Red dead redemption 2 defensive mode

I've spent hours looking for a legendary gator and i finally found one, only for 2 toxic cunts to come ram me in defensive mode and blow up my horse and somehow get away with the pelt intact? Seriously what the fuck is the point in it. The person who kills the legendary should be the only one that can skin it.

level 1

Haha glad you acknowledge that it is funny (previous comment), and people feel your pain for sure .

NGL, I found one of the gators the other day, and you bet your ass my heart rate went up to 8 billion. Switched to explosive rounds in all four guns. Anxiety maxed. I doubt I blinked even once.

Just terrified that what happened to you would happen to me. Got lucky!

level 1

i got shot for no reason and they just killed me instantly, whats the point of being in defensive mode

level 1

Whats it meant to do? And how does one get into it?

level 2

Defensive Mode is intended to hinder griefing for players who want a more passive RDO experience.

You can access Defensive Mode by pressing left on the D-Pad on console or L on PC. Navigate to Online Options and then switch the Play Style to Defensive. It will take effect in 30 seconds after closing the menu.

This makes it so that other players cannot use auto-aim to target you, you cannot be grappled or lassoed, and you ultimately sustain far more damage should another player attack you. It prevents crimes of opportunity, such as someone deciding to turn and shoot you in the back right after you ride past. It ideally allows you to go about your business, such as hunting, with more peace of mind.

level 1

Then they will just wait for you to skin it 1st before railroading you, and stealing the skinned pelt. We sorely need private/friend/crew lobbies like GTAO has.

level 1

Well you do still play in an online lobby with other people. Defensive is a deterrent, not an invincibility potion.

level 2

Op · 2 yr. ago · edited 2 yr. ago

Nah thats just exploiting a broken mechanic

level 1

They were role playing outlaws, its cool to be honest

level 2

"Role playing outlaws, reeeeee!" ..... "Emergent gameplay reeeeeeeeee!" .... "Victims thank us for making it more interesting, REEEEEEEEEEEEE". ROFL you keep telling yourself that, buddy!

level 2

Go to a RP server if you want RP.

level 1

Comment removed by moderator · 2 yr. ago

level 2

Why you commenting on an irrelevant post thats a month old with that shite :L strange individual.

level 2

I get it, its fucking hilarious reading it but jesus its fucking annoying being on the wrong end of it

level 1

The Defensive Mode is for the players who just want to enjoy the experiences in the game and not engage in pvp. But…it’s the defensive players exploiting the mode to attack other players or to win free-roam pvp. And in that case you are an unworthy opponent. You’re trash.

I was invited to run wagons on 5/10/22. And I came across a two player posse, after defending our wagon. They were so salty they had to go in defensive mode just to get a win. So in this case defensive mode is pointless, and rockstar needs to implement the moment a defensive player attacks any other player they should automatically come out of it. Or engage in any form of conflict in game.

level 1

Same thing happened to me with a legendary bear today. One I’d never seen before. I found it, and I killed it. Sure enough, some fuckhead blueberry shows up outta nowhere and starts shooting at me. They kill me, skin my bear, put it on their horse and sent it off so that I couldn’t locate the pelt anymore. I killed him as soon as I respawned, but I was not able to get my pelt back. It was an extreme dick move on his part. I was livid. Oh, and he killed my horse, because why not?🤷🏼‍♀️🥲

level 1

Defensive Mode is intended to hinder grieving for players who want a more passive RDO experience. But in reality it does absolutely nothing. You can be killed just a quick and easily with or without it, But that sentence will be beat into your head over and over when you ask what the point of defensive mode is. This is so they don't have to answer you. Rockstar don't give a shit about you they never did its all about your money and them parting you from it. Defensive does nothing it gives you nothing and will not do anything for you that is what you and everyone that is just trying to play the game in peace with out the bullshit grieving should take away from this great awesome gaming experience.

r they don't give a shit they never did

level 2

/u/Degra100, I have found an error in your comment:

“never did its [it's] all about your”

It would have been better if you, Degra100, had used “never did its [it's] all about your” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’.

This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!

How to change to Defensive mode in rdr2?

Tap [D-Pad: Left] to bring up the menu, then select 'Online Settings'. Scroll down to Playstyles and switch from 'Offensive' to 'Defensive'. After switching playstyles, you'll need to wait 30 seconds before the effect takes place. During that time, you can still be attacked like normal.

How do you avoid griefers in rdr2?

This means gunfights are just not worth anyone's time, which is meant to discourage griefers from attacking random players that have this mode turned on. To turn on this mode, open your Online Options menu. From there, you should see the Playing Style option. Toggle this from Offensive to Defensive Mode.

Is Red Dead online full of griefers?

Rockstar Games' Red Dead Online has its fair share of griefers and one particular NPC that saves players from being griefed in town.


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