The popliteal region is anterior or posterior

The popliteal artery is one of the major arteries of the leg. It is a continuation of the femoral artery, travels across the popliteal fossa, and finally bifurcates into the anterior and posterior tibial ends. Across it journey it gives off numerous branches that supply several structures such as the knee joint and its components, together with major muscles of the leg.

The popliteal artery passes through the popliteal fossa and ends at the lower border of the popliteus muscle, where it branches into its two terminal branches; the anterior and posterior tibial arteries.

Key facts about the popliteal arterySourceFemoral arteryBranches

Anterior tibial artery
Posterior tibial artery

Sural artery

Superior lateral genicular artery
Superior medial genicular artery
Middle genicular artery
Inferior lateral genicular artery
Inferior medial genicular artery

SuppliesKnee joint, leg muscles

This article will discuss the anatomy and course of the popliteal artery.


  1. Course
  2. Branches
    1. Genicular branches/arteries
    2. Muscular branches
    3. Sural arteries
    4. Tibial arteries
  3. Clinical notes
    1. Popliteal pulse
    2. Popliteal artery hemorrhage
    3. Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome (PAES)
  4. Sources

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Femoral artery

Arteria femoralis


The popliteal artery is the continuation of the femoral artery that begins at the level of the adductor hiatus in the adductor magnus muscle of the thigh. As it continues down, it runs across the popliteal fossa, posterior to the knee joint. The popliteal artery passes obliquely through the popliteal fossa and then travels between the gastrocnemius and popliteal muscles of the posterior compartment of the leg.

It then continues into the deep part of the posterior compartment of the leg, passing under the tendinous arch between the two heads of the gastrocnemius and immediately bifurcates into the anterior and posterior tibial arteries. The popliteal artery is the deepest vascular structure of the popliteal fosa, running closely to the knee’s capsule.

For the complete course of the poplieal artery and its branches, take a look below:

Neurovasculature of the leg and knee Explore study unit


The popliteal artery is the major contributor to the blood supply of the knee joint. Despite its short course, the popliteal artery has several branches:

Genicular branches/arteries

Superior lateral genicular artery

Arteria superior lateralis genus


Synonyms: Proximal fibular genicular artery, Arteria genus proximalis fibularis , show more...

The popliteal artery gives off five genicular branches that contribute to the periarticular genicular anastamosis that supply the knee joint capsule and ligaments. The five branches are:

  • Superior lateral genicular artery
  • Superior medial genicular artery
  • Middle genicular artery
  • Inferior lateral genicular artery
  • Inferior medial genicular artery

The superior lateral and medial genicular arteries arise from the popliteal artery and curve around their respective femoral condyles, supplying the bone of the femoral condyles, the adjacent synovium of the knee joint and the superior part of the patella.

The single and smaller middle genicular artery branches off the popliteal artery behind the distal femoral intercondylar region where it runs anteriorly and penetrates the posterior part of the knee joint capsule. It supplies the posterior cruciate ligament, the posterior part of the anterior cruciate ligament and the posterior aspects of the menisci.

The inferior lateral and medial genicular arteries branch off the popliteal artery and run around the tibial condyles, deep to the collateral ligaments of the knee. These arteries supply the adjacent areas including the joint capsule of the knee, the collateral ligaments and tendons, the anterior part of the anterior cruciate ligament and the inferior part of the patella.

Muscular branches

The popliteal artery has various muscular branches that provide vascular supply to the hamstring, gastrocnemius, soleus and plantaris muscles. The superior muscular branches of the popliteal artery anastamose with the deep femoral and gluteal arteries of the thigh.

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Sural arteries

The sural arteries are large vessels that arise on each side of the popliteal artery to provide a vascular supply to the gastrocnemius, soleus and plantaris muscle.

Tibial arteries

When the popliteal artery ends at the inferior border of the popliteus muscle it bifurcates into the anterior and posterior tibial arteries.

