Service members are assessed twice a year for physical

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Portfolio return and beta: One year ago, Jamie Peters spent $100,000 to create the following portfolio: $$ \begin{array}{ccccc} \text { Asset } & \text { Cost } & \text { Beta at purchase } & \text { Yearly income } & \text { Value today } \\ \hline \text { A } & \$ 20,000 & 0.80 & \$ 1,600 & \$ 20,000 \\ \text { B } & 35,000 & 0.95 & 1,400 & 36,000 \\ \text { C } & 30,000 & 1.50 & - & 34,500 \\ \text { D } & 15,000 & 1.25 & 375 & 16,500 \end{array} $$ Using this, Calculate the percentage return of the portfolio on the basis of original cost, using income and gains during the year.

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Service members are assessed twice a year for physical

Service members are assessed twice a year for physical

Service members are assessed twice a year for physical

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Terms in this set (89)

Which of the following titles is NOT a quality of life program?

Career Waypoints (C-WAY)

Command sponsored programs should address the needs of which of the following individuals?

Service members and their families when entering a new working and living environment

A staff and student personal relationship at a training command is permitted in which, if any, of the following situations?


Which of the following circumstances is NOT an example of a relationship that is contrary to good order and discipline?

A relationship that results in perceived preferential treatment

The unauthorized disclosure of Secret information causes which type of damage?


Material that is authorized to be transmitted vis U.S. Postal Service first class mail should have what highest security classification?


What UCMJ article governs procedures for submission of a formal complaint against a Commanding Officer?

Article 138

Every person in the Navy is held accountable for maintaining a specific level of conduct or behavior based upon what standard?

Core values

What maximum amount of time does a Sailor have to submit an appeal for Non-Judicial Punishment?

5 days

Of the following individuals, which one is NOT qualified to sit as a member in the special court-martial of LT. Very C. Pistol?

MM1 Water T. Door, USN

Under the Code of Conduct, a captured service member is required to provide what information?

Name, rank, service member, and date of birth

The extent of punishment permitted at Captain's Mast is determined by what factor?

Officers rank

What is the Navy's policy on alcohol consumption?

Responsible use

Failure to report a large, unwarranted increase in your paycheck may result in what charge?


Within your command, the Personal FInancial Management Program is overseen by what person?

Commanding Officer

A physician may recommend a Body Composition Assessment (BCA) waiver due to the prescription of a medication that is known to cause what action?

Weight gain

When using the stationary bike as the cardio event for a Physical Readiness Test (PRT), the duration time must be set to what specific number of minutes?

14 minutes

Light duty chits can be issued for what maximum number of days?

30 days

During an active shooter situation, when law enforcemenr arrives, you should take what action?

Put down any items in your hands

The evacuation phase of the active shooter response includes all of the following actions, EXCEPT which one?

Lock the door

When a member is injured during the Physical Readiness Test, the safety officer should report the injury to what authority?

Commander Naval Safety Center

Which of the following principles is/are part of Operational Risk Management (ORM)?

Accept risk when benefits outweigh the cost and anticipate and manage risk by planning

Until final disposition, the victims of sexual assault receive updates on the status of their case at what minimum interval?


The Department of the Navy's sexual assault program is governed by what document?


Which of the following is NOT a program designed to reduce suicides in the Navy?

Physical Readiness

When in uniform, whqat maximum size and color earrings are authorized for wear by a female Second Class Petty Officer?

5mm silver

Which of the following military uniform items is NOT authorized for use with civilian attire?

Blue working jacket

Authorized secondary warfare devices should be worn in what location?

1/4 inch BELOW top of left pocket

To show that it is the second such award, which of the following devices should be added to the ribbon representing a Navy-Marine Corps Achievement Medal?

Gold Star

When are you allowed to wear gold stripes on your service dress uniform?

