What 3 things should be avoided after hip replacement surgery?

The benefits of hip replacement surgery are numerous. Most patients say the pain-relief alone is worth it, and the improved mobility and hip function dramatically improve a person’s quality of life by restoring independence and the ability to participate in pleasurable activities. Studies show that more than 80% of hip replacements last at least 15 years, and more than 70% last at least 20 years, making it a great option for the long-term improvement of problems with severe arthritis in the hips.

But in order to maximize these benefits, avoid dislocation and injury, and get the most out of your hip replacement surgery, there are some precautions you’ll need to take. Read on for more information about what not to do after hip replacement surgery.

What not to do after hip replacement surgery

Whether you’ve just had hip replacement surgery or you’re planning to in the near future, you’ll probably want to know what your life will be like afterward. Life after hip replacement surgery is different for everyone, depending on the type of hip replacement, your overall health, your lifestyle, and other factors. Your surgeon will give you a list of precautions, instructions, and information about what exercises and activities to avoid after your hip replacement surgery, but we’ve listed some of the most common precautions below.

Keep in mind that the restrictions listed below may apply to the time period immediately following your surgery, the 6-12 weeks after, 4 months to a year after, or permanently. The particulars of each will depend on the incision location, the type of hip surgery, and the type of hip prosthetic used. It’s important to remember that your doctor and physical therapist are there to help you heal and maximize your quality of life. Following their instructions will give you your best chance of a quick and lasting recovery.

Some common things to avoid after hip replacement surgery include:

Don’t resist getting up and moving around

Don’t resist getting up and moving around as instructed by your surgeon or physical therapist in the days immediately following your surgery. Although it may feel too early, doing so will help prevent blood clots and help encourage the healing process.

Don’t bend at the waist more than 90 degrees

This includes bending down to tie your shoes, sitting in a low chair, or any other activity that requires bending at the waist. These activities increase the chances of dislocating the new hip.

Don’t lift your knees up past your hips

Just as bending over too far at the waist can dislocate the hip from its socket, the same is true for lifting your knees in a way that raises them higher than your hip.

Don’t cross your legs

Depending on the type of hip replacement surgery you’ve had, crossing your legs (particularly crossing the operated leg over the non-operated leg) might be restricted only in the few days or weeks after your surgery, or for much longer. This action, too, can result in a dislocated hip joint.

Don’t twist or pivot at the hip

As a general rule, try to keep your chest and hips pointing in the same direction as much as possible.

Don’t rotate your feet too far inward or outward

Try to keep your toes and feet pointing in the same direction as your hips as well. This is important whether you’re walking, standing, sitting, or lying down.

Don’t drive until you’re cleared by your doctor

Driving after hip replacement is different for everyone. Some people are able to drive within a couple of weeks of their hip replacement surgery, and others need more time to heal and drive safely. Before you drive, it’s important to discuss it with your doctor so that you know you’re safe on the road and that doing so won’t disrupt your healing process.

Don’t rush the healing process

Although you may be eager to get back to independent living, the last thing you want is to risk re-injuring yourself. If you do not feel ready to tackle the tasks of daily living when you’re discharged from the hospital, you have the option of recovering in a skilled nursing facility. There, you’ll receive the rehabilitative care you need to heal and recover at your own pace.

Rehabilitation after hip surgery at Bella Vista Health Center

At Bella Vista, we’re dedicated to helping residents recover and rehabilitate from illness, injury, or surgery in the safe, nurturing environment of our 5-Star skilled nursing facility. We’ll work closely with your doctor and other members of your healthcare team to create a customized care plan designed to help you regain strength (taking into account which exercises to avoid after hip replacement surgery) and learn to adapt to any permanent restrictions or lifetime precautions.

At Bella Vista, we’re committed to your recovery, and we’ll help keep you comfortable every step of the way. Give us a call today at (619) 644-1000 if you have any questions.

What is the most frequent complication after a hip replacement?

While these procedures are effective in improving pain and function [3,4,5,6,7], there is a risk of complications. The most common complications requiring readmission for hip arthroplasty are dislocation and infection, whereas infection dominates following knee arthroplasty [8, 9].

How long after hip replacement can I bend over?

You should not bend your hip beyond 60 to 90 degrees for the first six to 12 weeks after surgery. Do not cross your legs or ankles, either. It's best to avoid bending to pick things up during this period.

What are the 3 hip precautions?

Hip precautions encourage patients to avoid bending at the hip past 90°, twisting their leg in or out, and crossing their legs. Patients are also encouraged to sit with their hips higher than their knees, sit in a chair with armrests, and sleep on their back with a pillow between their legs.

What are lifelong restrictions after hip replacement?

Some common things to avoid after hip replacement surgery include:.
Don't resist getting up and moving around. ... .
Don't bend at the waist more than 90 degrees. ... .
Don't lift your knees up past your hips. ... .
Don't cross your legs. ... .
Don't twist or pivot at the hip. ... .
Don't rotate your feet too far inward or outward..


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