Clinical notes

Popliteal pulse

Although the popliteal artery is difficult to palpate (as it runs deep within the popliteal fossa) a popliteal pulse can be felt. This can be achieved with the patient in a lying position with their knee up and flexed so that the popliteal fascia and hamstrings are relaxed. The pulsing of the popliteal artery can then be felt at the inferior aspect of the popliteal fossa. This is important since a weak or absent popliteal pulse may indicate obstruction of the femoral artery and vascular compromise.

Popliteal artery hemorrhage

Although dislocation of the knee is uncommon, this can occur in severe, high energy trauma or due to a powerful force applied to the joint. Following knee dislocation, there is a high chance that the popliteal artery may become damaged due to its close proximity to the joint. When the knee is dislocated, it can stretch the popliteal artery causing it to contuse, tear, rupture or break completely. This can then lead to damage of the popliteal vein and, furthermore, damage to the calf muscles. Without intervention, this can lead to limb loss.

Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome (PAES)

The popliteal artery runs between the two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle of the leg. Any variations that occur here can lead to intermittent claudication (pain due to insufficient blood supply) during muscle contraction. This leads to repetitive trauma to the popliteal artery which in turn may result in arterial thrombosis and thromboembolism or formation of aneurysms.

The popliteal artery entrapment syndrome can be classified based on what caused the popliteal artery to become compressed. Types 1 and 4 are due to abnormalities in the course of the popliteal artery, while types 2 and 3 are due to an abnormal insertion of the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle. Type 5 is entrapment of both the popliteal artery and popliteal vein whereas type 6 is compression of the popliteal artery during leg movements but in the absence of any anatomic abnormality. Treatment involves surgically releasing the popliteal artery by myotomy (removal of muscle) of either the medial or lateral head of the gastrocnemius.


All content published on Kenhub is reviewed by medical and anatomy experts. The information we provide is grounded on academic literature and peer-reviewed research. Kenhub does not provide medical advice. You can learn more about our content creation and review standards by reading our content quality guidelines.


  • K.L. Moore, A.F. Dalley, A.M.R. Agur: Clinically orientated anatomy, 6th Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2010), p. 584 - 605.
  • R.L. Drake, W. Vogl, A.W.M Mitchell: Gray’s anatomy for students, 2nd Edition, Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier (2010), p. 585 – 590.
  • S.S. Shim, G. Leung: Blood supply of the knee joint: a microangiographic study in children and adults. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (1986), number 208, p. 119 - 125.
  • M. Witz, S. Witz, E. Tobi et al.: Isolated complete popliteal artery rupture associated with knee dislocation. Knee Surgery, Sports, Traumatology, Arthroscopy (2004), volume 12, p. 3 - 6.
  • U. Altintas, U.V.J. Helgstrand, M.A. Hansen et al.: Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome: ultrasound imaging, intraoperative findings, and clinical outcome. Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (2013), volume 47, issue 7, p. 513 – 518.

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Where is the popliteal located?

The popliteal fossa is a diamond-shaped space located posterior to the knee joint. It allows for the passage of critical neurovascular structures. These structures, from medial to lateral, are the popliteal artery, popliteal vein, tibial nerve, and common peroneal nerve.

Is the patellar area anterior to the popliteal area?

The popliteal fossa is formed by the posterior surfaces of the knee and the femur, and is made up of fascia and skin. Therefore, the patellar region is anterior (in front of) to the popliteal region of the knee.

What is the most posterior structure in the popliteal fossa?

The popliteal vein, a continuation of the posterior tibial vein, lies superficial to the popliteal artery within the same fibrous sheath. After it exits the fossa superiorly, it becomes the femoral vein as it passes through the adductor hiatus.

What is the common name for the popliteal region?

The popliteal fossa (sometimes referred to colloquially as the knee pit, or poplit) is a shallow depression located at the back of the knee joint. The bones of the popliteal fossa are the femur and the tibia.


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