Running cadence here we go... motivated

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U.S. Drill Sergeant Field Recordings Here We Go... Motivated
here we go
around the track
one lap
no sweat
can you hang
can you hang
hell yea
hey you
you wanna be
like me
lead the way
i lead the way
for you
follow me
leads the way
here we go
on the run
for fun
do you like it
hell yea
do you like it
hell yea
feels so good
in your legs
feels so fine
in your spine
feels so fine
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in your head
do you like it
hell yea
you wanna be
like me
hell yea
you wanna be
like me
silver wings
on my chest
i am
america's best
here we go
hey you
you wanna be
like us
super duper
silvers wings
on a jet
we are america's best
sound off
sound off
hey you
up front
will you be
will you be
like me
hell yea
you wanna be
America's best

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