After 12 years of continuous good conduct

*As of APRIL 2019, gold stripes are authorized for wear after 12 years of continuous service, whether good or bad. The PMK exam has not been edited to reflect this update to the regulation.*

A second Navy Achievement Award is indicated by what device?

Gold Star

When you have earned eight ribbons, what minimum number of ribbons are you authorized to wear?


A Captain in the United States Marine Corps is identified by what insignia?

Two silver bars

Treating someone unfavorably due to their race is known by what term?


Which of the following is NOT an unsubstantiated report in regards to domestic abuse allegations?


Which of the following relationships between the Division Offiver and the Leading Petty Officer is an example of fraternxzation?

The Leading Petty Officer (LPO) has loaned the Division Officer $100

Classified data is covered by what automated data processing (ADP) security level?

Level 1

The rules and limitations covering the behavior of a Petty Officer are contained in all of the following pubications, EXCEPT which one?

Uniform Regulations

Which of the following is a valid reason for extending working hours?

Completion of essential work

A Second Class Petty Officer is allowed to give a lawful order to a Thiurd Class Petty Officer who is not in his command, by what authority?


Extra duty may NOT be performed on which of the following days?


"A Sailor who has been convicted of Driving Under the Influence should have his base driving privileges suspended for what MINIMUM number of months?


The minimumm monthly requirement of command personnel that must submit for drug testing is what percentage?


Which of the following is an example of poor credit card management?

Impulse buying over the holidays

A user of tobacco products is ineligble for which of the following positions?

Command Fitness Leader

Service members are assessed twice a year for physical readiness with what minimum time between Physical Fitness Assessments?

4 months

All of the following exercises are contraindicated, EXCEPT which one?

Modified hurdler stretch

Conducting surveillance of established sectors of fire, while being able to immediately man a Crew Served Weapon, is the responsibility of what ship's force member?

Topside sentry-rover

Which of the following programs is designed to protect service members, civilian amployees, facilities, and equiptment against terrorism?

Anti Terrorism Force protection

Which of the following is NOT a principle of Operational Risk Management (ORM)?

Accept some necessary risk

Action, threats, or attempts to influence another's career in exchange for secual favors is known by what term?

Sexual harrassment

When approached with a complaint of sexual harrassment, a supervisor should take which of the following actions?

If the behavior is unnacceptable, take corrective action

What practice does NOT impact the potential for Sailors to commit suicide?

Drink responsibly

Personnel with shaving waivers are allowed to grow facial hair to what maximum length?

1/4 inch

Upon receipt of a second sea service deployment ribbon, you should attache what device to the existing ribbon?

Bronze service star

A Sailor is qualified to wear one Navy service stripe under which of thr following conditions?

Two years of reserve Army and two years of active Navy service

When large medals are worn in an overlapping manner, what maximum number are you authorized to wear in one row?


When you wear large medals as part of your fall dress uniform, wheere should you place your unit award ribbon?

1/4 inch above the right pocket seam

When worn with boots, you should fasten the blousing strap at what location?

The third eyelet down from the top of the boot

Equal opportunity training should be conducted at what minimum interval?

Every 12 months

Entering an unduly familiar relationship with another service member, that does not respect differences in rank, and is prejudicial to good order and discipline defines what term?


Which of the following relationships is NOT considered fraternization?

A male Petty Officer First Class and a female Petty Officer Second Class

Unclassified data is covered by what automated data processing (ADP) security level?

Level III

Overall policy guidance on information security is provided by which of the following agencies?

National Security Council

A Family Plan Certificate, NAVPERS 1740/6, is required to identify all of the following items, EXCEPT which one?

Day care arrangements

Navy unit reporting for fraternization incidents must be reported using what method?


A supervisor is authorized to extend a subordinate's working hours for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT which one?

To punish the subordinate for poor performance

Absence without leave (AWOL) is defined by what Uniform Code of Military Justice article?


Processing claims for and against thr Navy is the responsibility of what Department to the Navy office?

