Philosophy multiple choice questions and answers PDF

  1. The four main divisions of philosophy are metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and _____.

      a. bioethics
      b. logic
      c. aesthetics
      d. categorical logic
  2. The study of reality in the broadest sense, an inquiry into the elemental nature of the universe and the things in it, is known as _____.

      a. metaphysics
      b. epistemology
      c. quantum physics
      d. axiology
  3. Questions like “What is knowledge?” and “What is truth?” are mainstays in the branch of philosophy known as _____.

      a. logic
      b. metaphysics
      c. epistemology
      d. aesthetics
  4. For Socrates, an unexamined life is a tragedy because it results in grievous harm to _____.

      a. the state
      b. the justice system
      c. the body
      d. the soul
  5. For Socrates, the soul is harmed by lack of _____.

      a. knowledge
      b. wealth
      c. community
      d. courage
  6. A question-and-answer dialogue in which propositions are methodically scrutinized to uncover the truth is known as _____.

      a. an argument
      b. the Socratic method
      c. the Socratic jest
      d. a debate
  7. According to Socrates, a clear sign that a person has _____ is her exclusive pursuit of social status, wealth, power, and pleasure.

      a. philosophical ambition
      b. worldly wisdom
      c. exceptional desires
      d. an unhealthy soul
  8. The famous statement “An unexamined life is not worth living” is attributed to _____.

      a. Aristotle
      b. John Locke
      c. Socrates
      d. Plato

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Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental questions of nature and humankind. What do you know about this science?

The Philosophy Quiz contains several multiple choice trivia questions with multiple choice answers about the topic.

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Introduction to Philosophy Multiple Choice Questions

1. The total number of Vedas is .
A. one

B. two

C. three

D. four

Answer: D. four

2. Philosophy is originally a word.
A. english

B. latin

C. greek

D. spanish

Answer: C. greek

3. Philosophy deals with of reality.
A. a part

B. the whole

C. the illusion

D. none of these

Answer: B. the whole

4. ‘Esthetikos’ is a word.
A. greek

B. latin

C. french

D. spanish

Answer: A. greek

5. Taoism belongs to the tradition.
A. japanese

B. oriental

C. occidental

D. none of these

Answer: B. oriental

6. does not belong to Oriental tradition.
A. india

B. china

C. japan

D. none of these

Answer: D. none of these

7. is not a heterodox system.
A. samkhya

B. buddhism

C. lokayata

D. jainism

Answer: A. samkhya

8. implies ‘accepting the authority of the Vedas’.
A. heterodox

B. orthodox

C. oriental

D. occidental

Answer: B. orthodox

9. According to the law of karma, every karma leads to .
A. moksha

B. phala

C. dharma

D. all these

Answer: B. phala

10. The portion of Vedas that deals with rituals is known as .
A. mantras

B. brahmanas

C. aranyakas

D. upanishads

Answer: A. mantras

11. Polytheism implies as Monism refers to one.
A. two

B. three

C. many

D. all these

Answer: C. many

12. Belief in one God is referred as .
A. henotheism

B. monotheism

C. monism

D. polytheism

Answer: B. monotheism

13. Samkhya propounded .
A. dualism

B. monism

C. monotheism

D. polytheism

Answer: A. dualism

14. is an Oriental system.
A. buddhism

B. absolute idealism

C. scholasticism

D. all these

Answer: A. buddhism

15. ‘Scire’ is the root word of .
A. system

B. epistemology

C. sophia

D. science

Answer: D. science

16. Metaphysics is a branch of .
A. physics

B. metaethics

C. philosophy

D. none of these

Answer: C. philosophy

17. Science is not based on .
A. experiment

B. faith

C. observation

D. hypotheses

Answer: B. faith

18. is the inquiry into ‘being in general’.
A. ontology

B. physics

C. epistemology

D. ethics

Answer: A. ontology

19. is a representative of pluralism.
A. spinoza

B. fitche

C. descartes

D. leibnitz

Answer: D. leibnitz

20. is not a positive science.
A. biology

B. sociology

C. ethics

D. anthropology

Answer: C. ethics

21. Etymological meaning of the term ‘metaphysics’ is .
A. after physics

B. before physics

C. of physics

D. other than physics

Answer: A. after physics

22. Aristotle’s‘Metaphysics’ contains number of books.
A. 12

B. 16

C. 13

D. 14

Answer: D. 14

23. Ontology is related to as Ethics is to Axiology.
A. aesthetics

B. cosmology

C. idealism

D. metaphysics

Answer: D. metaphysics

24. The philosophical area which deals with the problem of Being is called
A. axiology

B. epistemology

C. materialism

D. ontology

Answer: D. ontology

25. is the ontological position that recognizes the one ultimate reality as matter.
A. materialism

