Samsung power freeze wont turn off

Thanks very much Doug. Your solution certainly makes sense. We actually had the logic board replaced the first time this happened. We darn near bought a new fridge not knowing that the fridge could be manually reset. Based on this, I'm ruling out the board. I contacted a samsung rep regarding the issue as well as the possibility of the back up battery being bad. It appears the unit (Model RS2533SW)is not equipped with a battery. Or so I was told. Below is the transcript of my live chat:

Please wait for a Samsung Agent to respond.

You are now chatting with 'Nathan T'

Nathan T: Hello, I am a Samsung Technical Support representative. How may I assist you today?

Jim: I have a samgung frigde model rs2533sw. Whenever we have a power outage, the fridge turns off and we have to manually reset. Need help.

Nathan T: Did you try to adjust the temperature settings and check it?

Jim: That's not the issue. If we have a 5 second power outage, the temperature control panel goes blank and stops cooling. There is a blinking light only. We have to hold the two top buttons for a few seconds to get it to kick back on. We have lost several freezer loads of food. Does this model have a backup battery that may need replacement? Thanks

Nathan T: When returning from a power outage or brownout, the unit may power up properly but the display will show the actual temperature instead of the factory default set temperatures.

Nathan T: In this case, set the refrigerator to Power Cool and Power Freeze modes until the unit returns to the desired operating temperature.

Jim: Unit does not "return" form a power outage. After a power outage there is no display at all.

Nathan T: It appears that something else with the refrigerator might be causing the problem.

Nathan T: Unfortunately the refrigerator needs to be examined by a professional service technician to get it serviced to fix the issue.

Nathan T: Would you like me to send you the link to fill out an online service request?

Jim: No thanks. Can you tell me if this unit has a "back up battery" installed?

Nathan T: No, the unit does not have a back up battery.

Jim: Thanks for your help!

Nathan T: You're welcome. Is there anything else I can assist you with?


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The fridge freezer in question is a RS21 NCSV. It's 15 years old and has been great up to recently. The last few weeks it has spells of the "power freeze" light going on and off constantly, each time accompanied by a beep which is driving me crazy. It is still maintaining temperature ok, but this is evidently a fault. Anyone have a solution, even if it only how to disable the beeper?

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@xdrt33: What temperature is your freezer currently set to, and have you tried lowing it to see if this helps? There is a door alarm that beeps to indicate that the door is open, therefore I recommend checking the door seals on the fridge and freezer to make sure the doors are closing correctly. 


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Thanks for the feedback guys. I tried changing the set temperature - didn't solve the problem. The door seals look OK to me. It is now power freezing to well below the set temperature, and won't turn off from the panel - only if I pull the plug out. Let's face it - the control panel has had it. Finding a new one, plus someone competent to fit seems unlikely. Looks like Harry&co is right: time to replace it. No complaints - it's given me 15 years good service.


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No I didn't. But it's winter here now, and temperatures are much lower. The fridge / freezer is behaving itself with no problems. No doubt the problem will return in the summer. It seems to be impossible here to find a repair man who even pretends to be able to sort the problem. Let me know if you find a solution (other than colder weather).

How do I turn off power Freeze on Samsung refrigerator?

1. Press and hold Power Freeze for 3 seconds to activate. 2. To deactivate, press and hold Power Freeze for 3 seconds again.

How do I force my Samsung fridge to reset?

Press and hold the Power Cool and Power Freeze buttons simultaneously for five seconds. If the reset has worked, you'll hear a chime, and the fridge will start back up with the default settings.

What does power Freeze mean on my Samsung refrigerator?

Power Freeze speeds up the ice making process by reducing the amount of time it takes for the ice maker to make a tray of ice from 90 minutes to 55 minutes. To start the Power Freeze function, press the Power Freeze button. Both the compressor and the freezer fan will then run for up to 10 hours continuously.

Where is the reset button on my Samsung freezer?

You will need to locate the reset switch. This is usually underneath the ice maker, past the front cover. Simply press and hold this button until you hear the ice tray motor kick on. Close the freezer door and then wait up to 24-hours for operations to return to normal.


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