Office of the Judge Advocate General

The Family Advocacy Program is outlined in which of the following instructions?


A checking account has which of the following benefits?

Safety and proof of payment

What authority can NOT issue a medical waiver for the Physical Readiness Test?

Command Fitness Leader

Indications and warnings of terrorist activities against Navy installations are normally received from what source(s)?

Government security sources

A supervisor responsible for a task determines that an associated risk exceeds the benefit or value. He should take which of the following actions?

Reject the risk

Ensuring the Navy's Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) policy becomes an integral part of the day-to-day management of Navy personnel is the responsibility of what individual?

Commanding Officer

On the service dress white uniform for a Petty Officer with seven years service, what color are the service stripes?


Which of the following conditions does NOT require you to wear your unit identification tag?

Reporting to a new duty station

When you have earned eight ribbons, what minimum number of ribbons are you authorized to wear?


The dress uniform worn with large medals is described by what term?

Full dress

When personnel wear the non-formal dinner dress blue uniform, what is the neckwear for males and females?

Neckerchief, necktie

UPDATE: In the new dress blues with piping, both males and females wear neckerchiefs

Discriminating against a person due to the lightness, darkness, or other color characteristics of a person is known by what term?

Color Discrimination

Service members married to each other in a personal relationship should NOT be assigned to what same area?

Chain of Command

Which of the following persons is normally authorized to assign extra military instruction (EMI)?

Leading Chief Petty Officer

When a Sailor is overpaid, what action(s), if any, should he take?

Report the overpayment immediately and place it in a savings account

A Sailor with an involuntary allotment has likely demonstrated which of the following characteristics?

Financial instability

The Fitness Enhancement Program (FEP) is a command program designed to improve what function(s)?

Fitness and nutrition

Progressive levels of protection used by the Department of Defense in response to terrorist threats are known by what term?

Terrorist Force Protection Conditions

Which of the following cues may indicate that a person is at high risk for attempted suicide?

Severe depression and complete withdrawal from others

An E-6 with 15 years good conduct service will wear what number and color service stripes?

Three, gold

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Verified questions


Differentiate the primary reinforcers, secondary reinforcers, and generalized reinforcers, and site an example of each. Why are generalized reinforcers often quite powerful?

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Hoping to increase the chances of reaching a performance goal, the director of a research project has assigned three separate research teams the same task. The director estimates that the team probabilities are .9, .8, and .7 for successfully completing the task in the allotted time. Assuming that the teams work independently, what is the probability that the task will not be completed in time

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For itemized tax returns in the $\$ 60,000-\$ 75,000$ income group for the most recent year reported, the average charitable contribution was $\$ 1935$. Assume a normal distribution and a standard deviation of $\$ 400$. d. What level of contributions was exceeded by $40 \%$ of the itemized returns in this income group?

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Compute the total and annual returns on the following investments. Five years after buying $100$ shares of $\mathrm{XYZ}$ stock for $\$ 60$ per share, you sell the stock for $\$ 9400$.

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What maximum amount of time does a sailor have to submit an appeal?

The appeal must be submitted within five days of your hearing. There are three grounds for appeal: (1) there was not enough evidence to find you guilty; (2) the punishment imposed was too severe; or (3) the commander did not follow proper procedures.

What type of corrective measure is EMI?

Extra military instruction (EMI) is a type of military duty used to correct a deficiency of an individual. EMI is a nonpunitive measure approved by the Manual for Courts-Martial and outlined in the Manual of the Judge Advocate General.

Which of the following situations qualifies a sailor to wear one Navy service stripe?

All personnel wear one stripe for each four years of active duty service or reserve service in an active status in any of the armed services.

What is the maximum amount of bulk hair authorized?

The bulk of the hair shall not exceed approximately two inches. Bulk is defined as the distance that the mass of hair protrudes from the scalp. Hair coloring must look natural and complement the individual. Faddish styles and outrageous multicolored hair are not authorized.