director(s)Producer(s)Programmer(s)Artist(s)Composer(s)Platform(s)ReleaseGenre(s)Mode(s)Arcade system

Japanese arcade flyer of Dragoon Might.

Yuji Asano
Tomohiro Ishimoto
Masahiro Inoue
Tomohiro Ishimoto
Tomoaki Yoshinobu
Akihide Tanimura
Takeaki Hasegawa
Yuji Asano
Toshiaki Matsumoto
Ikuya Nakamura
Mayuko Kageshita
Naomitsu Ariyama
August 1995
2D Versus Fighting
Up to 2 players simultaneously
Konami GX hardware

Dragoon Might (ドラグーンマイト) is a 2D competitive fighting game produced by Konami and released as a coin-operated video game in August 1995.


Dragoon Might features two distinct game modes. A single match mode in which the player must defeat their opponents in round-based matches, and a team match mode similar to The King of Fighters series in which two teams of three members must battle each other until the members of one team are all defeated.

Like most fighting games, special moves are performed by inputting a specific series of directional commands and/or buttons. The game features a unique type of special moves known as "Bomber Moves" (aka "Super Attacks" in the US version), which can deliver greater damage than standard special moves in exchange of some of the player's vitality. These moves act like those from most beat 'em up games and are performed by pressing all three punch buttons. There are also "Super Bomber" moves (also called "Final Attacks" in the US version) which can only performed while the player's vitality gauge is flashing. The player can also jump unto trees or cranes to avoid attacks by pressing all three kick buttons. The player can attack an opponent who is lying on the ground, as well as do an emergency escape roll when his/her character is knocked to the ground.


Dragoon Might features a total of twelve selectable warriors, as well as a non-playable final boss during the game's single-player mode. The story centers around a mythical relic known as the Dragon Medallion that will grant its collector one wish. The Medallion has been broken into thirteen fragments that has subsequently come into the possession of each main character, including the final boss, who must fight each other for their fragments until one of them collects all thirteen of them. Once the player defeats all eleven rival opponents, he/she must defeat the final boss in order to unite the Dragon Medallion and see his/her character's good wish granted.

Yamato (ヤマト, voiced by Kaneto Shiozawa)The lead hero. A katana-wielding warrior. In his ending, he spends his time playing pachinko after collecting the Medallion, but ends up destroying the machine when he continues losing all the time. Tsugumi (つぐみ, v.b. Hiromi Tsuru)The lead heroine. A shrine maiden descended from a tengu. She seeks to collect the Medallion in order to maintain world peace. She fights using a hand-held fan.Kodama (木霊, v.b. Hisao Egawa)A ninja who serves the Sanada clan. He is the only playable character who fights barehanded.Tekkamen (鉄仮面 ("Iron Mask"), v.b. Kaneto Shiozawa)A masked ninja who is also a serial killer. He wields a claw on one hand and a crescent-shaped blade on the other.Reggie (レジー, v.b. Kazunari Tanaka)A stern-looking underground professional wrestler with a title "Reggie the Black Hole" who wishes to be on the front stage with his younger brother. He wields a jackknife.Layla (レイラ, Leila, v.b. Hiromi Tsuru)A tonfa-wielding female warrior who seeks to save her ill mother. In her ending, her mother is saved.Ryan (雷庵, Raian, v.b. Kaneto Shiozawa)A sinful monk who seeks material wealth. He fights using his monk staff. In his ending, he has a huge collection of treasure as a reward as for collecting all the pieces of the Medallion.Suiko (酔虎, Yoitora, v.b. Hisao Egawa)A gluttonous monk who spends most of his time eating and drinking. He fights using his large prayer beads.Drake (ドレイク, v.b. Kazunari Tanaka)A smug spear-wielding warrior.Sarumaru (猿丸, v.b. Kazunari Tanaka)The comical leader of a tribe of monkeys living in Monkey Mountain. He wields two large blades which are equipped under his sandals.Jaoh (ジャオウ, Jaou, v.b. Hisao Egawa) A large warrior in dark purple and red armor who wields a bladed yoyo.Zack (ザック, Zach, v.b. v.b. Hiromi Tsuru)A young zweihänder wielding knight.Dogma (ドグマ, v.b. Hisao Egawa)The final adversary in the single-player mode. A computer-only character. An evil sorcerer who seeks to rule the world.

External links[edit]

  • Dragoon Might at The Large Cult Fighting Game March (in Japanese)
  • Dragoon Might at the Killer List of Videogames
  • Dragoon Might at arcade-history

What do you do with Dragoon medallions?

The Dragon Medallion is an ancient artifact that can be used to control dragons of any species and bend them to the user's will.

What wagon should I buy Oregon Trail?

The best wagon to start with is arguably the Prairie Schooner. Players should also look at the wheels of the wagon. A bigger wheel can roll through soft obstacles, and a wide wheel won't sink into soft terrain. Regarding the animals, players want to get every horse possible.

How do you get the most points on the Oregon Trail?

If you want the highest score:.
Pick the Farmer. Triple points at the end..
Keep your family healthy and safe any way you can. ... .
Get 4 yoke of oxen, 500 lbs of food, 8 sets of clothes, 5 boxes of bullets, and 1 of each part if you can afford it..
Make up the difference in food by stopping to hunt when you run low..

How do you restore morale in Oregon Trail?

But the pioneers eventually came up with ingenious ways to keep the morale up. They created games, sang music, and chatted endlessly about their new home just miles and miles away. One of the games many a child on the Oregon Trail participated in was the old classic Frisbee.


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