No job offer after reference check Reddit

Hello all, I wanted to get an advice from you. So , I have been in process of interview with a company for a job that I would like to get very much. My third and last interview was last wednesday with the head of the department and following that interview they asked me a reference from my current work. And last friday around 4pm they contacted with the reference I sent it to them. And she was very positive that their call went well and she actually said very nice things about me. I am not very experienced regarding all these interview processes so I am wondering whether it is a bad sign that they havent called me yet, 3rd work day following the reference check. (By the way I do not live in the states, if that makes a different.) How long on average does it take to make an offer after the reference check if the results are positive? I dont want to call them again to avoid from looking desperate, but do you think this is a bad sign? And they actually asked my salary expectation a day before the third interview and I provided them a number. Now looking back, the amount I asked wasnt crazy high but definitely way higher than I get from my current at which I am severely underpaid, do you think this may have caused a turnoff for them?

Thank you

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Posted byu/[deleted]2 months ago

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level 1

Where I'm at, we're required to do reference checks on the the top two candidates. Like, I may fully intend to offer to person X, and person Y was great, but just didn't score high enough to be person X, but we still have to check references on both.

Just in case something goes horribly wrong with our first choice.

level 2

Or they opt for another job. Often the top candidates are the top candidates for multiple roles. I was. I just had a candidate decline my offer because she was too.

Now number two had better kick ass!

level 1

It does happen sometimes that a reference will provide information that makes a hiring manager rethink their pick. Could be they determined you weren’t a good culture fit, or someone said something that raised a red flag.

level 1

That's so painful because you know you almost made it. The good news - when you're A top candidate you will find something else. I usually check references on the top two or three candidates because you never know... As a hiring supervisor I'm shocked at how many references I check that are lukewarm or even bad... Make sure you're confident in those references.

level 2

What questions do you ask the references? In previous management positions (private sector), I was taught only to confirm dates of employment and whether the employee is eligible for rehire.

level 2

Do they always contact your supervisor. I dont think my supervisor would provide a good reference

level 1

There may be a chance they found out you weren’t reachable.

level 2

I’ll never understand this. And that you find out at the last possible step. This reachable thing and the origins of the universe will forever be the greatest mysteries of life. /s

level 1

Right now, I am ref checking for my top 4 candidates to fill 1 open position. Because all 4 were great HR said to go with all 4 ref checks

level 1

I had my references checked and didn’t get the job. They told me I was in the top 2 and my references were great but the other person still scored higher than me.

level 2

Did they tell you your score? Or is that information they won't share?

level 2

i was in this same boat. i was bummed for sure. i asked if there was anything else i could’ve improved either with stronger references or anything i could’ve done to improve from my interview and they said no, i was great but it was just a tough choice and they wish they had 2 positions to fill. i’m guessing the person they selected was from within the agency. i would’ve been coming from another agency. i was still applying to positions even after references were checked cuz nothing was guaranteed so hang in there and keep applying OP!

level 1

Same thing happened to me about 5 years ago. I know the references were good so they just must have been getting references for the top candidates.

level 1

How long has it been since your references were contacted? I've had an instance where I was offered a position 3 months after my references were called.

level 2

HR is taking forever. They are backlogged like crazy.

level 1

It happens. I had that happen to me and I can only presume it's because I had a bad reference from someone I specifically left off for that reason. I made sure there was no need to call that person with the next interview/reference check and I got that job. I could not be happier. Blessing in disguise for sure!

level 1

Sometimes I check references on my top 2 because I liked them both and want the reference info to help with my decision. It’s disappointing but it doesn’t necessarily mean your references were bad - there was just something that put the other person slightly ahead. There has been many times when I wished I had two positions because I really liked two people but I had to pick just one.

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How long does it take to get a job offer after reference check?

Typically, you will only receive a job offer once a reference check has been completed; this is necessary so that they can verify the experience and references you gave on your résumé. It usually takes 2–3 days once the reference check is finished.

Can you not get the job after reference check?

Yes, it is entirely possible not to receive a job offer after a reference check. As previously mentioned, a reference check is a strong sign that you're being seriously considered for a job offer but, for a variety of reasons, does not guarantee that you'll be getting an offer.

Does reference check mean you got job?

A reference check typically means a hiring manager is near-ready to extend an offer to a candidate, and they want one final confirmation that you are the right fit for their team, Foss says.

Does checking references mean you got the job Reddit?

Speaking from a hiring POV, checking references is indeed often the final step prior to an offer, however that does not mean an offer is guaranteed.


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