Should I two hand a Greatsword Elden Ring?

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Hi all,

This might be a stupid question and probably explains why I cannot find an answer anywhere. However, is it viable to use just a greatsword two handed? I ask this because everywhere I look I see people using dual greatswords and colossal swords, but rarely just a greatsword on its own. Is this because dual-wielding them provides that much of a damage boost?


level 1

Dual wield more dmg cause you swing 2 weapons each equipped one handed so hits twice.

2 handed only hits once but hits harder due to 50% increase in STR when 2 handing

Pure strength will go duel wield... Hybrids will go 2 handed

level 2

I see. What do you mean by Hybrid?

level 1

It’s totally viable to two hand it! I two hand a colossal greatsword. People usually dual wield for the explosive damage output, but then you need a ridiculous amount of END to carry them so I prefer two handed.

level 2

Good to know! I was struggling to see a downside, but I suppose as you say, you have to invest a lot in Endurance to make it work.

level 2

If you get the great jar arsenal charm, it helps a ton with endurance requirements

level 1

No, it’s just preference with what you want to do, greatswords are great to wield 2 hand or 1 hand with a shield or staff etc. In the other hand. I’m using the dark moon greatsword with a shield and staff in my off hand, I still mostly 2 hand the great sword because when you two hand a weapon it’s increases your stats with said weapon and usually does more damage. Moral of the story is use whatever you want and have fun, no matter what weapons you use you can deal big damage if you allocate your stats correctly to what you’re doing. Look into some cool ashes of war to put on your weapons and figure out which scaling property does the most Damage with your build.

level 2

Thanks a lot! Appreciate it.

level 1

Dual wielding will always out damage 2handing but it’s still perfectly viable to just use any weapon however you want. I still 2hand an uchi on a dex build just cuz I like how it looks. Just remember there are people who beat really tough late game bosses at level one with a club. If you wanna two hand that great sword then do it

level 1

it's totally viable, I used to 2 hand a Claymore, ripping bosses easily, currently I'm 2handing Greataxe, just for the swagness, basically works like 2hand the claymore lol

Learn how to Two-Hand Weapons in Elden Ring and the benefits that come with it

Just like any other FromSoftware game, there are a plethora of different weapons to wield in Elden Ring. Any weapons you know and desire, the game probably has it. Giant heavy swords that inflict insane damage; swift, finessed and sleek longswords, hammers, maces, etc. Elden Ring has everything. Moreover, like other FromSoftware games, you can two-hand these weapons in Elden Ring too.

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Why you should Two-Hand Weapons in Elden Ring

Two-Handing lets you use different moves and abilities. It also helps you wield a weapon that you are not yet ready to wield with one hand. Furthermore, it increases your attack by a little bit. It does not sound much here, but the difference is enough to slay enemies a bit quicker.


For example, a greatsword, when in two-hand lets you make some deadly slam attacks, longswords have slash attacks that can slay enemies easily. While two-handing weapons give you new moves and attack power, using some weapons in this stance decreases attack speed. So make sure you are well adapted to it.

Two-hand weapons might sound like a wonderful way to play Elden Ring, but you should always use it depending on what situation you’re in and how well you are at the game.

You lose the shield when you wield weapons in both hands. Therefore you should be ready to dodge and roll all attacks. Also, some attacks become useless in tighter areas where the weapons hit the walls and negate the attack; a simple example is horizontal or vertical attacks with a large arc. Hence, here you should be using that attacks forward or concentrated at a point or use shorter weapons. Being aware of your surroundings is also an essential trait in using weapons, whether two-hand or single-handed.

Lastly, another advantage of two hand weapons in Elden Ring is that it decreases the requirements to wield the weapon. So if you are short of a few attack power to wield that one giant sword, you’re yearning to use, just grab it with both hands.

How to Two-Hand Weapons

Two-Handing in Elden Ring works a bit differently than the earlier FromSoftware games. Since Elden Ring has new movement mechanics to give a more sense of freedom in your playstyle, some of the control had to be remapped accordingly. In other games, like Dark Souls, you could take a weapon in both hands just by pressing a button. Here these buttons are changed to other controls.

For controller:

  • Hold down the Y/ Triangle button
  • Press R1/RB or R2/RB depending on which handed weapon you want to select
  • Right shoulder buttons two-hands the right handed weapon. Meanwhile Left Shoulder buttons two-hands the left handed weapon
  • To cancel two-hand stance, again press Y/ Triangle and the Right/ Left shoulder button.

For Keyboard-Mouse:

  • Hold down the interact button ( Check the keybinding from control settings and remap anyway you like)
  • Press Right mouse button to two-hand right handed weapon/ Left mouse button for left handed weapon

That is all there is to it. At first, it may sound confusing because of the change of controls from the other games; nevertheless, this is too is simple.

Read more: All games releasing in March 2022

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Should you one hand a Greatsword Elden Ring?

As a pure strength weapon, the Greatsword is already devastating when used in one hand but when Two Handed this weapon provides better scaling, does more damage, and aesthetically looks much better than when held in one hand.

Does two

Two-handing weapons can absolutely turn the tide of a particular encounter. This is because two-handing a melee weapon grants you additional damage and different attacks.

Are Greatswords viable in Elden Ring?

The Greatsword category has tended to be one of the most powerful choices in all the Souls games, and Elden Ring is no exception. Since they normally boast exceptional range and huge damage output, most Greatswords are viable against every major boss, and devastatingly effectively in PvP as well.

Is it better to two hand or dual wield in Elden Ring?

Depends! It can vary from weapon to weapon and your stats. Essentially, when you two hand a weapon, you'll get more damage out of it based on your strength stat. It's also useful because if you don't exactly meet the specs of a weapon, sometimes two-handing it will "boost" them enough to let you use it anyway.


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