Paschal High school student racial slur Reddit

A teacher who allowed a Paschal High School student to use the n-word multiple times during a class presentation in April no longer works for Fort Worth ISD, a district spokesperson told the Fort Worth Report.

However, Black community leaders expressed frustrations at the district’s lack of communication over the situation.

Read the full story at

Pastors in Fort Worth’s Black community gathered April 28 to express outrage and call for reforms in the wake of a video showing students laughing at the use of the n-word.

On the same day, Fort Worth ISD launched an investigation into a recorded incident where a student used a racial slur nine times in a class at Paschal High School, 3001 Forest Park Blvd. The community leaders said the district’s actions so far were seriously lacking.

Superintendent Kent Scribner said he planned to fire the teacher, who has not been publicly identified. The video showed the teacher appearing to endorse the student’s presentation and not acting when the rest of the class laughed loudly at the repeated use of the slur.

“I am disgusted by the inexcusable behavior that took place in a Paschal High School classroom. There is no place for this kind of language in our society, much less in our schools. I am appalled by the conduct of the adult in the room and saddened by the message that it sends to our students,” Scribner said in a statement.

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Mod · 10 mo. ago · Stickied commentLockedAnother Good Bot

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“It’s not about shutting white people up”

Should’ve been followed up with “just this hoe in particular”

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How brain dead do you have to be to film yourself being racist and then upload said video to TikTok??? Like honestly, were they expecting millions of likes and follows or something???

level 2

How brain dead do you have to be to be racist in the first place

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She didn’t know, they guy that called her it’s the one that is recording it and probably the one that uploaded it to TikTok

It’s like you calling your friend and recording him while he is being racist.

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My son showed me an uploaded video his work supervisor made, telling her audience she’s too drunk to work. Which she recorded at work. She will be let go today.

I think the instant gratification of strangers liking something you recorded in a few seconds is simply too great of an ego kick for many people to resist. Dopamine and all that.

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Where's the sobbing white girl tiktok

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Privilege, you can go out there and make this type of video and a legion of racists will come out to support you.

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How brain dead do you have to be


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“To describe Muslims, blacks and Asians”, no love for my Mexicans??? Wtf man.

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You great food having, fun party thrower!

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Glad that I am not the only one who noticed this.

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Business as usual. We always get ignored.

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You guys are fine, it’s us Guatemalans who don’t get any love.

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"Build the wall, but leave your tacos"

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she wasn't even creative with being racist. these are all the most generic racist terms ever. she must live with 80 year old white grandparents using these old terms

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Fr. If she was a little more creative this would have been fine /s

Reaction to a viral video of a Fort Worth high school student using racial slurs in a classroom presentation has included outrage and calls for the teacher’s firing.

Paschal High School and the Fort Worth school district are investigating the incident that occurred in a Paschal classroom, calling it “inexcusable.”

Fort Worth school district Superintendent Kent Scribner called the video “inexcusable.” He said “there is no place for this kind of language in our society” and that he is recommending to the school board that the teacher be fired.

I am appalled by the conduct of the adult in the room and saddened by the message that it sends to our students.

It is my recommendation to the Board that this teacher no longer be employed by Fort Worth ISD.

— Kent P. Scribner (@KentPScribner) April 28, 2022

Some on Twitter and Facebook have been reposting unedited versions of the video that appears to show a Paschal student saying the slur several times while presenting an interpretation of “Romeo and Juliet.”

At the beginning of the video, when introducing the student to the class before his presentation, the teacher in the classroom says that “the point is not to be offensive, it’s his interpretation.”

Most on social media seem to be calling for the teacher to be punished with some saying the identity of the student in the video should be made public. Many have called the video disgusting.

“Let’s make him famous,” one Facebook user said in a post sharing the unedited version of the video. “He was very aware of how offensive, racist and wrong his paper was going to be yet he proceeded.”

One woman called for all the students in the class to be punished as well.

“ ... The student reading it should also be accountable as well as the class for laughing,” she wrote in a comment to the school district’s Facebook post regarding the incident.

“This can be a cold hateful world but we have to hold people responsible in and out!” another person said in the comments.

Several commenters said the parents of the child should be embarrassed. Others said the teacher shouldn’t be fired for something the student said.

“Kick the student out!” one Facebook user said in a comment to the school district’s post.

Another user on Facebook said that there should be equal outrage for the use of another slur about white people in the video, and some said nobody should be punished if the assignment was to present a period-accurate interpretation of a scene from “Romeo and Juliet.”

Talk to the teacher first. Explain to him that it’s against policy but don’t fire him. You are just giving Fox News more ammunition.

— Nemajo (@nemajo) April 28, 2022

Another reply to Scribner’s statement posted on Twitter said the presentation was part of a lesson on how poorly slaves were treated in America.

It was part of a lesson demonstrating how slaves were treated. If you are "disgusted and saddended" by this type of lesson, it's a good thing you are leaving. BTW, thanks for helping make public education in Fort Worth less than mediocre.

— Joe Bradley (@joebhogan) April 28, 2022

The teacher at one point interrupts to say that students aren’t supposed to “set this to pre-Civil War” and that they are supposed to stay “true to the source material” before allowing the student to continue.

At the end of the video, it appears most students clapped while some said to stop clapping.

“I’m not clapping for that,” one of the students appears to say. “That’s literally racist.”

This story was originally published April 28, 2022 7:16 PM.

James Hartley is a breaking news journalist at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. He’s a North Texas native who joined the Star-Telegram team during a 2019 internship and just didn’t leave. He’s passionate about true stories and loves understated movies, good tea and scotch that’s out of his budget.


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