Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Lexicon of Paradox use

The lexicon only really matters if you want the secret ending, if you choose to merge it, you'll have to go through a gauntlet of ability checks to make sense of it but I can't tell you what happens if you give it to Nocticula as I never did and couldn't even if I wanted since I always gave it to Galfrey.

Lexicon of Paradox, Part One is a Miscellaneous Item in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous that grants a permanent bonus when read and is required to achieve the secret ending of the game.

Lexicon of Paradox, Part One Information

This book grants a +1 competence bonus to DC on Conjuration spells.

"On the nature of rifts

That which we call a 'rift' is in fact close to the complete opposite — a 'suture' or a 'tie.' It is the place where two planes are stitched together, enmeshed to the point of merging.

Two types of rifts are encountered on the borders of the Worldwound — short-term natural rifts and stable, engineered rifts. The latter allow entire armies to pass freely between the Abyss and Golarion. They were created at points where the fabric of reality formed a specific type of 'fold,' where the Material Plane was closest to the Abyss. More information about these 'folds of reality' in former Sarkoris can be found in the Temple of Stone Manuscripts in the ruined city of Iz. Some of my own notes are also held there. I shall only make passing reference to them here.

At the moment of writing, five of these 'folds' have been identified. The most significant one was located near the Threshold fortress, and it was that which made the Worldwound possible. The second most significant rift, the Maiming of Iz, marks the ruins of the famous city. The third rift — the Gates of Midnight — is hidden in the Midnight Fane. The fourth — the Harrowing — leads to my personal laboratory. And, finally, the fifth — the Blood of Pulura — is located near the Sarkorian shrine.

All of the rifts within the perimeter of the Wound function as a single system. In a way, they are like a single entity, or offshoots from a single root. This means that closing them separately is impossible. They will disappear only when the source is uprooted, the main rift — that which some people call the Last Threshold, although it is in fact the true and original Worldwound.

The Wound cannot be closed using ordinary methods. The very manner in which it was opened protects it from interference. The only means of closing it requires..."

This is the last surviving page of a book that has been ripped in two. All the other pages are missing.

Lexicon of Paradox, Part One Notes & Tips

  • Lexicon of Paradox, Part One" is found in Areelu's Lab.

  • This item's bonus is obtained by reading it (right-click, and select Info).

  • Only the player character can gain the benefit of this item.

  • You do not lose this item's bonus if you respec your character.

Lexicon of Paradox, Part Two is a Miscellaneous Item in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous that grants a permanent bonus when read and is required to achieve the secret ending of the game.

Lexicon of Paradox, Part Two Information

  This book grants a +1 competence bonus to AC against demons.

"Key to the Last Threshold

Many mortal researchers have ventured to turn their scientific curiosity on the phenomenon that is the Worldwound, noting that 'it appears to have a life of its own.' Strange natural phenomena, spontaneously arising ruptures, unique vegetation, and living creatures found neither on Golarion nor in the Abyss, everything is constantly in flux, appearing and disappearing at unpredictable intervals. Through this movement and alteration, if not through its order, one can detect the logical functioning of the organs of a living being.

The truth is that, indeed, the Worldwound possesses a semblance of life, and its very structure presupposes a connection to a living soul. This line of reasoning sometimes leads me to... unscientific implications. Namely, if the creation is in essence a reflection of the creator, then can we say that the Worldwound is a reflection of my soul?

The Worldwound was created and then improved, and at the same time, a being of duality was cobbled together from the essence of the Abyss and the essence of a mortal soul. Normally, this process requires an essence taken from a creature with strength comparable to that of an empyreal or Abyssal lord, but there are ways to circumvent this requirement. In particular, through the use of the Nahyndrian crystal's rare power.

In this section, I refer to this being as the 'Key,' an instrument that allowed me to significantly expand and strengthen my original creation. Due to {mf|his|her} dual nature and connection to the Worldwound, the Key was given the opportunity to obtain amazing powers. However, everything has a price. The Worldwound is linked to the Key, but the Key is also linked to the Worldwound, and carries it in {mf|his|her} soul, like a deadly affliction.

This affliction is, indeed, fatal. The duality of the soul grants amazing powers, and primes the soul's owner for Transformation and for the bestowing of incredible abilities. But this duality is also slowly killing the soul's owner. This is a problem I have yet to solve."

Lexicon of Paradox, Part Two Notes & Tips

  • Lexicon of Paradox, Part Two is found in the Upper City, inside Nocticula's Palace.

  • This item's bonus is obtained by reading it (right-click, and select Info).

  • Only the player character can gain the benefit of this item.

  • You do not lose this item's bonus if you respec your character.

What happens when you use the lexicon of paradox?

The Lexicon of Paradox is a magical scientific work that can endow its owner with tremendous knowledge, but it also makes its owner a target in the eyes of many rivals.

Should I keep the lexicon of paradox?

Giving it to her is only good if you aren't doing an evil playthrough. Galfrey gives it back in act 5. There are reasons you may wish to have it during act 4, but the ultimate personal use of the book doesn't happen until the end of the game, so it's safe to give it to her in that regard.

Should you give the lexicon of paradox to Nocticula?

There are no reasons to give her the lexicon, no matter your paths and alignement. As evil, it's giving away power. As good, it's giving a precious tool to fight the worldwound to a freacking demon lord.

Where is the second half of lexicon of paradox?

It's on the bookshelf there.


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