Riddles how to get out of a room

One day suddenly, a fire broke out in Bryan’s office. All employees rushed to the street. In a hurry, Bryan and some of his office colleagues got stuck in a room. there was a door, but it was locked. There were 7 buttons of different colors on the panel. there was also a clue to the password but all buttons are of the same size and shape.

You are in a room with no windows, doors or any exit. The only items are a mirror and a table. How do you escape?

Hint: This is not a typical brain teaser.

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Look in the mirror, then at the wall and back at the mirror to see what you saw. Use the saw to cut the table in half and join the two halves to make a whole. Put the “hole” on the wall and climb out.

I know, it’s lame. I like to have brain teasers that you can realistically guess, but this one’s so popular, I feel an obligation to include it.

Look in the mirror, then at the wall and back at the mirror to see what you saw. Use the saw to cut the table in half and join the two halves to make a whole. Put the “hole” on the wall and climb out.

I know, it’s lame. I like to have brain teasers that you can realistically guess, but this one’s so popular, I feel an obligation to include it.

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Posted in Brain Teasers

Tagged with groaner


41 Comments on "A Room With No Windows"

Nikita says
July 5, 2014 @ 02:54

You look in the mirror to see what you saw, you take the saw and cut the table in half, two halves make a whole then you climb through the hole!

Makana says
March 24, 2015 @ 17:15

You look in the mirror, see what you saw, then saw a circle out of the room

Laura says
March 30, 2015 @ 22:31

You look in the mirror you see what you saw, you take the saw cut the tables in half, put the two halves together which makes a hole, climb through the hole and yell until your voice is hoarse, then take the horse and ride away!

Natalie says
May 27, 2015 @ 21:21

Look in the mirror, see what you saw, grab the saw, two halves make a whole. Put the two halves on the wall. crawl through the whole and your out!

Petra says
July 20, 2015 @ 05:03

There is no saw in the room. There is only a table and a mirror.
So how did he cut the table…. -.-

Dan says
July 20, 2015 @ 10:02

It’s a play on words. See the answer for a more thorough explanation.

Andre says
July 20, 2015 @ 16:35

If you don’t understand it don’t think logically in this riddle. This riddle requires a person to string a bunch of words, including all its meaning

Amy says
August 15, 2015 @ 18:16

look in the mirror to see what you saw you take the saw and cut the table in half two halts make a hole and you go in the hole

Ayesha says
August 17, 2015 @ 14:02

I wiil not understand this ans

ed says
August 29, 2015 @ 05:20

ayesha, it is a play on words:
Look in the mirror, see what you saw, grab the saw, (so now you have a saw)

Take the saw and saw the table in two halves
two halves make a whole (sounds like ‘hole’). Put the two halves on the wall. crawl through the whole (hole) and your out!

Jason says
September 5, 2015 @ 11:31

this riddle is a play on the English language, using Homophones. other languages will not have this issue as often as English does.

Cruize says
September 23, 2015 @ 09:48

Total nonsense

MoscowIdaho says
October 1, 2015 @ 03:31

How about just breaking the mirror or table in twos or threes, putting it together for the ‘whole’ and climb through it. Skip the saw part, cause ultimately the ‘hole’ is needed to climb out of.

Osama says
October 19, 2015 @ 14:51

Just stop imagining

fivebee says
December 15, 2015 @ 08:44

Look in the mirror(saw), take the saw, saw the table, put them back together (whole), and go through the hole.

Ruby says
December 21, 2015 @ 19:10

Y’all think too much about it. It’s a damn riddle. Something to be fun. Jeez. You guys are waayyyyy too serious about a joke

Jobiwa says
March 9, 2016 @ 02:04

You don’t hardly need the table. Eventually you will get bored, and then you can just saw the board in half.

joe says
April 11, 2016 @ 04:52

Look in the mirror to see what you saw, take the saw, cut the mirror in half, two halves make a whole, and then you climb through the hole. — no idea what the table is for.

Lollipop girl says
April 25, 2016 @ 11:29

OKAY OKAY we get it everyone has said the answer if u don’t get it too bad.

awesome gal says
May 28, 2016 @ 09:11

you look in the mirror and you see what you saw, you use the saw to cut the table in half, two halves make a whole and you jump through the hole.

Idiot says
August 2, 2016 @ 13:54

You look in the mirror to see what you saw. You use what you saw to cut the tame in half. You use the halls to make a whole and then you get out.

Andrew says
November 28, 2016 @ 20:42

.Sorry guys but if you’re in a closed room with only two items it’s impossible to see a saw. You’re screwed.

Isabella says
February 22, 2017 @ 02:40

You see what you saw you take out the saw you cut the table in half 2 halves make a whole. you go through that hole.

