Skin pen with prp before and after

Is your face showing your age?

As we age, our skin naturally begins to show wear. If your face is showing your age, there’s something you can do about it right now. Fight back with the SkinPen®, your secret weapon to obtaining better looking skin.

Reveal your true, beautiful skin with SkinPen® and PRP

Do you experience any of the following?

  • Fine Lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Large Pores
  • Uneven Skin Texture
  • Acne Scars

These blemishes can impact your mood and your confidence. But you can fight back against lines and wrinkles and you’re not alone. With the help of Renew Facial Plastic Surgery, we can equip you to overcome your blemishes with the SkinPen®, which utilizes PRP to combat the effects of aging skin.

View more before and after images of the revolutionary SkinPen® microneedling treatments available in Minneapolis, MN

How the SkinPen® Utilizes PRP to Refresh Your Skin with Minimal Downtime

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), facilitated by the SkinPen®, uses your skin’s natural properties and ability to repair damaged tissues. This allows your skin to look its very best.

Using a small sample of your blood, the blood is spun, resulting in enriched plasma that can be applied where it is needed with the SkinPen®. The SkinPen® uses a microneedling process that creates mini injuries. As the skin heals with SkinPen® aftercare, the result is better-looking, youthful and smooth skin.

The SkinPen® Treatment:

  • Stimulates skin repair
  • Is quick (30-Minute Procedures)
  • Is perfect for all types of skin
  • Is effective against wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, and more!
  • Uses a natural remodeling process

The result of the microneedling procedure is new collagen and elastin, which comes without scar tissue and assists the skin in maintaining a beautiful appearance. These quick procedures are suitable and effective on all body parts and require little to no downtime.

Long-lasting results are possible with a plan developed by the experts at Renew Facial Plastic Surgery.  We will discuss if this option is the right fit for you, potential risks, and answer your questions are your free consultation.

What is SkinPen® Needling?

SkinPen® is a medical grade, state-of-the-art microneedling device that stimulates skin repair through your body's natural remodeling process. Microneedling with SkinPen® allows for controlled induction of the skin's self-repair process by creating precise, micro-injuries in the skin that automatically trigger new collagen and elastin synthesis without causing scar tissue formation.

SkinPen® can be used on all types of skin and helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and improve the look of acne scars.  The procedure takes about 30 minutes and has individualized settings for patient comfort.  Many patients see healthier looking skin immediately, but damage to dermal collagen that has occurred over a long period also takes time for remodeling to take place.  You may not see the final result for up to 3-6 months following your final session, but individual results will vary

You don’t get younger with time, but you can look younger with our help!

Don’t wait, learn how the SkinPen® can bring new life to your look. Schedule a consultation today. (952) 227-3639

SkinPen with PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Treatment

At Laser Beauty Works, we add Platelet-Rich Plasma, or PRP, to our SkinPen procedure to greatly enhance the microneedling benefits. This complete treatment is also known as the Vampire Facial.

What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

We obtain Platelet-Rich Plasma, or PRP, by drawing a small amount of blood from your arm into a sterile tube. This sample is centrifuged to separate your plasma, which we use for the treatment, from your red and white blood cells. Plasma contains high concentration of platelets, stem cells and growth factors. Platelets help your tissue heal and grow new cells.

What Are the benefits Of Microneedling with PRP?

When PRP is used with microneedling, it penetrates your skin through the tiny channels the microneedles create. The PRP supercharges the microneedling benefits. PRP also addresses under-eye puffiness and dark circles to give you a more youthful, well-rested appearance. Since PRP is derived from your own blood, the side effects are virtually eliminated.

Which areas of the body can be treated with Microneedling and PRP?

• Face
• Neck
• Décolleté
• Arms
• Hands
• Legs
• Abdomen
• Back

Who is a good candidate for Microneedling with PRP?

Microneedling with PRP is a very safe and effective treatment for adults with all skin types who wish to improve their skin quality. The depth of the SkinPen can be adjusted to meet the client’s individual needs and objectives. Due to its low-risk profile, Microneedling with PRP is a good option for people who are not good candidates for lasers, such as those with darker skin types. SkinPen with PRP is also a very powerful tool for treating scars on the face and body.

How is the Microneedling with PRP procedure performed?

First, we apply a topical numbing gel to the treatment area for optimal comfort. Then we insert a new sterile cartridge containing 12 microneedles into the SkinPen and select the appropriate depth setting based on your skin’s unique needs.
We apply your prepared PRP solution to the treatment area before and after the microneedling procedure to ensure that the PRP gets fully absorbed. We can also apply other therapeutic serums to further address your specific skin condition, such as melasma or hyperpigmentation.

How long does the procedure take?

About 60-90 minutes in total. The numbing process takes about 30 minutes. While you are numbing, we draw your blood and centrifuge it to obtain the PRP. The microneedling takes about 30 minutes, depending on the treatment area.

What Is the downtime after the Microneedling with PRP?

The downtime is minimal with only one to three days of mild redness, depending on the aggressiveness of the treatment. A post-treatment kit will help speed your recovery.

When will I see results after each treatment?

You’ll notice an immediate “glow” to your skin and it will continue to improve over the next few weeks. The full results can be seen up to 6 months post-treatment as collagen production continues.

How many treatments are needed to see optimal results?

We recommend a series of at least 3 treatments about 4-6 weeks apart to see the best results. For scarring, we recommend at least 6 treatments to see the best results. You can then do the treatment about once a year to maintain these results. Skin Pen with PRP is a very powerful tool for treating scars on the face and body and for enhancing the healing process.

Does SkinPen with PRP work?

Microneedling with PRP improves firmness, reduces visible pore size, levels out deep acne scars, and leaves you with smooth, unblemished skin. This treatment requires minimal downtime, yet is highly effective at treating numerous skin concerns on all skin types and shades.

Is microneedling with PRP better?

The combination of microneedling with PRP is more effective than microneedling alone or applying PRP alone. While both effective individually, it is the combination of the two treatments that provide a vital foundation necessary for maximum absorption, reduced healing time and optimal results.

How long does it take to see results from PRP microneedling?

When will I see results after microneedling with PRP? On average, it takes about 2 – 3 weeks after microneedling for patients to see visible improvements in their skin. After 4 – 6 weeks, a marked improvement should be able to be seen.

How long after SkinPen do you see results?

As soon as the deepest layers of your skin are penetrated by the needles, “micro-wounds” are created. This triggers your body's wound healing processes to heal your micro wounds immediately. However, the most dramatic results will not be visible until four to six weeks after treatment.


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