Should mobile phone be banned in school essay?


  • Explain Why Cell Phones Should Not Be Banned In School

    “Should Cell Phones be Banned in School?” Cell phones are being banned in the city of Mansfield,Ohio. In the article, “Should Cell Phones be Banned in School?”, it informs us readers that cell phones are no longer allowed in the schools of Mansfield,Ohio. In my opinion, cell phones should not be banned in schools. Some of the reasons phones should not be banned is because they will not be able to communicate mandatory information to their parents, in case of an emergency, parents cannot text students

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  • Cell Phones Should Not Be Banned from School Property

    local high school in the United States, they will be sure to see teenage students with their cellular telephones in hand. One may say the use of cell phones should be banned on school property, however there are many instances in which that may not be the best idea. Parents need to know that their children are safe and those children need a way in which to contact their parents if an emergency arises. If their child is not permitted to have their cellular telephone with them at school, the parent

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  • Essay on Cell Phone Use in Schools Should Not be Banned

    Should students be able to use cell phones during class periods? This is a question a lot of students and parents have asked themselves. The invention of cell phones started a debate for many schools. Many schools accept the use of cell phones but experience a lot of frustration over them. There are many reasons for and against the use of cell phones in schools. People who support cell phone use in schools are usually teenagers. People who disagree with cell phone use in schools are usually

    • 1401 Words
    • 6 Pages

  • Why We Shouldn T Cell Phones Be Banned From School

    Argument Writing by Chloe Osborne Cell Phones Should Be Banned From School While cell phones may be smart phones they don’t necessarily belong in school. School is a place to focus and learn. Cell phones can be a distraction which takes students focus off their education. Besides the distraction of using a cell phone in school, there are many ways they can be used inappropriately. Lastly, students don’t need a further excuse to use technology in school, they need be able to think on their

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  • Allowed In School

    presentation. Some people think that cell phones should be allowed in classrooms because they can help the students work harder because they are having more technology. But this is actually the opposite with cell phones the student will get distracted and do bad things with cell phones, things that can mess up their grade. But There are some ups and downs with phones, but some of the ups, are you can use phones to share work with others, and you can also use cell phones to research on websites. But the

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  • Are Cell Phones Affecting Your GPA?

    Is your phone use affecting your GPA? Many teachers and students ask themselves this question when in school and/or studying. Many parents think that cellphone use affects their children's ability to learn at school and how their students study with the distraction of cellphones. Cell phones are a distraction and for students who have a hard time paying attention a cell phone use just adds one more element into the mix of a classroom setting. Cell phones should be banned in schools to increase productivity

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  • Banned In Class

    Colleges should not ban cell phones in class. The first reason why cell phones should not be banned in class is because students need them in case of emergency. For example, a student may have a sick family member and want to keep their cell phone near them for updates. Also, many students have children to pick up from daycare or school due to them getting hurt or sick. Nevertheless, a student rather hear about an emergency in their family right away, then later just because they weren’t allowed

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  • Cell Phones Should Not Be Banned

    Cell phones can definitely be educational tools in school What’s are everybody’s opinion on cell phones during school? Why should or shouldn’t they be allowed? I’ve always used mine as a helpful tool. I’ve heard many different sides of this debate, mostly they have been positive. I’ve used mine for reading a book in study hall and playing a game to benefit for a vocabulary test. Cell phones are educational tools and should not be banned. This is a debate that can go both ways. Lots of bigger schools

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  • An Argument Essay on the Use of Cell Phones in Public Places

    the cellular telephone. Every individual with a cell phone has the ability to call any person, place, or agency at anytime as long as the individual is within the service provider's coverage area. The prevalence of cell phone owners has increased the use of cell phones in public places, such as schools, restaurants, and theaters, and their use in public is associated with both positive and negative implications. Some argue cell phones should be banned from public places because they are a social distraction

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  • Allowed In School

    Cell phones? Is this the topic we are on know. Are they good to have in school or just a plain old distraction. Just think. Some people think that cell phones can be used for cheating, a distraction, even bullying. But some people don't think that's true. They think that cell phones can be useful in school. They believe that cell phones can help students during school. I am one of those people. To understand it all from this perspective you need to how they can be used for good. So we ask ourselves

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Why should mobile phones be banned in schools essay?

Cell phones should be banned in schools because they distract students, allow cheating in Schools, and they can be dangerous. Cell phones distract students in school. Whenever people text in class it gets other people's attention, which makes it hard for students to learn.

Should mobile be banned in school?

We found banning mobile phones at school leads to an increase in student performance. Our results suggest that after schools banned mobile phones, test scores of students aged 16 increased by 6.4% of a standard deviation. This is equivalent to adding five days to the school year or an additional hour a week.

Should phones not be allowed in school essay?

Using cell phones during school allows students to cheat. Students will be more distracted by cell phones and pay less attention to the teacher and to the lesson. Students have a higher chance of getting in trouble if they use cell phones in school rather than if they are not allowed to use digital devices in school.

Why are phones banned in school?

In a move popular with parents, schools and governments see phone bans as a way to fix bullying and student disengagement.


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