Miranda says
April 7, 2017 @ 23:48

U break the table in half, a half makes a whole and u crawl threw the hole lol. Or u can still do the mirror one works.

Ed says
April 13, 2017 @ 00:52

Punch the center of the mirror. Take a large shard of the broken mirror… Probably not a good sign that was the first place my head went.

nakeeya says
July 12, 2017 @ 23:29

this is still the most absurd riddle to imo…my dad told it to me once a year at least. he knows other, better riddles. he just likes this one. I never remember how it ends until I google it.

walter s says
April 26, 2018 @ 00:05

when he climbed out he found he was at the top of a cliff with no way down. The rain was coming down in sheets so he grabbed some and tied them together and climbed down. A river flowed at the bottom of the cliff so he walked along until he came to a ford. He jumped in the ford and drove off until he came to a fork in the road which gave him a flat. When he climbed the stairs of the flat he found two tarts. He ate the first one but the other one had a ladder in her stocking. He climbed the ladder and hasn’t been seen since.

Robert Satterthwaite says
January 5, 2019 @ 21:32

U look in the mirror u see what u saw, u take the saw, cut the table in half, two halves make a whole and u jump through the hole

Ellie H says
March 6, 2019 @ 22:19

You look in the mirror, you see what you saw, you take the saw, saw the table in half, two halves make one (w)hole, you jump through the hole, you scream until your voice is hoarse, you jump on the ho(a)rse, and you ride away!

mhia says
May 24, 2019 @ 20:59

you only say the items are the mirror and table, where is the saw dome from?

mindHaltnCatchfire says
October 16, 2019 @ 10:36

This riddle should be removed from existence.

You are in a room with no windows, doors or any exit. The only items are a mirror and a table. How do you escape?

No windows, no doors, or any exit; would assume there is no light to see what could have seen (saw) in the a mirror.
A whole doesn’t make a hole.

One can only presume the person in the box is now part of a quantum study similar to ‘Schroeder’s cat’.

Rosie says
November 2, 2019 @ 16:21

in the original the saw is obtained by scraping your hands against the wall until the are sore

Rozalynn says
April 15, 2020 @ 21:49

Now this one was kind of easy for me because I know this one by my heart if you ask me I can get this done in like what two seconds but you take a you took the I’m looking at you see what you saw and you take what you saw and cut this table in half 2 add two holes equal a whole so you call through the whole week is how you get this all because when you look in the mirror you see what you saw so you take what you saw and you cut the tape on top get it you don’t really get comment below and I can explain it better puppy while I don’t understand this please explain more

Rozalynn says
April 15, 2020 @ 21:53

Also the other one is if you have an orange and a knife you cut the orange in half with the knife and then you crawl to go hold because you have equal whole but yeah that’s the other one and that’s really need explaining because it’s really super easy cuz you have a knife in an orange and crawl through the hole so yeah that’s really it so I don’t really need to explain anymore but even if you don’t get it just let me know and I’ll do I’ll explain more

Hannah says
July 15, 2020 @ 04:42

I understand the wordplay now, but i didn’t at first… Y’all helped me out!

Hello says
November 30, 2020 @ 16:18

You look in the mirror and you see what you saw. You take the saw and cut the table into two halves. You put the two halves of the table together which makes a whole. You climb out the hole and yell until your voice is hoarse. You climb on the horse and run off.

debbie downer says
May 17, 2021 @ 16:48

hate to ruin this silly joke with logic but mirrors reflect the present not the past. So you have no “saw” cute word play for a child though. But not a good riddle.

Jason says
September 5, 2021 @ 23:58

this riddle is a play on the English language, using Homophones. other languages will not have this issue as often as English does.

Gabe says
October 12, 2021 @ 12:28

If you cut the mirror in half the reflective part will shatter making it a while before you can make a whole but cutting wood is easier than cutting glass so its more simple, also I like the “yell until your voice is hoarse and ride that horse away!” one . :D

required says
May 3, 2022 @ 19:32

Look at the mirror, see what you saw, saw the table in half, two halves make a hole and jump in the hole!

Emmanuel says
June 6, 2022 @ 15:48

You guys realize there can be a doorway without a door right? And yes, the roof is always sealed, but they didn’t say the doorway and window frames were sealed.

What is the answer to the room riddle?

So to conclude, the answer is six legs. Four legs of the bed and two of the man who walks into the room. Arguably, depending on the bed type, on several occasion, the answer can be two legs as well.

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The answer is: A mushroom.

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Light can fill a room but it takes up no space. The correct answer to the given statement is light.

What can you enter but not exit?

The answer to the social media puzzle is Keyboard. If you read the question carefully, you will notice that the keyboard has keys but no locks. It has space (space bar) but no rooms and you can enter (enter key) but you cannot go outside. You have no new updates.


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