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Emotional Support    Criminal/Civil Advocacy    Court Accompaniment    Info/Referral

Kentuckians’ Voice for Crime Victims (KVCV) was founded by several families who lost loved ones to homicide. In the midst of their pain, they found that there was no clear road to follow to get the support they needed to find justice and begin healing. That’s why they started this non-profit (501c3) organization to help people like you easily access information, services, and resources to assist with mental, physical, and financial needs in the aftermath of victimization.  Read our full story here. 

In Kentucky, survivors of homicide victims have rights to information, protections, a role in the criminal justice system, and sometimes financial compensation. We want all survivors to know their rights.

We’re here to help you find what you need to move forward. Discover resources for processing tragic loss, enlisting grief support, and moving forward after the death of a loved one.

Each jurisdiction has legal advocates that will come alongside you and help you fight for justice for your loved one’s death. Search our database of advocates and find one in your area.

Kentuckians’ Voice for Crime Victims is here for you and all victims and survivors. We invite you to light a candle and share your story in honor of your loved one who was killed.

When You Lose Someone to Homicide

How do you even start to heal?
(Please share this with someone who is grieving.)

While everyone walks their own path in grief and healing, KVCV is here to help you navigate some of the steps along the way.

Step 1: Get Support

Surround yourself with a team of friends, family, and professionals to help you process, heal, and deal with legal and logistical questions.

When grieving the violent death of a loved one, your best sources of support will most likely be:

  • Family Members
  • Friends
  • Support Groups
  • Counselors/Therapists
  • Victim Advocates

At KVCV, we have Victim Advocates available to help you! We also recommend looking at the Commonwealth Attorney’s Office in the Judicial District where the homicide occurred. We also encourage everyone to join a Support Group to give you a safe place to process.

Find a Victim Advocate and Join a Support Group

Step 2: Care for yourself

Allow yourself time to rest, cry, take walks, talk to a trusted person, stretch, nourish yourself, and face whatever you’re feeling as it comes. 

Self-care is very healing during grief. Try:

  • Sleeping When You Need it
  • Listening to Soothing Music
  • Resting Often and Eating Nourishing Food
  • Meditation
  • Counseling
  • Spending Time in Nature
  • Yoga & Stretching
  • Massage
  • Journaling, Coloring, & Creating

Rest in our Virtual Calming Room

Step 3: Educate yourself

Learn as much as possible about grief, healing, and the legal system, so you can move forward with peace of mind.

Gathering resources will help you understand the grief and legal processes, so you can find peace and pursue justice. We’ve put together books, articles, videos, links, brochure downloads, children’s books, and more to help you learn through your grief.

Learn Your Victim Rights and Find Resources to Help with Grief

Step 4: Tell Your Story

Sharing your story can help make meaning out of your tragic loss and the healing season you’re going through.

By talking openly about your loved one and your loss, you will be able to find meaning in what you have experienced and grow as you move forward. This helps take some of the pain out of the memories, while keeping your loved one close to your heart. 

Tell your story by:

  • Lighting a Candle in Loving Memory.
  • Joining a Victim Support Group and talk about your story and loss.
  • Bringing up your loved one in regular, everyday conversations.
  • Talking to a Counselor/Therapist.
  • Writing a book, a memoir, or a blog that tells your story of loss and healing.

Your story matters. Your healing matters. 

Click Here to Light a Candle in Memory of Your Loved One

When you’re grieving, it can feel like you are stuck, all alone, and lost. We’ve put together a robust list of resources to fill you with hope, a sense that you are not alone, and a clear path forward as you process and heal from the loss of your loved one. 


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