Motels in milwaukee with weekly rates

Compare 324 available daily, weekly, monthly cheap motels, starts from $24 per night

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Discover cheap motel and hotel deals from,, and Airbnb South Milwaukee.

We help you compare the rates of millions of daily, weekly, and monthly motel stays for your next trip.

Save Up To 101%

Best Cheap Motels near South Milwaukee

Cheap Motels with Air Conditioning in South Milwaukee

Pet Friendly Cheap Motels in South Milwaukee

Cheap Motels with Family rooms in South Milwaukee

Cheap Motels with Hot Tub in South Milwaukee

What amenities should we pay attention before booking motels in South Milwaukee?

Best Motel Amenities in South Milwaukee Area

Rates is an important factor when you decide to book cheap motels. But amenities vary in different motels as well. Make sure the select the right amenity before you book in South Milwaukee. In South Milwaukee, 162 rentals offer Internet or Wifi, 162 rentals offer Parking Available, 151 rentals offer No Smoking. So, if you need Internet or Wifi during your motel stays, use the Internet or Wifi filter to compare these motels. Two amenities that are not typical are Gujarati, Skiing.

What is the price range of motels in South Milwaukee?

Cheap Motels Price Distribution in South Milwaukee

The graph shows the percentages of motels in each price bucket. South Milwaukee has the largest percentage (70.06%) of motel rentals in $50 - $100 price range.

Is there any cheap but pet friendly motels in South Milwaukee?

Pet friendly motels data statistics in South Milwaukee

39.51% of cheap motels in South Milwaukee are pet friendly. We know vacation homes or hotels are having pet friendly options, but how about motels? When searching your stays, please make sure to check the pet friendly option.

I will spend a weekend in South Milwaukee, where should I visit?

Suggested POIs in South Milwaukee

Good trails to visit in South Milwaukee?

Top Trails In South Milwaukee

Easy to hard trails near your motel stay in South Milwaukee: .

  • Mallard Lake Trail: 244 Cheap Motels
  • Oakleaf Trail: 236 Cheap Motels
  • Wehr Nature Center Trail: 235 Cheap Motels
  • Oakleaf Trail Loop: 338 Cheap Motels
  • Oak Leaf River Trail: 369 Cheap Motels
  • Crystal Ridge Loop: 101 Cheap Motels
  • Cliffside Park Trail: 173 Cheap Motels
  • Tabor Woods Trail: 428 Cheap Motels
  • Caledonia Open Space Trail: 209 Cheap Motels
  • Nicholson Wildlife Refuge: 499 Cheap Motels

What are the Airports in South Milwaukee?

Airports Options in South Milwaukee

Vacation Destinations Near South Milwaukee

* The displayed nightly rate may be estimated based on a future travel date. Narrow down your search with checkin and checkout dates to see the exact price.

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