B. spiritualism

C. m o n i s m

D. idealism

Answer: A. materialism

26. Marx is a whereas Hegel is an idealist.
A. materialist

B. dualist

C. pluralist

D. skeptic

Answer: A. materialist

27. Spinoza’s metaphysical position is known as .
A. materialism

B. dualism

C. pluralism

D. monism

Answer: D. monism

28. is regarded as the father of modern Empiricism.
A. john locke

B. david hume

C. rene descartes

D. immanuel kant

Answer: A. john locke

29. rejected innate ideas.
A. rene descartes

B. john locke

C. spinoza

D. none of these

Answer: B. john locke

30. is a monist.
A. spinoza

B. descartes

C. leibnitz

D. all these

Answer: A. spinoza

31. The theory of innate ideas was first propounded by_ .
A. john locke

B. spinoza

C. descartes

D. david hume

Answer: C. descartes

32. argue that objects do not exist independent of mind.
A. materialists

B. realists

C. objectivists

D. idealists

Answer: D. idealists

33. Hegel developed Idealism.
A. subjective

B. absolute

C. naïve

D. none of these

Answer: B. absolute

34. Esse est Percipi is the dictum of Idealism.
A. objective

B. subjective

C. absolute

D. all these

Answer: B. subjective

35. is the earliest representative of Greek Cosmology.
A. socrates

B. plato

C. thales

D. protagoras

Answer: C. thales

36. According to dualism, Reality is _.
A. twofold

B. many

C. one

D. indivisible

Answer: A. twofold

37. Ultimate reality is the concern of .
A. metaphysics

B. skepticism

C. aesthetics

D. pragmatism

Answer: A. metaphysics

38. Each science deals with of reality.
A. a part

B. the whole

C. all parts

D. none of these

Answer: A. a part

39. is a representative of idealism.
A. carvakas

B. marx

C. engels

D. none of these

Answer: D. none of these

40. Epistemology is concerned with of knowledge.
A. origin

B. validity

C. limitation

D. all these

Answer: D. all these

41. Skeptics consider truth as
A. certain

B. necessary

C. probable

D. practical

Answer: C. probable

42. hold coherence theory.
A. realists

B. idealists

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: B. idealists

43. John Dewey is a/an .
A. rationalist

B. absolutist

C. idealist

D. pragmatist

Answer: D. pragmatist

44. Mind-body dualism is the position of .
A. charles pierce

B. john dewey

C. descartes

D. none of these

Answer: C. descartes

45. coined of the term ‘Aesthetics’.
A. socrates

B. plato

C. aristotle

D. alexander baumgarten

Answer: D. alexander baumgarten

46. Summum bonum is the concern of .
A. aesthetics

B. metaphysics

C. epistemology

D. ethics

Answer: D. ethics

47. is a normative discipline.
A. ethics

B. aesthetics

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: C. both (a) and (b)

48. Positive sciences are basically .
A. descriptive

B. prescriptive

C. normative

D. all these

Answer: A. descriptive

49. Mores literally means .
A. norm

B. ethics

C. knowledge

D. custom

Answer: D. custom

50. ‘First Philosophy’ refers to .
A. aesthetics

B. metaphysics

C. epistemology

D. ethics

Answer: B. metaphysics

51. is the founder of Idealism.
A. hegel

B. spinoza

C. plato

D. aristotle

Answer: C. plato

52. Naturalism is the position of _.
A. aristotle

B. hegel

C. plato

D. none of these

Answer: A. aristotle

53. Ancient Greek atomism is .
A. monism

B. pluralism

C. dualism

D. idealism

Answer: B. pluralism
54. ‘Real is rational and rational is real’. This is the dictum of .
A. hegel

B. spinoza

C. marx

D. aristotle

Answer: A. hegel
55. Neutral Monism is the metaphysical position of .
A. marx

B. spinoza

C. berkeley

D. aristotle

Answer: B. spinoza

56. The pragmatist criterion of truth is .
A. god

B. perception

C. workability

D. none of these

Answer: C. workability
57. Transcendentalism refers to the philosophy of .
A. marx

B. kant

C. locke

D. aristotle

Answer: B. kant
58. Cartesian epistemology emphasizes as the source of true knowledge.
A. perception

B. faith

C. revelation

D. reason

Answer: D. reason
59. ‘True knowledge is a priori’. This is the view of _ .
A. empiricists

B. materialists

C. rationalists

D. all these

Answer: C. rationalists
60. Identify the odd one.
A. thales

B. anaximander

C. socrates

D. anaximenes

Answer: C. socrates

61. The term ‘right’ implies – according to .
A. rule

B. reason

C. desire

D. interest

Answer: A. rule
62. The child’s right to education necessarily implies the of parents to give it.
A. will

B. desire

C. refusal

D. duty

Answer: D. duty
63. Modern philosophers tried to reject the authority of .
A. renaissance

B. scholasticism

C. reason

D. all these

Answer: B. scholasticism
64. Rationalism and Empiricism represent the philosophy of era.
A. ionian

B. medieval

C. contemporary

D. modern

Answer: D. modern
65. The study of philosophy stimulates .
A. dogmatism

B. critical thinking

C. blind faith

D. all these

Answer: B. critical thinking
66. Empiricists regard ________ as the only source of knowledge.
A. reason

