Sims 4 abducted by aliens cheat

Susannah loves gaming. She's been playing games for 20 years, ranging from Sims and Maplestory through to World of Warcraft.

Getting abducted by Aliens in The Sims 4 Get to Work Expansion Pack. The UFO appears and beams your Sim up and performs experiments on them for a few hours. Sometimes, males can get pregnant during this interstellar adventure.

Players often search for how to get abducted in The Sims 4 Get to Work, and for good reason. It's kind of hidden in the Expansion, with many options obscuring the real routes to make it happen. Aliens basically don't appear very often unless you seek them out. I'll list a few ways to do it. We have two honest ways and one via cheating that will all increase the odds Aliens show up and take your Sim to their UFO. I'm not responsible for any probe insertions they experience while on this trip, nor where they all the things are inserted, and I'm certainly not at fault if your male Sim comes back pregnant with an alien kid you don't want. The method below can also be used to make an alien-Sim hybrid if you romance a male Alien with your female Sim, as we will increase the odds aliens visit as well.

First, How Abduction Works in The Sims 4

Every night, there is a slim chance for Sims to be abducted, but you can boost this greatly by taking part in certain activities. There is a hidden meter that increases and adds a buff that will last about 24h, giving you a chance to get taken that night. You'll need to keep this meter full to maximize the chance Aliens take your Sim to the UFO. When they do arrive, the Sim will head off to investigate a strange light. They are taken for a few hours then returned, Dazed. There is a small chance of Male Sims getting pregnant (like 25%).

The Sims 4 Get to Work: Alien Abductions and Babies Video Guide

Teaches you how alien abductions work, male pregnancy, and the different types of alien babies.

Method 1: Join the Scientist Career

The Satellite and Out of this World Desktop computer can both be used for the same thing - Contact Aliens. This gives you a hidden moodlet for 24h, maximizing the chance for an abduction the next night.

Sims in the Get to Work Scientist Career, particularly high ranking ones, get objects that can help with abduction. The Scientist career gives access via the Out of this World Desktop computer that is unlocked at the last level (found in Electronics > Computers), and the Satellite Dish at Level 4 (found in Electronics > Misc). Both of these do the same thing, and it's on a 24 hour cooldown. Selecting Contact Aliens will lock the ability for the next 24h but give you the maximum level of that "Abduction Meter" we discussed in how abductions work.

Method 2: Cheating for the Scientist Objects

Hit Control+Shift+C or press all four bumper/trigger buttons on PS4/Xbox and type Testingcheats on. Now you can use bb.IgnoreGameplayUnlocksEntitlement to allow your Sim to purchase the alien computer. bb.ShowHiddenObjects will let you buy the satellite dish. Both of these should be used in Live Mode as if you are in Build/Buy you need to go back in to see the objects. If you need help with cheating, here's a newbie guide and a full list of Cheats.

Method 3: Learn Some Logic!

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Search for The Truth is actually an ability that helps you get Abducted without using Scientist, which is a relief. You can use this a few hours and keep the hidden Abduction Meter full.

There is an interaction on the Telescope (Observatory) unlocked at Level 7 Logic, Search for The Truth. What this does is, raises that meter gradually for every minute you use it. Doing this for a few hours each day will give you the same result as using the computer/satellite. This interaction appears around 8-8:30 PM until dawn but won't be available if you use the contact aliens ability, as your meter is already maxed out. If you want to try for abduction that day, get on it early in the evening.

Save Scumming to Maximize Abduction Chance

A male Sim is pregnant with an Alien baby in The Sims 4 Get to Work

In order to get footage for this, I did some save scumming so I'll share my method. Save the game around 9PM with the meter maxed out. If you make it until 3-4AM with no abduction, exit to main menu without saving and reload. For the next phase, save while your Sim is in the alien craft, immediately after the abduction. When you reload the game, the abduction should happen again. If you save scum now, you can keep going until you get a save where, within the 24h after the abduction, your Sim gets a tummy ache. This means the Sim is pregnant. I believe that only male Sims get pregnant.

Having an Alien Baby

An Alien baby (full blood). Half-breeds are also possible, and result from a Male Alien impregnating a Female Sim via Try for Baby.

As mentioned before, only males can get pregnant by the aliens. If they get a tummy ache, you're 72h and 3 moodlets away from the birth of your new alien baby. Don't worry as, if you don't want it you can send the baby back to the homeworld. There isn't much reason to do all this unless you want one though, so there's that. It does come in handy if you get twins, as I did, so yes multiple births are possible - I did not cheat while doing this.

Your Alien baby will grow up to have access to all the Alien Powers listed on that guide page. You can age them up to speed up the process.

Making Alien Friends or Female Pregnancies

Using the Observatory to contact Aliens can result in a visit to your home, which brings Aliens into your life. This means you can romance them with a female Sim in order to get pregnant with an Alien-Sim Hybrid.

Doing all the stuff with the satellite and telescope will also trigger an event where a group of aliens visits your home. By doing so you can make alien friends, in order to romance them or just have them around in your save game. Aliens won't come very often if at all, unless you give this indication you want them around by seeking them. Female Sims can get pregnant by Aliens by romancing them and using Try for Baby. This results in an Alien hybrid, which doesn't have powers. Only alien to alien try for baby or male pregnancies result in a full blood Alien child.

I hope this was helpful to you. Please remember, even with a maxed out abduction meter, the odds are not in your favor. I say this because someone will inevitably say that this doesn't work. You have about a 25% chance of being abducted each night, and a 25% chance of it being an abduction that results in a male Sim getting pregnant. This means that you can reload several times, or it can take weeks in Sim time without you getting the end result you desire.

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Can you get kidnapped in Sims 4?

Any Sim, either male or female, can be abducted – but only male Sims can be impregnated by the aliens. Like other pregnancies in the game, you'll soon give birth – but to an alien baby.

How do you make an alien on Sims 4 cheat?

Use Cheats Once that's done, all you have to do is follow this up with the code traits. equip_trait trait_OccultAlien . Then, just click on the Sim you wish to turn into an alien, and it's done!

Can you turn a SIM into an alien Sims 4?

The Sims 4. It's possible to make an alien in Create A Sim starting from a normal sim, alien-sim hybrid, or spellcaster. The sim will have the appearance of being an alien, but it will be no more than appearance. Since the release of the game, they can also wear regular clothes and have hair.

What can you do in Sixam?

Aliens can be found inhabiting Sixam, and three unique kinds of otherworldly flora can be found and harvested. Two new crystals and metals can only be found on Sixam, the former of which can derive a new element.

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