Toilet paper gets stuck when wiping

Alright everyone, lean in close because we’re about to get personal. Do you suffer from clitty litter? Do you find toilet paper residue left behind in places you’d rather not talk about? If you are suffering from some irritation down there, you most likely know about it. However, one of the most overlooked preliminary steps to alleviating this irritation is to switch up your self care routine, down there. 

The golden rule of all vaginal care: it is a self-cleaning part of the body. However this doesn’t mean you don’t have to pay attention to what you use down there. If you use the wrong period products, toilet paper, or even body wash, this can severely alter the important vaginal pH balance as well as leave behind unwelcome lint pieces. 

Your vagina is a mucous membrane that absorbs and secretes fluids faster than any other skin on the body. By paying attention to the type of daily products you use, as well as taking some time to pamper your privates, you can potentially avoid the pesky irritation and infection that comes from using the wrong products. 

Pampering Your Nether Region

When it comes to intimate care, doctor’s orders are -- the less products you use, the better. Vaginas are fairly low maintenance, and those trends you see on the internet are usually unnecessary when it comes to keeping your vagina clean and healthy. Here are a list of steps you can take to give your most sensitive skin a spa day:

1. Embrace the Birthday Suit Lifestyle

Take a night off from wearing a tight thong and shorts to bed. Let you vulva breath by sleeping without underwear, and in loose and comfy clothes.

2. Opt for Fragrance-Free Bath Products and Lotions

 It’s no secret, we all love a good bath bomb moment. However if you want to take a long bath and then lather up with some soft lotion, make sure those products are fragrance free, or body-safe. If you can’t stay away from the LUSH bath bombs, maybe limit yourself to once a month. 

3. Wear Breathable Undies

It is always good to be aware of the type of fabric your underwear is made out of.Underwear made with synthetic materials often result in higher rates of bacterial vaginosis because it is less breathable. Opt for cotton undies that will allow your vagina to get some air. 

4. Beware of Deodorized Feminine Products

Tampon and pads that are scented will disrupt your vaginal pH and can

also trigger allergic reactions and irritation. Embrace the natural smell 

of your vagina (unless it is intensely fishy, then you should consult with your 

doc!), you probably are paying attention to it more than anyone else. 

The Effects of a Bad Roll of TP 

Yup, you read that correctly- toilet paper can have negative effects on your vagina too. While it’s something humans use every single day, some brands are still not made with vulva health in mind. Surprising, right? Your vagina and your intimate parts are the most delicate parts of your body, so you have to be mindful of things you use down there. If you haven’t, go read up on all of the hidden dangers in your TP in our latest blog. In the meantime, we created a list of everything you need to know about the relationship between TP and your vagina. 

1. Formaldehyde toxicity

One of the most dangerous and deadly consequences of using heavily processed toilet paper is that it can possibly contain carcinogenic chemicals that can easily enter your bloodstream when you wipe. Carcinogens can not only increase cancer risks, but also increase the risk of reproductive toxicity. 

One example of a carcinogenic chemical is formaldehyde, which  is a common additive in toilet paper production to create a thicker and stronger sheet of paper. 

The skin around the vagina and vulva has an extremely permeable, mucous membrane that rapidly absorbs chemicals unlike any other part of the human body. This is why it’s especially important to avoid carcinogenic chemical exposure when it comes to any products you’re using around your intimate areas.  

2. Toxic clitty-litter
While it sounds super frightening, vulvovaginitis is a medical term for vaginal or vulvar irritation or infection. Vulvovaginitis can come from other untreated bacterial, viral, yeast infections, or from contact irritation from irritants and allergens––such as chemicals in your toilet paper. 

This is where those linty leave-behinds matter. If your toilet paper is leaving little crumbles in your precious parts when you wipe, it may be time to make a switch to Bim Bam Boo’s trustworthy lint-free formula. Those dust particles from conventional tree-based TP are laced with chemicals that produce an itchy, irritating feeling. And honestly, who has time to double-check for paper souvenirs in their vag before sexy time? NOT YOU!

3. UTI’s
If you continue to wipe with crumbly TP, those linty leave-behinds may begin to irritate your urethra, leading to a UTI. Along with purchasing a non-crumbly TP, you can also wipe front to back to lower the risk of these infections. 

4. Redness and Swelling
Toilet papers are often filled with unnecessary fragrances and chemicals that can be really irritating to sensitive skin. Because the vagina is so sensitive, wiping with anything that isn’t truly meant for human skin is not a good idea. If you notice that you have swelling or redness down there, the first thing you can do is switch to a hypoallergenic toilet paper. 

5. Micro-Cuts
Tree-based toilet paper has shorter fiber lengths that may result in tiny, microscopic cuts on delicate skin.  Think of it like little paper cuts occurring when you wipe. These tears don’t go deep enough to the point where you can see them, but they can feed the cycle of pesky irritation and redness. These small cuts also become open for bacteria and other microorganisms to live and create small infections in your private parts. 

To avoid this problem all together, first start with a toxin-free toilet paper that you know you can trust. When you wipe, we suggest gently wiping instead of going in aggressively. It is a common misconception that applying pressure when wiping will clean everything off, but this may be doing more harm than good. Lightly dabbing the area helps if your skin is extremely sensitive. 

Bim Bam Boo is Toxin-Free, pH-Neutral, and Hypoallergenic

For years, Bim Bam Boo CEO and founder, Zoë Levin, struggled to find a toxin-free toilet paper. She set off to create a gentle and soft TP product that was sustainable, and most importantly, made with vulva health in mind.

Today, Bim Bam Boo is proudly free from all of those nasty fragrances and chemicals that cause irritation and infection in your privates. Not only is the unique bamboo formula hypoallergenic, but it is also pH-neutral, meaning that it will not affect your vaginal pH balance. 

It is time we stop overlooking vulva health. It is the most sensitive and sacred part of our body, why not treat yourself like the queen you are? Upgrade your wipe and switch to hypoallergenic Bim Bam Boo today for a gentler and healthier TP. 

Why does toilet paper get stuck when wiped?

Wiping hard or using the same piece multiple times is what gets ya those gross left-behind bits. Take your time, don't rub too hard and use as much paper as you need to get clean.

How do you stop toilet paper residue?

Other wiping tips.
Take your time, making sure you don't leave any lingering mess. ... .
Opt for dabbing over wiping or rubbing when using toilet paper..
Splurge on some extra-soft toilet paper. ... .
Use wet toilet paper if your anus is irritated or tender..

Can you develop a sensitivity to toilet paper?

Technically, you can be allergic to certain chemicals, like fragrance, used in your toilet paper. This can cause a case of vulvitis, a condition which often shows up as itching, burning, redness or swelling. If you notice these symptoms after using a new type of TP (especially if it's scented) switch brands.

What toilet paper does not shred?

Of the 36 toilet papers we tested, the supple Charmin Ultra Strong stood out as the one with the best combination of strength and softness, with the added bonus of being low-lint and crumble-free.


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