Should you condition your hair everyday?

Hair conditioners contain agents that enhance feel, appearance, fullness, lubricity, reflectance, and general manageability of hair. But, when it comes to conditioner, is it possible to have too much of a good thing?

Spoiler alert; The answer is, with a few exceptions, no. Conditioner is awesome for hair health and you should probably be using it more frequently than you already do.

Do you need to condition your hair every time you wash it?

Conditioner is an incredibly important part of haircare and should not be neglected after shampooing.

While shampoo does an excellent job at removing excess sebum (the natural oils in your scalp that can make your roots look greasy) dirt, and other unwanted residues, sometimes it can work a little too efficiently, leaving hair vulnerable to damage.

While excess sebum isn't the cutest look in terms of style (hi, oily and limp hair), it is beneficial to your hair's health. Sebum is kind of like your body's own internal conditioning system; it minimizes frizz, increases shine and improves manageability, all of which are obviously good things that we don't want to get rid of. When sebum is removed by shampoo, hair requires a little something extra to keep it nourished.

Thus, the invention of conditioner: an agent that can provide all the benefits of sebum (minimizing frizz, increasing shine, improved manageability, plus extras like increased volume) without the greasy appearance caused by excess sebum. It's all the benefits of sebum without the yuckiness - now who wouldn't want that? Plan to condition your hair every time you wash it, and you'll be in good shape.

Is it OK to condition your hair everyday?

If you're washing your hair every day, you should be conditioning your hair every day. Like we discussed above, shampoo and conditioner go hand in hand. Shampooing without conditioning is bad news for hair health.

That being said, if you plan on conditioning your hair without using shampoo, you might not see much benefit, due to the necessity to expose your hair to water in order to rinse out the conditioner. Water saturation can damage and stretch out the hair fiber, so it's probably best to avoid unnecessary contact with water whenever possible.

What happens if you don't condition your hair?

In short: bad stuff happens when you choose to skip conditioner.

Think of it this way: your hair cuticle (the outer protective layer of the hair fiber) is made up of teeny-tiny shingles, like on a roof. Those shingles are your first line of defense when it comes to your hair. If those shingles are damaged (or stripped away altogether), the things underneath are left vulnerable to damage.

In this example, you (and all the things you expose your hair to) are similar to extreme weather events. Bleaching hair, brushing hair while wet, chemically straightening hair, et cetera, all attack the shingles on the roof, lifting them up, cracking them, and even blowing some away.

Without conditioner, these shingles are continuously blown away, and damage occurs endlessly and unfettered. But with conditioner, this story changes.

Conditioner can be seen as a roof-maintenance technician in our roof example. Both before and after the storm of bleach and hair dye, conditioner can add extra protection to smooth the shingles of the roof and fill in the gaps where they've already been blown away. While conditioners can't fix the shingles to be exactly what they were before, they can protect hair and make it look (and feel) a heck of a lot better.

So how often should you condition your hair?

For all the reasons described above, you should condition your hair every time you wash your hair. Beyond that, while it's typically best to avoid washing and conditioning hair everyday, since water saturation combined with the friction of scrubbing and massaging is damaging to hair, there's really no blanket solution to exactly how often you should condition your tresses.

Did you know shampooing too often can actually damage your hair? It’s true, however there’s a sure-fire way to make sure your hair is not only clean, but hangs on tight to the oils and nutrients it needs to stay healthy and on your head. Here’s why it might be time to start shampooing less, and conditioning more! Trust us on this one, your hair will thank you later.

Why Use Conditioner?

Let's start with this... yes, you need to use a conditioner!

There’s no denying that a great shampoo will not only clean your hair, but leave it fresh and smelling amazing. However, even with the absolute best shampoos, natural oils in your hair and scalp will be lost in the process. That is where a great conditioner comes in to play, the benefits of which are substantial. These benefits include:

  • Restore natural oils which are vital to your hair and scalps overall health.
  • Coats the hair follicles with a protective layer that smooths, thickens, and preserves all day long.
  • Replenishes the moisture that shampooing strips away.
  • Recover hair from heat damage, caused by blow dryers and other culprits.

How Often Should I Use Conditioner?

The all-important question... do you have to condition daily? The quick answer is no, but the amount you will need to condition is all based on the length of your hair. New growth, hair near the scalp, won’t require too much moisturizing or restoration. If your hair is longer though, you really need to pay attention to the ends of the strands. This will be the part of the hair that is most prone to getting damaged and dried out. So, if your hair is short, conditioning around five times a week will do you just fine. If your hair is long however, conditioning every day is recommended. The great thing about conditioner is that it’s nearly impossible to over moisturize your hair, but be on the lookout for these warning signs you might be going at it too hard.

  • Greasiness
  • Lack of volume
  • Excessive shine or glossiness
  • Difficulty styling with heat

If any of these signs occur, scale your condition routine back just a tad until you find what works best for you.


How to Use Conditioner – The Easy Three Step Routine

  1. After completely rinsing out your shampoo, grab your conditioner and get to work. The amount you’ll need will again depend on length. For short hair a dime sized amount should be enough. If you’re rocking a majestic mane, step it up to quarter size. The key is to make sure that your hair is completely coated from root to tip. Start with less and work your way up until you find the amount that’s just right for you.
  2. Grab your shampoo brush and begin to massage the conditioner in. The brush is a great way to make sure you’re not leaving your scalp unattended, as it too reaps the benefits of a great conditioner. Keep in mind conditioner does not hold the same consistency as a shampoo, it’s much thicker. So, if you feel like you’re having a hard time spreading it out, simply dip your head back under the shower for a second to apply a little water to your hair. This will help to make sure you get a nice even coat.
  3. Once completely coated, it’s time to let it sit! Don’t rinse it out immediately. You have to give it time to marinate. It’s important that all the vitamins, nutrients, and essential oils from the conditioner have time to work their way into the follicles. While you wait, grab your favorite body wash and loofah and wash your body. This will be plenty of time for the conditioner to work its magic. Then one last rinse will have you showered up and on your way.

Next Level Hair Care

If you really want to take your moisturizing to the next level, don’t be afraid to introduce an Argan Oil into your routine. With its high concentration of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and vitamin E, Argan oil is the perfect side kick to any great conditioning routine. It will naturally help to increase your hair’s elasticity, restore shine, and protect against damage and split ends. 

Is it OK to just condition your hair everyday?

Cleansing conditioners are treated like shampoo, so they can be applied as often as you would apply shampoo. Generally speaking, that means daily or every other day for oily or fine hair. Dry, coarse, and curly hair can withstand longer periods between washes, often up to a week or more.

How often should you condition your hair?

Leave the conditioner in for about 2-5 minutes and then thoroughly rise it out with warm water. To help maintain your hair's health, try to use a conditioning treatment at least once a month to add protein to your hair for strength and moisture to control frizz and flyaways.

Why you shouldn't condition your hair everyday?

Don't use conditioner every day, as the product can make your hair look even greasier. Avoid silicones in your conditioners and use a clarifying shampoo to remove some of the excess product and oil that can build up in your hair.

Should I condition my hair everytime?

How often should you condition your hair? The answer to this is that you should condition your hair every time you wash it, without a doubt. When we wash our hair, we're cleansing it of dirt and impurities. Shampoo opens the hair's cuticle as it cleanses, while conditioner seals the hair's cuticle to lock in nutrients.


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