B. experience

C. intuition

D. analysis

Answer: B. experience

67. According to Descartes_________ is the source of real knowledge.
A. sense experience

B. reason

C. authority

D. none of these

Answer: B. reason
68. _________ is the position holding that there is no genuine knowledge.
A. skepticism

B. empiricism

C. realism

D. rationalism

Answer: A. skepticism
69. According to_______ theory of truth, a proposition is true when it agrees with reality or
A. correspondence

B. coherence

C. pragmatic

D. none of these

Answer: A. correspondence
70. ___________ is the theory of truth that emphasizes the norm of utility/practical value.
A. correspondence theory

B. pragmatic theory

C. coherence theory

D. none of these

Answer: B. pragmatic theory
71. According to_______ theory of truth, the truthfulness of a proposition is implicit in its
harmony with other propositions.
A. correspondence

B. coherence

C. pragmatic

D. none of the above

Answer: B. coherence
72. _______ divides perception into impressions and ideas.
A. john locke

B. immanuel kant

C. benedict spinoza

D. david hume

Answer: D. david hume

73. Subjective Idealism was propounded by___________.
A. george berkeley

B. david hume

C. john locke

D. rene descartes

Answer: A. george berkeley
74. ________ reconciled rationalism and empiricism.
A. immanuel kant

B. george berkeley

C. david hume

D. john locke

Answer: A. immanuel kant
75. _________ put forward the theory of monads.
A. rene descartes

B. leibnitz

C. john locke

D. george berkeley

Answer: B. leibnitz

76. The theory of mind-body dualism forms an important aspect in the philosophy of _________.
A. rene descartes

B. john locke

C. karl marx

D. leibnitz

Answer: A. rene descartes
77. ___________ is the branch of philosophy that deals with the problems concerning
A. metaphysics

B. ethics

C. aesthetics

D. epistemology

Answer: D. epistemology
78. The branch of Philosophy that deals with values is known as __________.
A. metaphysics

B. ontology

C. axiology

D. epistemology

Answer: C. axiology
79. __________ is a normative science.
A. logic

B. ethics

C. aesthetics

D. all these

Answer: D. all these
80. The root word of ‘Ethics’ means _________.
A. thought

B. customs

C. activity

D. good

Answer: B. customs

81. ___________ is not applicable to Science.
A. systematic body of knowledge

B. tentative knowledge

C. based on observation

D. hypothesis is significant

Answer: B. tentative knowledge
82. ___________ belongs to Applied Ethics.
A. environmental ethics

B. medical ethics

C. legal ethics

D. all these

Answer: D. all these

83. The Philosophical study of art and beauty is termed _________.
A. ethics

B. aesthetics

C. logic

D. drama

Answer: B. aesthetics

84. __________ is a mixed form of art.
A. dance

B. music

C. sculpture

D. painting

Answer: A. dance

85. The habitual performance of duties leads to ________.
A. rights

B. duties

C. virtues

D. none of these

Answer: C. virtues

86. The experience produced by a work of art is referred to as _________.
A. aesthetic experience

B. intuitive experience

C. direct experience

D. mystic experience

Answer: A. aesthetic experience

87. The Indian term for Aesthetics is ________.
A. soundarya sastra

B. asvadana sastra

C. sahradaya sastra

D. none of these

Answer: A. soundarya sastra

88. Identify the odd one.
A. socrates

B. aquinas

C. augustine

D. anselm

Answer: A. socrates

89. Protagoras belongs to the ________ School.
A. ionian

B. sophist

C. theistic

D. mystic

Answer: B. sophist

90. Identify the odd one.
A. metaphysics

B. axiology

C. epistemology

D. psychology

Answer: D. psychology

Introduction to Philosophy Objective Questions with Answers Pdf Download Online Test

What are the top 10 philosophical questions?

Bernadette Russell's top 10 philosophical questions children should ask.
How should we treat animals? ... .
What is love? ... .
Is everything connected? ... .
Can kindness change the world? ... .
Can I think myself happy? ... .
What is so great about the world anyway? ... .
What's the difference between grown ups and children? ... .
What is friendship?.

What are the 3 philosophical questions?

The 3 Big Questions of Philosophy.
What is knowledge? This refers to the following kinds of issues and questions: How can we know anything (i.e., the starting position of the radical skeptic)? ... .
How should we conduct ourselves? ... .
How should we govern ourselves?.

What are the philosophical questions and answers?

Impossible Philosophical Questions.
Does fate exist?.
Does an ideal government exist?.
Does life have a reason?.
Are there limitations to free speech?.
Are we a minuscule part of intelligent life in the universe?.
Does free will exist, or is every action predetermined?.

What is the most important question in philosophy?

The most important question is “What is the nature of the world we live in?” Thales and the Milesian school of philosophy in the 6th century BC considered this when looking for natural causes for natural phenomena.


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