Undead World Hero Survival tier list Reddit

Updated for September 24, 2021: //i.imgur.com/hSt4PDZ.png

Here is an alt version with data from players level 60 or above, possibly more representative of late game effectiveness: //i.imgur.com/xuixFLC.png

And here is the tier list in text format.

1 Britney 3.61 SS
2 Murray 3.44 S
3 Helen 3.29 S
4 Astra 3.24 A
5 Sam 3.20 A
6 Leigh 3.12 A
7 Abigail 3.06 A
8 Rock 3.06 A
9 Meredith 3.06 A
10 Lita 2.94 B
11 Conor 2.78 B
12 Tyler 2.69 B
13 Webster 2.67 B
14 Gabriel 2.46 C
15 Nadeem 2.38 C
16 Mary 2.27 C
17 Jones 2.25 C
18 Tanya 2.25 C
19 Doc 2.19 C
20 Kieran 2.18 C
21 Cady 2.06 C
22 Dave 1.80 Dud
23 Henry 1.53 Dud
24 Nils 1.27 Dud

The error bars are 95% confidence intervals around the sample mean. Don't worry too much about them, narrow bars = everyone rates the hero about the same. Fat bars = differing opinion for a hero.

Furthermore, there are some interesting observations from the player levels.

  • Some heroes garnered differing opinions based on player ranks. This could be a result of the sample size or it could be indicative of the hero not being good during the late game, or bad during the early game. Higher leveled players like more than lower leveled players: Abigail, Nadeem, Murray, Webster. Lower leveled players like more than higher leveled players: Jones, Kieran, Nils, Conor, Mary

  • Britney is universally considered the best hero in the game, while Nils and Henry by far the worst Epic hero. Even the rare heroes Doc and Dave are above them.

  • There is a wide range of opinions for Mary. She had very polarizing reviews. If you consider her usbable, she is likely a 3, if you consider her bad, she is a 1.

List on Tiermaker: //tiermaker.com/create/undead-world-hero-survival-1299015

This tier list pretty much says, "everyone is good play with who you get". Which is true, but it's not really a tier list if everyone is pretty much S/A tier.

The only true S tier heroes in the game are probably, Murray, Lita, Leigh and Helen. Even at 1 copy they are crazy good, and only get better the more you ascend them.

Sam, Olivia, Connor, Tammy, Sam and Rock are all better with more ascensions. They need at least Legend+, with Olivia and Sam being the only stand out. They work well at 1 copy, moving them closer to S tier out of all these chars.

Jones, Cookie, Tanya, Tyler are great when you need them, and at higher Ascension they are borderline S tier characters, but when you don't got the ascensions in them they aren't so usable.

Meredith, Abi are only good once you unlock their Signature Weapons, which should drop them down a tier. I'd say they are B tier before you get their Sig weapons. A tier once you have their sig weapons.

Britney is God Tier, but also trash tier. Since she really needs to get her ULT off and she has probably the longest ULT build up out of all characters in the game. Best carry in the game, but also needs the support around her. I got a lot of copies of her early on, and she's pretty carried me. She's a tier above S tier when she gets her Sig weapon, but before then she's like Borderline A/B tier

Gabriel is also God tier, but trash tier as well. He's scary I honestly skip him everytime I see him in PVP, he's also great on the vs human stages in PVE, still C tier is about right for him. There are some really good setups for him on PVP on defense. Lol That's why I stopped fighting him.

Astra is God tier when you need him, but you don't need him much.

Mary and Doc can still be used when you need a tank/off-tank and healer. Mary pretty much carried me to chapter 14.

Anyone I didn't mention I don't have copies of or I've never used past the first time I got them.

That said I'm not end game, so this is my thoughts on the characters up to chapter 16.


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