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Google Meet on Glass Enterprise Edition 2 (Meet on Glass) is now generally available. Google Workspace customers around the world can now give their employees, suppliers, and partners greater sight with Glass Enterprise—using the simple and intuitive Google Meet environment they’re already used to. With Meet on Glass, meeting participants can experience a first-person view of the wearer’s perspective and collaborate with the video meeting in real time.

Terry and Linda Kniess, a Las Vegas TV meteorologist and his wife with respective talents for discerning patterns and mathematics, discovered that the prizes with particular prices on the show tended to repeat frequently in predictable patterns. Deciding to use this to their advantage, the couple closely watched recordings of the show for months to detect, compute and memorize those patterns. Thus prepared, the couple went to the studio and Terry managed to be picked as a contestant for the taping of the December 16, 2008 game. Sure enough, Terry was able to precisely price the prizes in his games and made it all the way to the Showcase stage where he accurately stated the exact price of his showcase to the dollar, a feat that had only happened once before in the 1970s. At that point, the concerned producers stopped the game convinced that Terry was cheating somehow. However, after a 20 minute pause, no one could say how that was possible and Drew Carey, convinced the game would not be aired, decided to resume the game and coldly announced to Terry that he had won the game with both showcases. As it happened, the game was aired and Carey was excoriated by viewers for his poor manner towards a player who legitimately won according the game's rules. The retired former host, Bob Barker, claimed that he would have played up Terry as the greatest contestant in the game's history to make the most of his spectacular win. In response to Terry's system, the producers retired some prizes and randomized prices in subtle ways to prevent a recurrence.

Cranberries are a fruit crop that grows from Cranberry Seeds after 7 days, and keeps producing fruit every 5 days after maturity.


When harvested, each Cranberry plant gives 2 Cranberries every 5 days, with a 10% chance of one or more extra cranberries (0.11 more cranberries on average).

Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5HarvestAfter-Harvest
1 Day2 Days1 Day1 Day2 DaysTotal: 7 DaysRegrowth: 5 Days

Crop Growth Calendar


Number of Harvests

Most fertilizers have limited effect on multiple-harvest crops, including Cranberries. Basic and Quality Fertilizers affect only the first berry from each harvest, and Speed-Gro fertilizers do not decrease the time between harvests. As shown in the comparison above, while Deluxe Speed-Gro (≈0.25%) will drop the initial growth time from 7 to 5.25 days, the amount of yields per season after that point is still 4. Retaining soil may potentially be useful to reduce watering.


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Cranberries are not used in any bundles.



Cranberries can be used in the spool of the Sewing Machine to create the dyeable Farmer Pants. It can be also used as a red dye color at the dye pots in Emily's and Haley's house, 2 Willow Lane.

What is the oldest game on The Price Is Right?

History. Any Number was the first pricing game ever played on The Price Is Right, debuting on its premiere broadcast on September 4, 1972 (#0011D).

What happens if you guess the exact price on The Price Is Right?

If one of the contestants bids the exact actual retail price, a bell sounds and the host gives the winner a cash bonus of a $100 cash prize from May 23, 1977, #2391D, to November 9, 1998, #0891K, and since November 10, 1998, #0892K, the cash bonus was increased to $500.

What is the most popular game on The Price Is Right?

#1: Plinko Since it premiered in 1983, it has become the most popular game on the show. In 2013, it was the only game played for an entire episode. Contestants get a Plinko chip to start and then win up to four more by guessing which number in the price of small prizes is correct.


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