Rock and Roll Half Marathon DC 2022 pictures

More than 12,000 registered participants took to the streets of the US capital on Saturday, March 26, celebrating the 10th running of the United Airlines Rock ‘n’ Roll Running Series Washington DC.

The musically-themed event provided runners and walkers alike with a running tour that showcased the National Mall, the White House, the Capitol Building, the Lincoln Memorial, and more, before a finish at RFK Stadium all during peak cherry blossom season.

The second event in the Rock ‘n’ Roll Elite half marathon series took part at Rock ‘n’ Roll Washington, DC – with Justin Kent (Burnaby, BC, Canada) and Hirut Guangul (New York, NY) claiming victories.

The Rock ‘n’ Roll Elite half marathon series offered a shared US$10,000 elite prize purse and Elite Beat Rankings (EBR) points to the top three male and female finishers.

The new Rock ‘n’ Roll Elite half marathon competition offers elite runners an opportunity to showcase their talents in eight cities in North America, culminating with a grand finale at the 2023 edition of Rock ‘n’ Roll Running Series Las Vegas.









Several local bands, including Enviro Drum, Ocho de Bastos, Prettier in Person, BATALIA, and School of Rock performed live on band stages along the route interspersed with crowd support.

Runners were also treated to the sounds of local favourite White Ford Bronco whose lead singer, Gretchen Gustafson ran the half marathon just before taking the stage at the Finish Line Festival at the Armory Mall just outside RFK Stadium.

The Rock ‘n’ Roll Running Series is scheduled to continue in the United States with the St Jude Rock ‘n’ Roll Running Series Nashville on April 23-24, 2022.

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Justin Kent leads a group of runners past the Washington Monument on his way to winning the United Airlines Rock 'N' Roll Running Series Half...

The top three finishers of the Elite Men's category Justin Kent, Benjamin Preisner, and John Borjesson stand for a photo during the United Airlines...

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